Alright ive been avoiding work like the plaque so gotta run…
Freddie, They currently have a LOT of job openings (at least they did 2 weeks ago).
In the vape industry, they are considered the largest distro in the country. With over 200 employees, they likely are the biggest in the US.
Here’s the link to their current openings:
I have 1 RUM that is really spot on. maybe just a drop or 2 will give it the right vibe. I’ll do one with and 1 without
@Todd_Shop Yes thanks much, I’ll send another resume into them soon.
Will have to check again. Id love to drive over for my flavors and supplies. I know they have a pick up window. Yes They are hugh… probably supply more vape shops/stores in the USA than anyone else.
Hope you find what your looking for! thanks
It was definitely NOT overly sweet. Yes, it was somewhat sweet, but not so much that it messed up your coils after a short time. My favorite creamy flavor right now is Vapetasia’s Killer Kustard. But even though it is good, it doesn’t hold a candle to the rich, smooth, decadent, creamy flavor of Conundrum. Also, Whipped and Swirl by Vape Pink (Propaganda) is similar, but again nowhere as creamy and decadent as Conundrum.
I know this isn’t much help. Really sorry I can’t do better at describing it other than mentioning that it did not taste like alcohol, or smoky, or caramel, or even fruity. Just a rich, smooth, creamy flavor. There are many flavors of juice out there that name several flavors in their description, however, most of the ones I’ve tried have only one or two flavors that you can actually taste. The rest is all dreams. LOL.
I did not mean for this thread to blow up like it has.
I wanted the OP @Todd_Shop to learn to mix as I do not know anyone willing to make juice for life for her and her son… Is why I posted the link to the guide. here it is again, please Mary… have a good long read.
Mixing is super simple… fun tasty and very cheap to do, rather than to buy ejuices…
You need a scale
your base preference: (pg/vg) you should know on rations, since you have owned a shop for 3 years and how thick to thin your juice are… so you are one step ahead already
Start with solo (1) flavor, 5 empty 10ml bottles… and add in drops…2 drops second bottle 4 drops and so on. Mark where you can start to taste, where it taste good and recognize when that flavor can turn south.
Note… this works for the ultra flavors like medicine flower and flavorah… it might take more with standard flavors: lo tfa cap fa rf wf etc…
Pick out the flavors you taste in your juice you want to clone… then look at all of the flavor manufactures and buy those flavors… then do your solos and then put it all together.
Sure it takes time… but rather than wait for some nice person to send you juice to sample… you yourself could even have a head start too.
for the juice in that time period, it could be tfa brulee, inw brulee or flv brulee, for the cognac, it’s tfa or seedmans…
I do not use any other brand than flv… and the cognac I have is not available to the public. So it cancels me completely out. if others will send juice to you, that might be good… but keep in mind, we all mix according to our own tongue.
Keeping that in mind… is why I suggested for you to learn on your own on how to mix juice.
I hope Lars will catch up with you, but there are some very valid points here on this thread for us all to think on.
The caramel / butterscotch I mentioned before is to add to the Custard not for taste , but a silky smooth texture and sweetens it up as well…
I am rather sad tho there is no interest in learning to mix… if you aren’t… and yet posting for a recipe contest?? oh boy… a 30ml will just be a tease and you will not reproduce more…
let me go do some chores…
I was thinking caramel as well, for that reason, rich middle note to deepen the base.
I’m probably out, since there’s some other very experienced mixers on the case, but I will surely be keeping an eye on the thread to see what develops.
I looked up the Conundrum juice and they say it contains no DAAP. (hard to believe if its that decadent ) lol
Would you mind if it contained flavorings that have some DAPP in them if it’s a very small % or are you looking for DAAP free juice?
Ahhh shit I didn’t even think of that…
if it is no daap then that eliminates tfa and inw… next to use is flv brulee…
however… tfa brandy had something bad in it too… that kills that… as well as inw…
so chances are it was a formulation from a lab most diy’ers wont be able to get their hands on.
flv has no brandy/cognac yet…
Thanks… @fidalgo_vapes @anon84779643
Did you catch the flavor profile/experience link @worm1 posted?
They say it’s Certified diketone free
I could mix it, but it’d be a one time thing.
Hi, Mary! I’m taste testing the rough draft of the recipe right now, and it’s got lots of promise. It’s going to take some time because this kind of mix needs to steep, then adjust and steep again, but so far, so good. Very hard to say anything at 5 minutes off the scale other than it’s not a big crazy mess and should steep well
I need to know your preferred nicotine strength and PG/VG ratio.
Guys and Gals, let’s all calm our nerves and have a toot?
Puff puff… bogarts
I need this.
@fidalgo_vapes @Plunderdrum whatever happened to this recipe? I know I stirred up a can of worms and made a person feel pretty crappy but I truly am curious.