WTF or what the actual F

Right, because that shadow person is laughing up their sleeve!


Do you have a cat? But seriously, everytime I go to mix, there’s one I can‘t find (well lately actually several). I‘m at a point where I have to rethink my organization and redo it, which I‘ve been putting off for weeks.


So last night I looked everywhere for a bottle of Sweet Cream and couldn’t find it for the life of me. Finally got frustrated and decided to make some coils. Afterward, I’m putting the wire spools away and right there in front of me was the stupid bottle. I think because I have soo many flavors (I only use 1/3 of them), that I couldn’t see the forest for the trees. I need to slim down the stash…


This thread has jinxed me. I started a mix the other day and I couldn’t find the flavor I was looking for. Stop talking about this!


What can’t you find, a cat, or a flavor? :wink:


This thread has made me feel not so bad about my lack of organization. I’m just now getting my act together and numbering and color-coding all of my flavors and I’m finding an embarrassing number of duplicates. I have no idea how I’ve managed to do this. BUT, if I do misplace one, chances are I’ll have a second bottle handy! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


I’ve organized but I still have duplicates. Part of that was somehow having 2 by mistake in my cart or just plain forgetting that I already bought that flavor a long time ago. Imagine placing an order and already forgetting what you put in your cart because the order is so long. Demented :crazy_face: Now I check all my orders to make sure I don’t see a 2 in parentheses. If I ever see a (3) I’m turning myself in.


LOL, Do you want to know something hilarious?

I never even HAD the flavour I thought I lost!!! I made the recipe because I thought it was on the way and when it got here I was gonna put it in… A month later… Wait, I must have lost it!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Pssst. Don’t tell anyone ok?