Steam Craves, flavor chuckers, dual coils…
Steam Crave Aromamizers Plus & Supremes are dual vertical coil. And like @SessionDrummer mentioned they are near best, if not the best flavor producing Attys…
Well it’s been hinted at. Yes, it’s a phrase used both correctly and incorrectly. It depends on which side of the coin you are looking at.
Generally speaking, not always the case, there are a lot of dual coil rda’s that are better termed as a cloud chucker because that is what they are good for…and more of the single coil atty’s are better a producing a more concentrated flavor with less clouds.
But all in all it is a descriptor phrase to quickly convery a type of atomizer. I wouldn’t call my single coil entheon a cloud chucker. I would call it a flavor atty. to make it a cloud chucker would make it hotter than shit and burn my sensistive lips. Lol
Single coil RDAs often have very small chambers, which usually = very good flavor, but everyone else has said, there are plenty of dual coil RDAs that have great flavor too.
Personally, I prefer a warm to hot vape, so I’m a dual coil vaper, but for people who prefer a cooler vape, the single coil RDAs are often their choice.
Singles never worked for me and I tried quite a few. And the either Flavor or Clouds mentality is a myth… I’ve enjoyed both for years now with duals. I agree with you… you just need the right setup.
The market has changed, back in the day if you wanted flavor you needed to grab a “decent” dual coil setup.
I say decent because in comparison to now, even those have changed to better and/or worse.
However nowadays you can get great single coil atomizers, that perform such as good as duals without the need to run them at high wattage.
Neither setup (dual or single) I personally would label as superior over the other. It comes down to preference really or at least in my opinion.
I used for the last 2 years dual setups, very low ohm and high temperatures. This year however I decided to look at singles, because I needed a rta that I can run at work on a single battery mod, without having to change my batteries every 45 minutes, or/and vape at lower temp/watt in other words underpowered.
I did enjoy it quite a lot, flavor was actually on par with my duals, just a bit cooler, less battery changes and less juice consumption (not that I care about that alot) the vapor production was actually the same, I can fog out a whole room within 10 minutes with either setup
The last month I found great enjoyment vaping at much lower watts and single coil. As well as more restrictive airflow. I use ss coils around the .3-6 ohm range between 33-55 watts (build depending) and don’t miss dual coils.
So yeah as already mentioned it’s in my opinion a personal preference, and not a scientific fact or study that would make one or the other setup better.
Yeah, what you said.
Hmm, my Aromamizer Plus is a postless dual horizontal deck. Are you referring to the optional Velocity style deck for verticals because my AP has disappeared into a black hole inside my house somewhere and I need it NOW…wah! (I wanted to put it on my new VSticking VK530). I see there’s a series deck, too. This peaks my interest. Have you tried it?
The series deck is a series deck great if you want to get your resistance up for a series or a lipo mod or just like a higher resistance. It works exactly as advertised. I love it on my Whiterose lipo as it means I can put a build in it that is relatively compact for a higher resistance SS316L build.
5 wraps 4x28 with a 36 fuse ss316l 4mm id
I love single coil builds, cooler and they require less af. Double builds are tasty but I personally can’t get the kind of hit that works for me with them.
Like @woftam I am using the series deck on the Plus. 6 loop braids using 32g ni80. Comes out to about .65 ohms and rocking it on a lipo PWM at 7.5 watts. It will cloud out the house and flavor for days.
Love it! Thanks for the response. I’d like to get one soon. I’m sure my AP will show up soon; I’ll make it, lol.
Couldn’t agree more. And it perpetuates itself. Notably among the newer generation of DIY’ers. Especially the ones that have yet to develop that all-important king of the virtues. Sometimes I just have to cringe a little after seeing some of the steeping rituals that get spread around.
From Hot Rice to Microwaves… BOY O’ BOY… really insane! I bought into some of it a long time ago. Now I just shake well (by hand) and store. You’ll never notice a difference.
You should start a myth busters thread.
WAIT! You mean I don’t need to strap on one of these things…
… load the pockets up with fresh mixes, lay in a tub of scalding hot water for 45 minutes, and then go for a 10 mile run? WTF! You mean I’ve been lied to, all this time?
The top 4 pockets are for your Gorilla bottles!
Even if you are not shaking your mixes, you should still strap one of those on. Putting it on my bucket list right now
It’s called a molly vest, you don’t want to wear one. If you are wearing one your probably not having any fun.
I probably should have reread what I posted. I meant both Steam Crave RDTAs are dual coil. The Aromamizer Supreme is dual vertical.
Sorry for any misunderstanding