Wonder Flavors Tasting Notes

OK. I think this is one of their best so far that I’ve tried. Reminds me very much of what VapeWild calls Tiramisu. Anything above 2% and it gets almost a burnt tire exhale feel, but at the right % it’s one of the best, most complex single flavors I’ve ever used. Love it.

I was lucky and had an old LLC still active so I got their SC sampler pack at the beginning of the year. Some really, really nice ones they have.


Your on a mission to be Flavor King arent you???

How many flavors do you actually have ??? I do love the fact that your all in across the board though TPA - MF and more


@anon70102222 You see, you ARE needed here. If I got burnt tires (I had a failed recipe once, that one of my testers actually called Burnt Tires and Assholes LOL), I would have trashed it, but now that I see what you’ve mentioned, maybe not. I’ll add that to my next buy list.


Man @fidalgo_vapes I don’t even know. I stopped officially adding them to my stash. I gotta get them all organized, and get on that. I’m thinking 900, maybe 950 now probably. Am/was/is going through a new and exciting mixing slump, decided to toss back from SF tests for my own sanity. King ?? Maybe, King of having a big ass mess !!!


Boysenberry Raspberry (WF) 3.5% (8-21-19) – You’ve gotta love it when you put off doing SF tests, start baaaaack up again, and the first one out of the gate (2nd series) is a winner. OK, BoysenRasp, what gives ? I’ve had a hard time with many (despite INW Rasp being my most used, but MF Wild Rasp being my favorite) where most are either non-existant, perfumey/soapy, or just really strong/artificial. This one was NONE of the above. VERY nicely done blend of boysn and rasp, with an almost perfect amount of sour punch to get your interest, just barely enough sweet to keep you interested, and just a great darker-ish berry pairing. Neither steals the show, but both are present. Sometimes you get that FIRST thought when testing, and mine on this flavor was, “Wow, really good, AND, they didn’t make it too sweet”. Nothing off-putting, overly artificial, just a really good pairing (I’m repeating). Good enough for a 2nd tank for me, and you COULD run this one solo, as I feel it’s that good. Leaned towards the darker side which I prefer, and despite repeated tanks/vapes, could never which one was leading the other. I hate to compare it, but it is similar to FA Forrest Fruit. NOT the same, but that puts you in the ballpark. 9.9/10.


You prefer INW rasp ocer MF wild rasp


Well that’s hard to fully explain, MF IS my favorite, but for some reason, I find I end up using the INW more. Will have to think on why that is. Maybe I should EDIT (LOL) the review to say both. Good catch @fidalgo_vapes. The MF is just unworldly good, but the INW has this certain punchy-ness to it, that I find hard to explain, WHICH, might be why I use it more ??

Thanks for taking the time, to sift through the SF notes.


This feels more accurate…

I’ve had a hard time with many (despite INW Rasp being my most used, but MF Wild Rasp being my favorite) where most are either non-existant, perfumey/soapy, or just really strong/artificial.


Alot of MF flaves are my favorite , but I use others bc I know that people fornthe most part dont have MF . Recently I havent cared about that though


Butterscotch Cream Pie (WF) 3.5% (8-24-19) – This one required a 2nd tankful to try and figure it out. Overall, it does what it says, with clear Butterscotch over and undertones, some creaminess, and some crust. The BS reminded me more of CAP v2. but still good in this mix. The tripple pairing was even, with sweeteness right in the midde. As is the case with many cream/pie/crust flavors it could use some boosting to top it off, but as it stands, not too bad. Would surely be a nice base for a BCP with minor tweaking to turn it up. At the end of the 2nd tester tank, felt good @ 7.5/10.


Chocolate Cookie Pie Crust (WF) 3.5% (8-24-19) – What IS this one ?? When mixing up series 2, I thought I almost got a nutty tobacco off of this one when smelling it. Hmmmm. I was expecting an Oreo cookie like flavor, but this was not. It wasn’t bad per se, but I got an overwhelming nutty-ness to it, with possible, subtle choco undertones. The choco was low, and if present, barely perceivable. I could see this one simply as a bakery mixer, but not much more. Almost a nutty, bakery, creamy, sweetish blend(er). No cookies and cream here. Per the name, would have to leave it @ 4.5/10.


Cinnamon Pastry (WF) 3.5% (8-24-19) – I think WF chose this namely wisely, as upon first vaping, I felt something was missing. This is NOT a cinnamon ROLL, but pastry. The cinnamon was on point, but something felt off with the pastry-ish finish. It was hard for me to really get into this one as I favor a more buttery, roll-ey finish. This was even, sweet, but almost had a slight sour-ness to the finish. The cinna ? The pastry ? Not sure. Maybe a combo of both. Overall it was even, but the lacking roll, and buttery-ness left me wanting, and that left the somewhat off-ish / sour-ish finish remaining on deck after every vape. Not one of my favorites, so leaving it @ 4/10.


Coconut Custard (SC) (WF) 3.5% (8-24-19) – I love custards, and I love coconut, so what could go wrong, right ? Well first off, this had a deliciously light custard note which leaned more towards FA Custard, than CAP VC, which was great. The coconut was right up there with it, BUT, there was a strange astringent aftertaste note that I couldn’t shake. It wasn’t off-putting, BUT your mileage is going to vary, you’re going to love it, or hate it. I think it was coming from the coconut, and it was almost like an overly dry coconut flakey-ness note. I can’t decide if I like it or not. Leaning towards not. It had NONE of the (IMO) greasiness of TPA’s Coconut Extra, which was a huge plus. With the coconut aftertaste note being the only thing that left me guessing, could leave this at a 7/10 easily.


I have tried this SC, and I have also previously done my own coconut and custard mixing because it sounds like a good combo. All of them have had that wonky afterblow that disappointed. I thought it was my own experiments, but this one too mimics that. I can’t seem to make coconut work for me.


I love Coconut Custard but it is a tricky flavor and so far has only made it into 1 mix I like but I have tried plenty. My average % in a mix so far is 1.86%. I get a sweet almost pineapple flavor with it too, that is what throws me off.


TPA Coconut Candy, FA Coconut, FLV Sweet Coconut and I won’t count the one that costs some stupid amount of money but those are true staples and actually get it right which is rare. I bet VTA will butcher coconut if they already haven’t either because I heard it’s hard to make right. So props to TPA for the Candy and not sun tan lotion.


Thank you @anon70102222 at least it wasn’t just me. Tell you what, thanks to @JoJo I recently did some Delosi SF tests, and their Coconut is by far the BEST I have ever tasted. Probably be the only big bottle I buy from them, perhaps I should follow in YOUR footsteps with THAT Coconut ? !!


Cream Filling (WF) 3.5% (8-24-19) – Wow, not only did this one smell great on mixing, but just as good vaping it. Not overly complex, and somewhat sweet, was a nice vanilla cream mix. Continued vaping proved exactly more of the same. Although it is not an SC, it was somewhat light at my 3.5% testing rate. Not bad, not bad at all. Hard to explain fully, but not a white vanilla cream, def. a yellow vanilla cream, but no real custard notes, maybe a hint of pudding notes, but only a hint. This one makes me want to double it @ 7% and see what happens. At the 3.5% test rate, even being laid back, it did what it did well. 8.5/10.


TPA CC and FLV Sweet Coconut are my go to’s as well, I like to mix 0.50% RFSC Coconut with those 2 for a delicious coconut base @woftam turned me onto. I know I have FA Coconut but haven’t gotten around to using it much, too many coconuts, too little time :grin:

I gotta get more into testing all the coconuts I have, FLV Sweet Coconut might be my all-around favorite but I don’t think I have a coconut I can use by itself, always needs another to get what I am after. FLV Coconut is not bad but too uber strong, 1 drop in 30ml is a lot for me, might try diluting it so it is easier to work with.

I do still love me some INW Cocopilada and there Coconut Cookies comes in handy in some recipes.

I had a Coconut Caramel Ice Blended coffee from Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf the other day, now I need to mix up something like that…delicious.


Creme Brulee Cookies (WF) 3.5% (8-25-19) – After vaping this one, I got the same afternote / astringent note that I got from the Coconut Custard, so I’m thinking now, it is from WF’s custard, not the Coconut. But, with that said, I wasn’t getting much burnt / caramelized sugar from this, but more of a custard. Not a terrible custard, and it reminded me a bit of INW Custard, BUT, it had that same damn off-putting aftertaste as mentioned above. Wasn’t getting much cookie despite looking for it. This seemed more of an egg-ish type custard, with an astringent aftertaste. For me the aftertaste kind of blew it for me, BUT, your mileage will vary depending on your tastes, especially in regards to custards. For MY tastes, I couldn’t get paste the aftertaste, so will leave it @ 4/10.