I do remember, there were a few tobaccos which were like that in my stash. Surprisingly, they were all usually the SC flavors I purchased from Flavor Express or other vendors which carried the SC flavors; never figured out that oddity.
That really made me laugh, I don’t feel so guilty mixing weekly now!!! Your labelling is very detailed and professional . I am limited to a small bedroom cupboard for storage and shoe boxes for concentrates so cant go too mad which is probably just as well!!.
I have to give credit to @SessionDrummer for the labeling, I saw a couple of his labels and kind of copied his format. I mix so much just trying to keep myself and my daughter stocked up on @SessionDrummer S’mores Temptress, Pineapple Soft Serve, and Golden Grahams recipes and @Lynda_Marie recipes of Cookie Butter Crack, Color Me Crazy, and Fryed Custard of which we have created a new verb when we’re vaping it, we call it “Custarding” so very yummy
I also very much enjoy creating my own new recipes and after much experimentation I’ve actually come up with a few I think are stellar. My main goal is to enjoy my hobby and at the same time staying off the stinkies!
Have fun, keep on mixing, and Vape on!
I’m the opposite and I don’t mix enough ahead of time, and I’m super impatient and go on stints where I just stop mixing and use what I got until empty. The recipes I’ve tried to wait and steep always turn out bleh. On the upside I’ve created personal go-to recipes that will taste good with minimal time. Another factor for me is that it seems like not much tastes good to me, so while I have a bunch of flavors they don’t really get used all that much. I feel a little inspired and brave enough right now to go make some testers again though. I guess overall, it’s the failures that have stopped me from mixing too much.
Like Fiddy said, that’s what I was going to say. I make big batches of my ADVs (300ml) and always leave out the nic until ready to vape. I have mixes that have lasted quite a long time.
I believe we have all suffered that scenario, at one point or another, in our DIY juice mixing. You are not alone in that realm. It still happens with me today.
My move to NET only vaping came with quite a few reasons.
Even though I “thought” most of my tobacco mixes were good… synthetic tobacco flavors were just never good enough for me. Disappointed.
The “waiting” (to be disappointed) with a new synthetic tobacco mix was always intolerable. The probable (failed) outcome was another disappointment.
NET mixes actually tasted like tobacco. Duh! They were created with tobacco. Most of the time the outcome was great. No disappointment.
Now… the outcome of a NET is solely dependent upon the quality of the tobacco. Garbage in… Garbage out. Stellar in… Stellar out. It’s the same with most anything you cook, mix, etc.
So, to me, synthetic flavors were/are a disappointment. That’s what kept me from mixing. NET was a joy to vape. That’s what led me down the path of creating my own NET.
You either get used to disappointment, live with it, and/or deal with it… OR you do what is necessary to not be disappointed. What that “do” is, is solely up to each individual.
Others might be able to give you pointers or their opinion… but, that’s “what tastes good to them”; taste is subjective… “Grain of salt” and all that jazz, when getting info from others.
Yeah! On that note, I myself have been trying to make suggestions and share my experiences for people that may have the same taste as I do, as it seems like I have a different experience with mixing flavors than most people.