When strangers ask to "hit" your vape....wtf

That’s too bad, once you get past the ego you can really start to enjoy and have fun. I love my juices and toys it’s such fun.


@Chuck6 unfortunately that is what deeming is doing, playing into BT’s hands.
Very sad.


Where do you live that 8-8 prevented them from upgrading? The shops around here, if anything got huge amounts of new stock in the months before because all their customers were stocking up. I still use my Ego batteries but the tanks were horrid. I use Innokin tanks or Target with the .5 SS C Cells. They’re handy simple little gadgets that won’t kill me if I lose one.

As for people hitting my vape, only my kids. If a stranger asked me I’d tell them the same I used to say when people wanted to hit my cig. “You don’t know where my mouth has been!” :imp:

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He’ll yeah love my hobby. Or is it hobby of live. Awwweeee screw it, I just live everything about it.

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I’ve smoked joints with strangers at concerts on many occasions. Never really thought about it vaping wise. If someone came up and asked to hit my vape I would just say no, sorry.

I do go to a shop in Virginia and the guy that works there is always handing me his mod and saying hit this. He has some great tasting flavors.


If you know him fuck yeah go for it. I know i have done that on the occasion. I looked at one of my fellow vapers at work, said hit this let me know what you think. I have to arm wrestle it back. Especially that dark vanilla bourbon.


If you hand me your mod with vanilla bourbon dark pipe in it, consider it a gift that I won’t be returning back to you.


I will get it back one way or another. What is y’all gun laws?


Pretty much open season for someone that won’t hand your mod back. No tag limit. But you can’t bait. And let’s face it, vanilla bourbon dark pipe is clearly baiting.


Lol, remember that the next time I make a batch. I know who won’t get any of that sweet nectar.


@TheTinMan1 @Skullblade789

Thanks for the laughs!!!


I live in VA…but I haven’t visited a shop in a long time since I started DIY…I have had many strangers ask to hit my mod though because of the way my vapor smells…I always ask them if they have their own drip tip and if they do it’s not a problem, but if they don’t it is a no go for me!!!


Disgusting. I just take a huge inhale and give them mouth to mouth :stuck_out_tongue:
Let’s just hope you both or neither of you have Herpes Simplex. You could pop the top off and let them tailpipe.
Twice I have spoken to strangers who vape and given them a spare 10ml I had on me (share with the brotherhood). A girl on the bus who knew I was a noob offered me a suck of what she had. From the other side of what you talk about, it did seem to be crossing a line. But I was more than happy to try :slight_smile:

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I’ve been walking back to hotels late at night from poker rooms and strangers in emergency (I had my headphones in mind you) would say they’re stuck and can they borrow my phone. I know it would turn into a sprint pursuit. Maybe the same with mods. You can be carrying over 100 quid , goodbye to that in a puff of smoke.

That’s what he said…



BUT ALAS, I have found a solution.

I sneezed on my IJust2 right after he asked…

He went away.

Problem solved :smiling_imp:


And yeah thanks for the laughs guys…and ladies. I missed you all, though I only know a few of you just barely. I went through the worlds worst year, not going into details here, but lemme just say I vaped crap and just didn’t care. I am back now, working in my chosen profession again, and hopefully back in the mix with my cloudy friends. Nothing but love for all of you…bringing BIG smiles and making me wonder WTF I was thinking going away for so long. (no not in jail)


well…with regards to the title of this topic, just do what I do, when they say can i try your vape just say “sure”, pick up your mod, lick the drip tip and pass it to them…when they look at you disgusted simply say “exactly”…

and welcome back btw…even though I didn’t know you before :grin: