Wow, 2020 has really sucked as a year so far

Stressful times will show everyone their own true colors. Good or bad. I work at a grocery store and I’ve seen it all. But what I’ve seen most is peoples resilience and compassion. I too have lost someone dear to me recently and I know he’s up there right now with Kenny Rogers looking down on us saying, yup, I knew it was time to fold em too. Maybe I am naive, but I see people rising to the occasion and becoming stronger through adversity. Stay upbeat and share your TP.


You have my heart felt sympathies… As far as everything else you said is concerned - well said! I

I myself, am waiting to get scheduled for hard to find testing, but am at least lucky enough (to some degree), that I’m used to being at home most of the time anyhow (except for my monthly dr - palliative care/ pain mgt appts) & enjoy my own company enough that I’m not crazed half out of my mind. I realize a lot of ppl are over-stressing, but they need to sit back and relax a little… redirect focus on other things (other than the virus, money issues, or bashing others for ANY reason) & take the time to do productive and/ or more positive things that will leave you feeling like you accomplished something when ya lay your head down for the night… Know it may sound easier said than done, but if ppl take all that pent up energy & redirect it - it will do you (& others around you) a lot more.goodnthan you realize. That is what should be infectious overall, for everyone. Like Session Drummer, those who still can - should maybe think of doing what you can for another not as lucky or healthy as you… For example, if youre in a location to, help someone out by mowing their lawn or maybe some yard work that they’re not able to get to for whatever reason - you’ll give a smile to someone else & get a lot more out of it for yourself - whithout even realizing it… 1st and foremost, people need to be more kind to each other, esp at a time like this… We all need to pull together, not divide further apart - as this crisis too shall pass. How we treat each other will last a lot longer & do more wonders for good. Im not a tree hugger or some meditative guru - just someone that believes in the good we all have.deep down inside.(that has been lost somewhere, for many over recent years. Like a smile, kindness is an infectious entity in its own right & what actually, should be spread around.

While I truly feel for you SD, you are a prime example of what people should aspire to be like… You are obviously a good person that has had a positive effect on someone that probably needed something like that, with all that they went & were going through. I’m sure you put a smile on his face, and a warm feeling of gratitude in his heart, and made all the difference to him in his time of need, so that he could also truly rest in peace… and in knowing someone cared


Thank you very much @Gem6155, that is very generous of you to say.


Exactly, @Gem6155 … I have my mix room completely santized, organized and it makes me feel so much better. Going thru doing a bunch of spring cleaning now and only stopping for breaks to bounce on line for a bit… Doing positive things really does help with how one feels :slight_smile:

If something is out of your hands for the moment, that is all it is… for the moment… what goes down does come back up…

I think the first step is to just get started :slight_smile: the rest will happen on it’s own sweet time…

Gem, you are a sweet person, can tell… take care of you and your family… and come back and get to posting! :slight_smile: