When do you stop?

I do something similar but I’ve been thinking of upping my ADVs to 1000 mls like you’ve been doing. It goes so fast! Plus, I just found some good pouring spouts for my big flavor bottles. After watching @EyeMSam I’ve been practicing my big pours :rofl:


I’ve been doing my ADV and ADV’s for my apartment mate and for a friend in 400ml batches. Gotten pretty darned good at the big pours. For the few other flavors I toy with to take breaks from my ADV, those are in 60ml batches. I’m a simple guy with simple tastes for my simple mind. :wink:


Simple is good…Einstein said that :tada:


he also said “Ich bin ein Berliner” …or was that hitler?


I looked it up… Says it was JFK who said that. :skull_and_crossbones:


Yes! Considered a turning point in the cold war. Thx, I learned something today.


hahaha i know. it was a joke


Ok, this is not an answer to WHEN do you stop, but more an answer to HOW do you stop uncontrolled buying of new flavors. Sooner or later you will jump into this rabbit hole and leaving it will be difficult. But… after 8 years and close to 600 flavors i finally found a way out last week (i hope).

So i was making a list what to buy at Nomz and the list was going longer and longer day by day until there were 72 flavors again. 117 pounds. I can accept that, i won’t be making another order for some time, besides in those 72 will most certainly be couple of jewels again, so it makes sense. Right?

I was thinking to complete the order by the end of January but i was not in a hurry anyway, because Nomz started throwing those 20% discounts twice a week, so i was thinking to catch one when i finally make the last check while i can still add one or two more; and if not, then i’d buy them next time which will be soon anyway since they are offering these discounts like crazy now.

And then it happened last week - over night Nomz has made most flavors 20% more expensive last week!!! Totally unexpected, instead of 20% discount, the price now is 20% more than originally was for most brands; that’s 40% difference out of nowhere and totally unexpected.

So instead of 117 pounds a day before, i’d have to pay 172 pounds now for the same order… Ofc, i could wait for another 20% discount, but that would still mean about 140 pounds, which is a robbery based on the offer i had on the table yesterday… So, fuck it, i’ll quit with this shit and never order again… and i’m still holding and i have zero interest of buying the flavors now. Maybe i’m out finally. Fingers crossed.


Hehe, very well said @mikser.

Yeah, that’s about right .

Fingers crossed my mixing mentor.



That’s a lot of flavor :eyes:


Agree. Too much flavor for someone who already has more flavors than all regional bakeries and sweet shops combined. But as always, i felt the need to order those Strawberries, my number 36 and 37, since i really need that SB Frappe, right? SD said big bottle approved, so it must be good. …and that SB Compote, that sounds like something that i’m really missing and i don’t have any SB Compote yet… and that Licorice number 3 that i despise in real life, but let’s see, it might be great here… and my custard number 17 for some reason, i already forgot what that is, but having another custard never hurts. And Sugar Cane, that must be precisely what you would need occasionally, right? And Corn FA since i never get enough corn from popcorn, so that might be a life saver for my popcorn attempts in case i’d someday want to step in that direction again… So all perfectly logical explanations. Until the next round. Rofl.

Oh yeah, i almost forgot to mention. I’m on zero nic for over 4 months and i should not crave for vaping anymore by all books. But here i am, ordering another 72 flavors, that i really really need. Not this time; i’m still holding. Day 5.


Congrats @Mikser, that’s a big deal.


It’s funny @Mikser, as you’re typing the words, I can hear the same ones, in my head LOL. “Come on, it’s CORN, who doesn’t need some CORN” !!!




@Mediocre_Remedial if you only knew …

Hehe, but it’ll be OK, all you need is one of these, and it’ll ALL be ok …

… and a spreadsheet …


I just have to admire how organized it is. You could start an underground e liquid business lol. Oh man I miss back when people used to be able to set up those pop up tents at the faires and stuff and sell homebrew juice. I didn’t vape back then but after hearing about tons of e liquid sellers being shut down it just sucks. My dad used to buy these lemon flavor e liquids he said they weren’t sweet and really good. Super cheap too. That seller got shut down after they changed the laws. So many good mixers making a small living on the side, just selling some nice juice.


Sssshhhh @Mediocre_Remedial. I did. :}


Heeeel yeeeeah!