When strangers ask to "hit" your vape....wtf

Every once and a while someone (non vaporer) and a stranger who sees me vaping or with my gear thinks it is normal and ok to ask me “hey, can I hit that?” or “hey, do you mind if I try yours?”. This has happened to me at bars, work and most recently at a poker game. I’m sure I’m not the only person this happens to so I’m curious how you react. Personally, I automatically refuse and just say no unless they magically pull a spare drip tip from their pocket. Never happens. I say if they want to try vaping or are just curious…go to a b&m. Honestly, they might as well ask me “hey, want to make out?” or “do you have any cooties? want mine?” Sorry for the rant but just venting on this…maybe it’s a Brooklyn mentality to be cold like that but…ugh.


I have never had this happen, thankfully, but I agree. That is so tacky and basically like a stranger asking if they can have a sip of your drink or a bite of your food. They wouldn’t go up to a stranger smoking a cigarette and ask if they could have a puff…or if they would, they shouldn’t cuz that’s gross. Ew! LoL.


exactly lol. My usual reply is “no sorry, I’m a little under the weather…don’t want to get you sick” but that can backfire if they say “that’s ok I’m a little sick too”. If that happens…I just stare at them for a few seconds then walk away silently lol.



In my younger years I used to play quite a bit of puff puff pass …ya know…smoking a d00bie with friends. I am a little torn on this one. Personally, I would probably base my yes or no on hygiene.

Also, I don’t quite agree with the “making out” analogy…or perhaps your vaping technique differs a bit from mine. :smiling_imp:

I have never been approached like that, but occasionally, the local vape store turns into a hang out (which it is set up awesomely for) and there is a little “hey check this flavor out” going on and people trading equipment back and forth. The people who are concerned grab a few of the tips out of the jar on the sales counter and use them.

I generally do but…there have been times where it happens so fast…shrug

In this day and age, I am thinking it probably best to keep your drip tip to yourself.


I have had it happen a couple time, though, not a total complete stranger… A coworker I had just met that day (my first day there), so we exchanged to try out each others setups and flavors, it was chill. And again at another workplace, a guy there I worked with, we became okay friends and all, but he would ask constantly to use mine- I always let him, which I guess was good, because there were days mine was dead or out of juice, he would return the favor. Never had a full on total stranger ask me, though. More often, i am vaping and someone sees in the distance a puff of ‘smoke’ and comes over to ask for a cigarette or lighter, to which i explain i only use a vape.

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got me on that one lol


hehe…sorry mah brother. You tee’d that one up, I couldn’t just let it pass :sunglasses:


feels good to say that doesn’t it :smile:


Lol I read this in a bad context. Sounds like Vape-rape


LMAO…slippin’ roofies in the vape juice…


Idk man, it happened so fast :laughing:

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I get this sometimes when I go to vape shops. Especially the ones around here who know me and use my mixes. They’ll sometimes as if they can hit what I’m vaping or to try theirs. My answer is always the same…I don’t mind if you have a drip tip that will fit, or if Its me trying theirs if I have a drip tip that fits. Or if they have condoms in the store I don’t mind that so much but prefer they or I use our respective tips. And even with that I still find it a little odd. Almost like going out on a date with your girlfriend who’s wearing your sister’s dress. Just not quite right :slight_smile:


perfect. awkward all around. lol


Nope, not doing it lol.

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I firmly believe that my vape is ranked among things other people don’t touch…
…My girlfriend
…My TV remote
…My French fries
…My bike


could not have said it better

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That had me in stitches. :joy::joy::joy:[quote=“SthrnMixer, post:12, topic:60135”]
Almost like going out on a date with your girlfriend who’s wearing your sister’s dress. Just not quite right :slight_smile:


Thanks for the giggles this morning. I really needed it guys!


I was in a local vape shop and one of the staff members of all people asked to hit my Aromamizer on my Reuleaux DNA 200. I told him sure, but I just got done licking my umm…self :wink: