Wismec Reuleaux RX200 Horror Reports

I bought some samsung batteries from a shop that were discharging at different rate after a while and sometimes will go back on charge and 1/3 will be .6-.8 difference in voltage. I tried some mxjo and Imren and they all discharge and charge together and they were never even married, I used them in different devices and got them at different times. I think some companies are taking advantage of the “18650” increase by vaping and putting out crap and “clone” or “rewrap” batteries. Not sure if you have tried other batteries or not but just a thought…Also not endorsing those companies just saying my 3000 mah 35a drain ones(of both those brands-both yellow too), have ended up making performance and drain seem a bit more like they were intended…Rather than blowing through 3 1850s in a few hrs time, I was ready to bring my RX back haha

Nice rad on the uneven charge with USB port on the RX200

I have always been a bit leery charging 18650 batteries in the device via USB, especially in this device with three batteries. I do it out of convenience but always pull the batteries and fully charge them on an external charger at least once a week. The Reuleaux is a great device for the money so I am not going to quibble about uneven charging through a USB. I have several different multi-battery devices and none of them charge or discharge the batteries evenly. The key is to use married sets of batteries and charge them externally whenever practicable.

I’ve noticed the same on mine. I’ll go to charge the batteries and the back two batteries will be down to 1 bar but the front battery will be 2-3 bars.

I just experienced my first auto-fire. I was in the other room when I heard my Rx200 crackling and I ran in to find it firing on its own!?! It has done it 5 more times in the last hour!

You seem to be having a run of bad luck lately my friend. Just read about your hurricane experience too, I missed all of that. Hopefully a wave of good luck is on it’s way!

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I had a similar experience with my first Evic Mini…after tightening my rta down too tight.
Havent had an issue yet since.
From what I had gathered since that experience is: although the pitch diameter is the same, there is no standard 510 length…and if you crank down your tank/dripper(to make it sit flush), you will damage your mod.

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Wow ok that’s kinda scary, something like that could be catastrophic if you wasn’t home. Just scary

Yep!! I took the tanks of of both Rx200s and shelved them. Not worth the chance…

What tanks were they bro ?

Crowns of course. I have used the RXs since they were released and I haven’t had any issues until last night. Fluke? Not sure…

Well yes you are a crown guy. That’s just a strange thing to happen.

Now the damn thing won’t shut off!?! WTF!!

It went from perfect to shit in a matter of hours…

Damn sounds like the fire button got a short in it. I haven’t heard of that happening

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The added tech makes me nervous w these mods these days… My sig 150 has been running strong since day one… Over a year ago… Been through hell, even took a long bath 75% submerged in a puddle… For 20 minutes!.. Good luck @DarthVapor hope that you figure out what’s up w that mod

Also add I’m w you guys on wicking, the tfv4 mini… Mine runs great then randomly stops wicking, haven’t played with it too much because of that reason. But even running good I still miss dripping!

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Let me say it again, samething happen to my Evic, its a joyetech thing with the center pin. I didnt even have mine a week, I realized what happened and purchased a replacement the next day.

Well that would be a short bro. Didn’t mean to affend anymore.

No no, not offended…just people should know not to crank their tanks down to always sit flush, cause sometimes it causes damage, especially to joyetech devices when used with long centerpin type tanks.

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I’m using mine since December - no issues at all. Vaping at 70-120W.


I’m still using mine and no issues whatsoever. In my daily rotation since release various attys used. Performs in all modes, i use ss and ti.