Xcube 2 upgrade Issues

@DarthVapor I’m the same mate i have 6 or 7 tokes out of one tank then onto the next one. Love the change of flavours. Ha. Got 2x tfv4’s, unwell crown, billow v2, kangertech sub tank, 2x vct a1’s, smok tct, eh pro morph and 4or5 naturevape tanks of various ohm’s.
Oh and my 2 drippers. 7 mods.
That should do for now eh? Ha :ok_hand:

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That should get you through until the end of next week, if you’re lucky :wink:

I just got another crown yesterday because I’m a fan of that one :slight_smile:

I ordered a black one though and the bastards sent me a SS one…Pretty upset about that because the day before I got a black eleaf 100w for work and it was the reason I ordered a black one. It would of looked sexy :heart_eyes:

So now I have to go out and buy a SS eleaf 100w and a black crown so that I can bring harmony and balance back to my vape world


@DarthVapor one needs harmony in one’s life. Cant have things unbalanced :smile::smile::smile:


Any chance you can get me the old firmware installation software? I saw that you kinda got this whole thing figured out

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Of course! Just PM me your email and I’ll send them over right away! Do you need any of the hex(firmware) files or only the installer? Also have you ever used the old installer or do you need instructions?


i have version 1.06 and it wont let me upgrade or upate anything, i have the beta isntaller for the firmware but everytime i go to connect my xcube 2 it always reads invalid I.D chip please help me out it wont even let me vape on my xcube 2, any suggestions?

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is it authentic?? that would be the first thing to check?

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Yes it is, I got it from a smoke shop that works closely with SMOK’s distributors.

Damn it!
Although the app is working for me, I can’t seem to register an account to login to buy the upgrades!!!
Everyone I do, I see the clock timer thingy for a fraction of a second and then I’m stuck on the same screen with all my registration info still there…it just doesn’t advance.

Ahhhh!!! Memories :confounded:

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Do you keep pressing the fire button while upgrading? If you don’t, it won’t work. You have to press it when you connect and keep it pressed until the update is finished.

Have you updated the app? I had problems with my Android device, but I succeeded with an iPad…

I’m gonna try it on my girlfriend’s iPad after dinner…I’m sure it’ll work then.

What the hell does “invalid token” even mean???
I get this now when I complete registration!
Still can’t login to upgrade

Your question reminds me of “PC LOAD LETTER” in Office Space.

U ever get this “fixed?” If you did, how is that cube working for you? I dont want to bring up our earlier (immature on my part) slap fight, I am genuinely curious. I despise my Xcube, and had I not spent nearly $500 on flavors this month, I would probably buy a second DNA.

I know how frustrating it is, I got that error message when their servers were down I believe.

Meh, I haven’t this week, but yeah I tried on my 2 android devices, even tried on my gf ’ s iphone…it won’t let me create an account yet, but I’m patient, it’ll happen.
I’m using it right now with a stainless build in a Billow V1 and I’m liking the SS in wattage mode.
I’ve got temp control on my Koopor Mini and was able to try tc with a ti build…and I had some flavor issues, but that could have been attributed to a slight change in my recipe w a dx flavor, new cotton, or wrapping loosies again with ti…regardless, I dunno if I’m actually a fan of tc. And I say this because I kinda like the heat, reminds me of analogs…and I rarely get dry hits unless something is wrong with one of my wicks in this billow.
Thanks for reaching out TRW…I’m good with wattage for the time being, but I will revisit tc again soon.
On a quasi tc related note…as much as I’m digging working w ss, I really don’t like building below .5 ohms…and with ss and ti, I’m not able to get enough wraps to keep the resistance up where I like to vape, and it kinda limits my ability to switch my tanks from device to device.
For example, I’m at .12 ohms w this stainless build…so I’m stuck on the cube as its the only thing I’ve got that will do 100watts(and I don’t wanna use a build like this on a mech), and to be honest, this is my first time I’ve seen 100w, and I much prefer battery life and for my juice to last longer. The clouds aren’t significantly bigger and the flavor isn’t that much greater…for me.
But I am having fun experimenting and trying all of this and making use of what I’ve got, as well as some of the extra headroom the cube has to offer…I kinda needed to blaze through this last recipe anyways.

I had no problems upgrading to 1.093, that is if you’re not counting having to buy the temp option all over again :rage:

I decided to try registering again tonight, I had been trying to use this screen name as my login, but after changing to one without numbers in it I had SUCCESS!!!
Even upgrade to Ti and SS with no problems!!
Bring on temp control!!!

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Victory is sweet!

Curious to see if your temp control pulses with the screen. I thought mine was doing that but now I am not sure. It seems the higher the resistance of the build the faster the pulsing, to the point where my Bellus built at 0.3Ohms is not horribly worse than on the IPV3 Li. . .dont get me wrong, it is worse, but vapable. I think mine just needs more signal than it can get off of low ohm builds. Unfortunately, you really cant build very high resistances with Ti. that 0.3 ohm build was duals with 5 wraps of 30 gauge and it fouled more quickly than larger wire. Thus, it might work better with a single coil tank like a Crown.

What has been helpful in the diagnosis is running my DNA plugged into the PC. I can feel the change in the draw as the mod regulates the temperature, but the DNA and the IPV do it much less intrusively than the “eXcube” as @Pro_Vapes likes to call it.

Anyway, happy for you. My hiccup happened while I was travelling and it tainted my vacation, so I feel you.