Xi'an Taima flavors

NO. Tobacco Series 烟草系 (T1-T143)
English name
Chinese name
English name
Chinese name
T1 Marlboro 万宝路 T2 RY4 如烟4
T3 Tobacco 烟草 T4 RY5 如烟5
T5 State Express/555 三五 T6 RY6 如烟6
T7 Cigar 雪茄 T8 Lucky strike 好彩
T9 Camel 骆驼 T10 Reinter 双面人
T11 Benson 本森 T12 Western Tobacco 西方烟草
T13 Newport 纽宝 T14 Cordyceps Sinensis 冬虫夏草
T15 Lambert&Butler/L&B 兰博 T16 Cellini 雪莲那
T17 Hilton 希尔顿 T18 Club 俱乐部
T19 Winston 云斯顿 T20 Elysee 爱丽舍
T21 Dunhill 登喜路 T22 Carolina 卡罗莱纳
T23 B&H 金边臣 T24 Canal Boat 运河船
T25 Kent 箭牌 T26 Petersen 彼得森
T27 Davidoff 大卫杜夫 T28 Germany springwater 春泉(德国泉水)
T29 Hope 希望 T30 520 520
T31 Cabin 卡宾 T32 Maba 马霸
T33 Korean Tobacco 韩国烟草 T34 Havana DRY 哈瓦那DRY
T35 Turkish tobacco 土耳其烟草 T36 Shisha 水烟
T37 Arabic Tobacco 阿拉伯烟草 T38 Red vapure 红烟
T39 Black tobacco 黑烟草 T40 Latakia 拉塔基亚
T41 Old Captain 老船长 T42 Rosebud 夏莲
T43 Cubana 古巴 T44 Tuscan 托斯卡纳
T45 Crued tobacco 烤烟型 T46 Cohiba 高希霸
T47 Black Merle 黑摩尔 T48 Virginia 维吉尼亚 烤烟型
T49 Pall Mall 波迈(帕尔玛) T50 Tobacco Blended 烟草混合型
T51 Burley Tobacco 白肋烟 T52 French Pipe 法国烟斗
T53 USA-mix 美国混合型 T54 Cigar Cherry 雪茄樱桃
T55 Deluxe 豪华 T56 Golden Virginia 金色维吉尼亚
T57 L&M 烟蓝 T58 Mild Seven 柔和七星
T59 Danish 丹尼斯 T60 Seven Stars 七星
T61 Borkum Riff 帆船 T62 Lark 云雀/百灵鸟
T63 Have Perfumed smoke 薰烟 T64 Peace 和平
T65 Caster 卡斯特 T66 Eastern tobacco 东方烟草
T67 Parliament 百乐门 T68 Marlboro Lights 特醇万宝路
T69 General 将军 T70 Indian Tobacco 印度烟草
T71 Rothmans 乐富门 T72 Black Devil 黑魔鬼
T73 Flue crued tobacco 明火烤烟 T74 Black&Mild 黑色的柔和烟草
T75 Black Fire Tobacco 黑色火焰的烟草 T76 234 Dji Sam Soe 印尼三宝麟234丁香烟
T77 Peter stuyvesant 彼得斯蒂文森 T78 Sampoerna 印尼三宝麟丁香烟
T79 Chesterfield 比斯特菲尔德 T80 Gudang Garam 印尼盐仓丁香烟
T81 Djarum Super 印尼达吉姆丁香烟
T82 SuryaGudang Garam 印尼盐仓丁香烟
(古当姆 微凉)
T83 Concentrated
fragrance tobacco
浓烟型烟草 T84 Cocoa Chocolate Tobacco 可可巧克力烟草
T85 light frangance tobacco 淡烟型香草 T86 Gold Ducat 黄金金币
T87 di jarum black 黑达吉姆 T88 Luck 幸运
T89 Drum 德拉姆 T90 Tobacco Plum 烟草酸梅子
T91 Tobacco aroma oil (make all tobacco e liquid taste more like real cigarette) 烟草芬香油 T92 Special base flavor (make e liquid thicker and smoother) 特醇底料
T93 Royal 皇室 T94 Flue Cured 熏烟
T95 Winfiled 温菲尔德 T96 Honey Flue Cured 蜂蜜烟熏
T97 Philip Morris 菲利普·莫瑞斯 T98 Maryland 马里兰
T99 Island Tobacco (tobacco+coconut +chocolate) 岛烟草 (烟草+椰子+巧克力) T100 Louisiana 美国路易斯安那州
T101 America red tobacco 美国红色烟草 T102 DK Tab 徳康烟草香料
T103 Mystic 神秘主义者 T104 Prime 15 青年15
T105 Orque 56 扭矩 56 T106 HX3 HX3
T107 Bella Valente 贝拉瓦伦特 T108 Amber Leaf Tobacco 烟灰味道的香料
T109 Tobacco Coffee 烟草咖啡 T110 Black Walnut and Tobacco 黑胡桃烟草
T111 Captain Black 黑船长 T112 Captain Jack 杰克船长
T113 Black vapure 黑烟 T114 Septwolves 七匹狼
T115 Maxx Blend 马斯混合型 T116 VCT( Vanilla Custard Tobacco) 香草奶油冻烟草
T117 Snuff 鼻烟 T118 Captain Black Vanilla 黑船长香草
T119 Philip Morris Mango 菲利普·莫瑞斯芒果 T120 Virginia flue cured 烤烟烟熏
T121 Captain Black Cherry 黑船长樱桃 T122 Tribeca 翠贝卡
T123 Cowboy Blend 牛仔混合 T124 Prince 王子
T125 Kentucky Tobacco 肯塔基烟草 T126 Tobacco Mango 烟草芒果
T127 Tobacco Vanilla 烟草香草 T128 Tobacco Barberry 烟草法国杨梅
T129 Tobacco Apple 烟草苹果 T130 Tobacco Caramel 烟草焦糖
T131 Tobacco Cherry 烟草樱桃 T132 Tobacco Chocolade 烟草巧克力
T133 Tobacco Honey 烟草蜂蜜 T134 Tobacco Menthol 烟草薄荷醇
T135 Tobacco Orange 烟草香橙 T136 Desert Ship Blend 沙漠船混合
T137 Orange Peel Tobacco 陈皮烟草 T138 Nut tobacco 坚果烟草
T139 Black Cigar 黑雪茄 T140 Marlboro Red 万宝路红
T141 Tobacco Grape 烟草葡萄 T142 Tobacco Watermelon 烟草西瓜
T143 Longhorn 长角牛
No. Mint Series 薄荷系 (M1-M33)
English name
Chinese name
M1 Mint 薄荷
M2 Menthol 薄荷醇
M3 Salem 沙龙
M4 MB Menthol 万宝路薄荷
M5 Manhattan menthol (newport) 曼哈顿薄荷醇(纽宝)
M6 Lemon Mint 柠檬薄荷
M7 Ice Menthol 冰薄荷
M8 Mint Gum 薄荷口香糖
M9 Minty Chocolate 薄荷巧克力
M10 Esse 韩国人喜欢的口味(爱喜)
M11 Coolmint Gum 薄荷糖
M12 Spearmint 荷兰薄荷(留兰香)
M13 Camel Menthol 骆驼薄荷
M14 Tobacco Mint 烟草薄荷
M15 Kent Mint 箭牌薄荷
M16 Dunhill Menthol 登喜路薄荷
M17 Mint Candy 薄荷糖
M18 Peppermint 胡椒薄荷
M19 Kool 库尔
M20 Sam Mint 山姆薄荷
M21 Malibu Menthol 马里布薄荷醇
M22 Coolmist Menthol 冷雾薄荷醇
M23 Truepure Menthol 真纯薄荷醇
M24 Menta piperita 薄荷晒斑
M25 Blackcurrant Menthol 黑加仑薄荷
M26 Spearmint Oil 留兰香油
M27 Mint Bubblegum 薄荷泡泡糖
M28 Mild Mint 柔和薄荷
M29 Pineapple Menthol 菠萝薄荷醇
M30 Lemon Spearmint 柠檬留兰香 柠檬留兰香
M31 Mint tea 薄荷茶
M32 Dragon Fruit Menthol 火龙果薄荷醇
M33 Love 66 20%蜜瓜+ 20%百香果+ 20%薄荷+40%西瓜
NO. Fruit &Herb&Flower Series 水果系及花草系 (F1-F376)
English name
Chinese name
English name
Chinese name
F1 Plum 酸梅子 F2 Clove 丁香
F3 Strawberry 草莓 F4 Vanilla 香草
F5 Blueberry 蓝莓 F6 Liquorice 甘草
F7 Greengage 青梅 F8 Green Tea 绿茶
F9 Bayberry 杨梅 F10 Black Tea 红茶
F11 Peach 桃子 F12 Amaretto 意大利苦杏仁酒
F13 Dark Plum 乌梅 F14 Angelica 当归
F15 Grape 葡萄 F16 Red Bean Ice Cream 红豆冰淇淋
F17 Red Apple 红苹果 F18 Goji berry 枸杞
F19 Green Apple 绿苹果 F20 Ginseng 人参
F21 Double Apples 苹果混合 F22 Hineysuckle 金银花
F23 Mango 芒果 F24 Dr pepper 胡椒博士
F25 Cherry 樱桃 F26 Rose 玫瑰
F27 Mandarin 桔子 F28 Jasmine 茉莉
F29 Orange 香橙 F30 Lavender 薰衣草
F31 Key Lime 青柠檬 F32 Oats 燕麦
F33 Lemon 柠檬 F34 Honey Apple 蜂蜜苹果
F35 Banana 香蕉 F36 Rosemary 迷迭香
F37 Pineapple 菠萝 F38 Osmanthus Fragrans 桂花
F39 Pear F40 Mung bean 绿豆
F41 Cinnamon 肉桂 F42 Lamberti 蓝博酒
F43 Litchi 荔枝 F44 Kirsch(Cherry Brandy) 樱桃白兰地
F45 Granny Smith 蛇果 F46 Cappuccino 卡布奇诺
F47 Grape Fruit 西柚/柚子 F48 Coffee Chocolate 咖啡巧克力
F49 Honeydew 蜜瓜 F50 Fruit punch 果汁喷趣酒
F51 Peanut 花生 F52 Rum martini 马蹄朗姆酒
F53 Dragon Fruit flavor 火龙果香精 F54 Cream Rum 奶油朗姆酒
F55 Forest Fruit 森林水果 F56 Eggnog 蛋酒
F57 Passion fruit 百香果 F58 Vermouth 苦艾酒
F59 Tropical fruit 热带水果 F60 Whisky 威士忌
F61 Apple pie 苹果派 F62 Red Bull 红牛
F63 Betel nut 槟榔 F64 White Coffee 白咖啡
F65 Red Bean 红豆 F66 Pepsi Cola 百事可乐
F67 Peanut Butter 花生酱 F68 Beer 啤酒
F69 Longan 龙眼/桂圆 F70 Caramel Mocha 焦糖摩卡
F71 Ginger 生姜 F72 Caramel 焦糖
F73 Ice cream 冰淇淋 F74 Butter Rum 黄油朗姆
F75 Ketchup 番茄酱 F76 Coca cola 可口可乐
F77 Honey 蜂蜜 F78 Skittles 彩虹糖
F79 Vanilla Bean 香荚兰豆 F80 Grape Blue Mist 葡萄蓝雾
F81 Berry 浆果 F82 Rum 朗姆
F83 Hawthorn 山楂 F84 Brandy 白兰地酒
F85 Raspberry 树莓 F86 VitaminA/B/C/D 维他命A/B/C/D
F87 Gream Plum 奶油话梅 F88 Champagne 香槟
F89 Swiss sugar 瑞士糖 F90 Red Wine 红酒
F91 Walnut 核桃 F92 Rum Raisin 葡萄兰姆酒
F93 Black Currant 黑加仑 F94 Mojito 莫吉托
F95 Coolmint Gum 薄荷糖 F96 Coenzyme Q10 辅酶Q10
F97 Bubble Gum 泡泡糖 F98 Wine 红酒/葡萄酒
F99 Cotton Candy 棉花糖 F100 Flavorless 无口味
F101 Caramel Candy 太妃糖香料 F102 Cocktail 鸡尾酒
F103 Butter scotch 奶油糖果 F104 Mocca 穆哈咖啡
F105 Buttered Popcorn 奶油爆米花 F106 White Wine 白酒
F107 Vanilla Caramel 香草焦糖
F108 Fruit Cocktail 水果鸡尾酒
F109 Marshmallow 棉花软糖 F110 Lemon Limed 柠檬莱姆
F111 Pomegranate 石榴 F112 Margaret 玛格丽塔
F113 Taro 香芋 F114 Lemonade 柠檬汽水
F115 BlackWalnut 黑胡桃 F116 English Toffee 英国太妃糖
F117 Coconut 椰子 F118 Molasses 糖蜜(糖浆)
F119 Apricot 杏子 F120 Gummy bear 小熊软糖
F121 Almond 杏仁(无色透明) F122 Maple Syrup 枫糖浆
F123 Hazelnut 榛子 F124 Brownies 杏仁巧克力糕饼
F125 DJ mix DJ 混合 F126 Whipped cream 生奶油
F127 Watermelon 西瓜 F128 Cream 奶油
F129 Brown Sugar 红糖 F130 Milk chocolate 牛奶巧克力
F131 Kiwi 弥猴桃 F132 Cocoa Chocolate 可可巧克力
F133 Juicy Peach 水蜜桃 F134 Chocolate 巧克力
F135 Coffee 咖啡 F136 Milk Tea 奶茶
F137 Butter 黄油 F138 Chocolate Raspberry 巧克力树莓
F139 Milk 牛奶 F140 Chocolate Strawberry 巧克力草莓
F141 Bakery 面包 F142 Cherry mix Cola 樱桃可乐
F143 Cinnamon Bun 桂香面包 F144 Banana Chocolate 香蕉巧克力
F145 Cheese Cake 奶酪蛋糕/芝士蛋糕 F146 Honey Melon
(also called Hami Melon)
F147 Austraila Milk Chocolate 澳洲坚果奶油巧克力 F148 Rootbeer/Rootbear Float 无醇饮料/卖根汽水
F149 Cocoa 可可 F150 Cookies 饼干
F151 Red Jujube 红枣 F152 Berry Mix 莓类混合
F153 Pina Colada 椰奶 F154 Blackberry 黑莓
F155 Annona Squamosa 释茄果 F156 Canabis 桑科
F157 Irish Cream 爱尔兰奶油 F158 Guyabano 甜酸果
F159 Panettone 金面包/意大利面包 F160 Little green man 小绿人
F161 Pandan flavor 香兰香精 F162 New Cherry 新樱桃无色
F163 Te Nero & Vaniglia 黑色香草 F164 Old Cherry 老樱桃黄色
F165 Yogurt 酸奶酪 F166 Melon milk 蜜瓜牛奶
F167 Amber flavor 琥珀风味香料 F168 Black cherry 黑樱桃/野樱桃
F169 Myst flavor 神秘岛风味香料 F170 Red Currant 红醋栗 /红加仑
F171 Cranberry 蔓越橘 F172 Magnum ice cream 梦龙冰淇淋
F173 Nougat 奶油杏仁糖 F174 Red Cranberry 红蔓越莓
F175 Ppearl Milk Tea 珍珠奶茶 F176 Sesame 芝麻
F177 Shamrock 三叶草 F178 Twisted Java 扭曲的爪哇
F179 Tamarind fruit 罗望子果实 F180 Smooth 8 光滑8
F181 Reggae Night 瑞格午夜 F182 Ozone 新鲜的空气
F183 Cam Blend 凸轮混合 F184 TFA-vanilla custard 巴伐利亚奶油
F185 AppleJuice 苹果汁 F186 Mellow Sunset 成熟的日落
F187 Cardamomo 豆蔻 F188 Croissant 牛角面包
F189 Guava 番石榴 F190 Tiki Juice 提基汁
F191 Mountain Dew 柠檬汽水 F192 Castagna 板栗
F193 Freedom Juice 自由汁 F194 Lemon Pie 柠檬派
F195 Midnight Apple 午夜苹果 F196 Pesca 水蜜桃酒
F197 Gin 杜松子酒 F198 Pistachio 开心果
F199 Mad Fruit 疯狂的水果 F200 Pompelmo 柚子
F201 Noce 胡桃 F202 Torrone 蜂蜜杏仁糖
F203 Torta mele 苹果蛋糕 F204 Banana cream pie 香蕉奶油派
F205 France Raspberry 法国树莓 F206 Caramel cream puff 焦糖奶油泡芙
F207 Fennel 小茴香 F208 Espresso 意大利浓咖啡
F209 Anise 大茴香 F210 Strawberry cottan candy 草莓棉花糖
F211 Vanilla custard 香草乳蛋软冻 F212 Mixed fruit 混合水果
F213 Migua 香蜜瓜 F214 Forest strawberry 草莓森林
F215 Butter ball candy 黄油球糖果 F216 Cactus 仙人掌
F217 Aussie Mango 澳洲芒果 F218 European Mango 欧洲芒果
F219 Asian Mango 亚洲芒果 F220 Rabbit Toffee
(Super Milk )
F221 figs 无花果 F222 Fanta Grape 芬达葡萄
F223 Fanta Orange 芬达橙子 F224 Dark Cream 黑奶油
F225 Cherries 熟樱桃 F226 Bounty 椰蓉夹心巧克力
F227 Grape Yoyo 葡萄球 F228 Papaya 木瓜
F229 Yakult 养乐多 F230 Magnum ice cream vanilla 梦龙冰淇淋(香草口味)
F231 Cucumber 黄瓜 F232 Gherkin 乳瓜
F233 Lemon Grass 柠檬草 F234 Fragrant Rice 香米
F235 Avocado 牛油果 F236 Sunflower Seed 葵花籽
F237 Sour Plum 酸梅 F238 France Bayberry 法国杨梅
F239 Lime 酸橙 F240 Tutti Fruit 杂果
F241 Durian fruit 榴莲果 F242 Tie Guanyi 铁观音
F243 Pu-erh Tea 普洱茶 F244 Sweet Dragon Fruit 甜火龙果
F245 Matcha 抹茶 F246 Kumquat 金桔
F247 Aloe 芦荟 F248 France Bluberry 法国蓝莓
F249 France Berries 法国浆果 F250 Fruit jelly sweets 果冻糖果
F251 mangosteen 山竹 F252 Tomato 番茄
F253 elderberry 接骨木 F254 Sprite 雪碧
F255 Tequila 龙舌兰酒 F256 cereals 谷物
F257 Pamela fruit 帕梅拉果 F258 Rambutan fruit 红毛丹
F259 Vanilla soda 香草苏打 F260 Melon 甜瓜
F261 elderflower 接骨木花 F262 Pepino fruit 人参果
F263 Soda 苏打 F264 Nectarine fruit 油桃
F265 France Apricot 法国杏子 F266 TFA/Vanilla Egg Milk TFA香草蛋奶
F267 Jack Fruit 菠萝蜜 F268 Mango Lime 芒果莱姆
F269 Italian Pie 意大利派 F270 Malaysian Mango 马来西亚芒果
F271 Chocolate Ice Cream 巧克力冰淇淋 F272 Strawberry Pie 草莓派
F273 Toffee 太妃糖 F274 Pineapple Pie 菠萝派
F275 Mango Medely OASIS 芒果混合 F276 Vanilla Ice Cream 香草冰淇淋
F277 Mango Pie 芒果派 F278 French Toast 法国吐司
F279 Chocolate Pie 巧克力派 F280 Mango Ice Cream 芒果冰淇淋
F281 Banana Pie 香蕉派 F282 Banana Ice Cream 香蕉冰淇淋
F283 French Vanilla Ice Cream 法国香草冰淇淋 F284 Mung Bean Ice Cream 绿豆冰淇淋
F285 Strawberry Ice Cream 草莓冰淇淋 F286 Matcha Ice Cream 抹茶冰淇淋
F287 Blueberry Ice Cream 蓝莓冰淇淋 F288 Ice Cream Cake 冰淇淋蛋糕
F289 Taro Ice Cream 香芋冰淇淋 F290 Marula 马鲁拉果
F291 Bourbon 波旁酒 F292 Parsley 香菜
F293 Wine Gums 葡萄酒口香糖 F294 Orange Peel 陈皮
F295 Gingerbread 姜饼 F296 Glutinous Rice 糯米
F297 Sweeet Corn 甜玉米 F298 Sweet cream 甜奶油
F299 Graham Cracker 全麦饼干 F300 Rice 大米
F301 Avocado Cream 牛油果奶油 F302 Fizzy Juice Custard 碳酸果汁牛奶冻
F303 Coffee Milk Foam 咖啡牛奶泡沫 F304 Arabic Coffee 阿拉伯咖啡
F305 Peach Passion 桃子百香果 F306 Chocolate caramel peanutbutter 巧克力焦糖花生酱
F307 Malaysian Lemonade 马来西亚柠檬汽水 F308 Apple Caramel 苹果焦糖
F309 Shine Muskat 香印青提 F310 Mothers Milk 母乳香精
F311 Energy Blueberry 蓝莓能量饮料 F312 Sweet Grape 甜葡萄
F313 Jamaica Rum 牙买加朗姆酒 F314 Mung bean slushie 绿豆泥
F315 Red bean slushie 红豆泥 F316 Sweet mango 甜芒果
F317 Sweet watermelon
甜西瓜 F318 Purple Cheesecake 1 紫色奶酪蛋糕
F319 Sweet Cherry 甜樱桃 F320 Sweet strawberry 甜草莓
F321 Pineapple beer 菠萝+啤酒+苏打汽水(菠萝味道重) F322 Sweet Apple 清甜苹果
F323 Rose Syrup 玫瑰糖浆 F324 Grape Soda 葡萄苏打
F325 Longjing 龙井 F326 Black Grape 黑葡萄
F327 Wafer biscuits 威化饼干 F328 Citrus 柑橘
F329 French vanilla cream 法式香草奶油 F330 Vanilla bean ice cream 香草豆冰淇淋
F331 Sweet Pineapple 甜菠萝 F332 Vanilla Almond cupcake 香草杏仁蛋糕
F333 Vanilla Almond Cookie 香草杏仁饼干 F334 Very sourcitrus mix 非常酸柑橘混合物
F335 Vanilla latte coffee 香草拿铁咖啡 F336 Vanilla cake icing 香草蛋糕糖衣
F337 Corn Cake 玉米饼 F338 Tiramisu 提拉米苏
F339 Fresh wheat 新鲜小麦 F340 Sweet Orange 甜香橙
F341 Strawberry Wild 野草莓 F342 Snow Pear 雪梨
F343 Soursop 刺果番荔枝 F344 Sweet Longan 甜龙眼
F345 Tiger Blood 老虎血 F346 Snickers 士力架
F347 Soya 大豆,黄豆 F348 Savory Cream Flavours 咸味奶油口味
F349 Sticky Rice 糯米 F350 White Peach 白桃
F351 White Choclate 白巧克力 F352 Red Oak 红橡木
F353 Purple Cheesecake 2 紫色芝士蛋糕 F354 Pink Panther 粉红豹
F355 Orange Soda 橙子苏打 F356 Lotus flavor 莲花香精
F357 Key Lime Pie 酸橙派 F358 Nasty mango 讨厌的芒果
F359 Honey & oats 蜂蜜燕麦 F360 Dewberry 露莓
F361 Dr pepper cherry 胡椒博士樱桃 F362 Crust or Pie Crust 饼皮或派皮
F363 Malaysia Grape Mix 马来西亚混合葡萄 F364 Philippine Mango 菲律宾芒果
F365 White Grape 白葡萄 F366 Boiled Condensed Milk 煮沸的炼乳
F367 Caramel Cream 焦糖奶油 F368 Green Mango 青芒果
F369 Gummy 软糖 F370 Energy pink 粉色功能性饮料
F371 Energy /Energy Drink 能量饮料 F372 Ripe Banana 熟香蕉
F373 Ripe Mango 熟芒果 F374 Cushman Grape (Mango Grape ) 芒果葡萄
F375 Cushman Strawberry (Mango Strawberry ) 芒果草莓 F376 Cushman Bannana (Mango Bannana ) 芒果香蕉
No. Fanta Series 芬达系列
Almost Every Fruit flavor can be made to Fanta Series Flavors
NO. Gold Series 金牌系列(G1~G13)
English name
Chinese name
English name
Chinese name
G1 Gold Mango 金牌芒果 G2 Gold Star Fruit 金牌杨桃
G3 Golden Hawthorn 金牌山楂 G4 Gold Oolong Tea 金牌乌龙茶
G5 Golden Grape 金牌葡萄 G6 Gold Italian Coffee 金牌意大利浓咖啡
G7 Gold Yashi DuckShit 金牌鸭屎香 G8 Gold Watermelon 金牌西瓜
G9 Gold Pineapple 金牌菠萝 G10 Gold Passion Fruit 金牌百香果
G11 Gold Ice Blackcurrant 金牌冰黑加仑 G12 Gold Blackcurrant 金牌黑加仑
G13 Gold Guava 金牌番石榴
NO. Ice Series 冰系列( I1~ I28)
English name
Chinese name
English name
Chinese name
I1 Ice cinnamon 冰肉桂 I2 Ice Apple 冰苹果
I3 Ice Blackberry 冰黑莓 I4 Ice Grape 冰葡萄
I5 Ice Strawberry 冰草莓 I6 Ice Blueberry 冰蓝莓
I7 Ice Plum 冰梅子 I8 Apple orange and cold 苹果橘子和冷
I9 Ice Red Bean 红豆冰 I10 Ice Mung bean 绿豆冰
I11 Ice Lemon Tea 冰柠檬茶 I12 Ice watermelon 冰西瓜
I13 Cola with ice 可乐加冰 I14 Ice Mango 冰芒果
I15 Strawberry& Cold Kiwi 草莓冰猕猴桃混合 I16 Grapes menthol cold 葡萄薄荷冷
I17 Very sour lemon and cold 非常酸柠檬和冷 I18 Cranberry and apricot and cold 蔓越莓和杏和冷
I19 Mango and cold grapes 芒果和冷葡萄 I20 Ice-cold fruit ice cream 冰镇水果冰淇淋
I21 Ice Candy 冰糖 I22 Vanilla Custard and Ice Cinnamon 香草乳蛋软冻冰肉桂
I23 Plum & Cold Orange 酸梅冰橙 I24 Forest berries and tea with mint 森林浆果和薄荷茶
I25 Iced Peach Black Tea 蜜桃冰红茶 I26 Liquid Cooling Agent 液体凉味剂
I27 Iced Peach Green Tea 蜜桃冰绿茶 I28 Ice Tea 冰茶
No. Fruit mix Series 水果混合系列(FM1-FM76)
English name
Chinese name
English name
Chinese name
FM1 Blueberry pie 蓝莓派 FM2 Coconut-chocolate milkshake 椰子巧克力奶昔
FM3 Raspberry lemonade 覆盆子柠檬水 FM4 Cherry-chocolate 樱桃巧克力
FM5 Coffee donut 咖啡甜甜圈 FM6 Milk with honey 蜂蜜牛奶
FM7 Lemonade with pear 柠檬汁和梨 FM8 Peanuts and chocolate paste 花生巧克力酱
FM9 Caramel cookies 焦糖饼干 FM10 Mango Strawberry 芒果草莓
FM11 Kiwi mango orange 猕猴桃芒果橘子 FM12 Watermelon and Gum 西瓜和口香糖
FM13 Strawberry Cream and Coconut 草莓奶油椰子 FM14 Very sour citrus mix 酸柑橘混合
FM15 Vanilla Bean and Ice Cream 香草豆冰激凌 FM16 Sour Blackberries & Strawberries 酸黑莓草莓混合
FM17 Aniseed&Blackcurrant 茴香黑加仑 FM18 Rhubarb and Custard 大黄蛋奶冻
FM19 Strawberry & Cream 草莓奶油 FM20 Strawberry & Lime 草莓莱姆
FM21 Ice Cream Strawberry 冰淇淋草莓 FM22 Strawberry&Watermelon 草莓西瓜混合
FM23 Fizzy Cola Bubblegum 碳酸可乐泡泡糖 FM24 Blue Raspberry Fizzy Bubblegum 蓝色树莓碳酸泡泡糖
FM25 Fizzy Watermelon Bubblegum 碳酸西瓜泡泡糖 FM26 Fizzy Strawberry Bubblegum 碳酸草莓泡泡糖
FM27 Fizzy cherry Bubblegum 碳酸樱桃泡泡糖 FM28 Fizzy Sour Apple Bubblegum 碳酸酸苹果泡泡糖
FM29 Fizzy Grape Bubblegum 碳酸葡萄泡泡糖 FM30 Fizzy Orange Bubblegum 碳酸橙子泡泡糖
FM31 Fizzy Tropical Fruit Bubblegum 碳酸热带水果泡泡糖 FM32 Pink Lemonade Bubblegum 粉色柠檬汽水泡泡糖
FM33 Carbonated juice milk jelly 碳酸果汁牛奶冻 FM34 Pespi with Steam Soda 百事可乐苏打汽水
FM35 Mango banana 芒果香蕉 FM36 Mango grape 芒果葡萄
FM37 Coconut bread 椰蓉面包 FM38 Lemon cheesecake 柠檬芝士蛋糕
FM39 Coconut and creams 椰子奶油 FM40 Honey & oats 蜂蜜和燕麦
FM41 Coffee milk foam 咖啡牛奶泡沫 FM42 Aloe grape 芦荟葡萄
FM43 Aloe Lime 芦荟莱姆 FM44 Aloe melon 芦荟甜瓜
FM45 Cream of the Crop 作物奶油 FM46 Blueberry Lemonade 蓝莓柠檬汽水
FM47 Aniseed Strawberry 大茴香草莓 FM48 Blueberry biscuits 蓝莓饼干
FM49 Cinnamon and Cream 肉桂奶油

FM50 Creamy Hazelnut 奶油榛子
FM51 French Vanilla 法国香草 FM52 Grape Candy Floss 葡萄棉花糖
FM53 Peach Cream 桃子奶油 FM54 Raspberry candy floss 覆盆子棉花糖
FM55 Aloe Grape 芦荟葡萄 FM56 Sweet Strawberry creamy custard and butter 甜草莓奶油蛋羹和黄油
FM57 Strawberry Jam Cornflake and Syrup Tart 草莓酱玉米片和糖浆馅饼 FM58 Strawberry Mango 草莓芒果
FM59 Watermelon and Gum 西瓜口香糖 FM60 Pina Colada and Orange Mango and absinthe 飘香可乐、橙芒果和苦艾酒
FM61 Pink Lemonade Bubble Gum
粉红柠檬水泡泡糖 FM62 Pineapple Coconut 菠萝椰子
FM63 Lemon cheesecake 柠檬奶酪蛋糕 FM64 Honey Melon Bubble Gum 蜜瓜泡泡糖
FM65 Mango grape 芒果葡萄 FM66 Mango Honey 芒果蜂蜜
FM67 Melon Ice carem 甜瓜冰淇淋 FM68 Fresh baked cookie and sweet cinnamon banana 新鲜出炉的饼干和甜肉桂香蕉
FM69 Enchanting cream base melon 迷人的奶油甜瓜 FM70 Dragon Fruit silky-smooth cream 火龙果丝滑奶油
FM71 Watermelon and Bubblegum 西瓜泡泡糖 FM72 Peach lemon 桃子柠檬
FM73 Apple Cinnamon Cranberry 苹果肉桂蔓越莓 FM74 Caramel Macchiato 焦糖玛奇朵
FM75 Vanilla bean ice cream 香草豆冰淇淋 FM76 French vanilla cream 法式香草奶油
Liquid Sweetener & Remove Sweetener &Additive 液体甜味剂/除甜味剂/添加剂
English name
Liquid Cooling Agent 液体凉味剂 - The adding ratio is 3-5%
Liquid Sucralose 液体三氯蔗糖- The adding ratio is 3-5%
American Sweetener 美国甜味剂The adding ratio is 3-5% in the e-liquid ; The adding ratio is 5% in the Disposable e-liquid;
Sweetener 甜味剂-The adding ratio is 3-5% in the e-liquid ; The adding ratio is 10% in the Disposable e-liquid;
Corn sweetener 玉米甜味剂 - The adding ratio is 3-5%
Caramel sweetener 焦糖甜味剂 - The adding ratio is 3-5%
Sweet inhibitors 抑甜剂–The adding ratio is 3-5%
Remove sweetener 除甜味剂 - The adding ratio is 3-5%
Bitter(Liquid ) 苦味剂-The Addtion ratio is 0.5-2%
Sour 酸味剂- The adding ratio is 1-3%
Tobacco aroma oil(Liquid ) 烟草芬香油- The adding ratio is 2-3%
Tobacco Absolute (Synthetic) 调配烟草净油The adding ratio is 1%
Tobacco Absolute(Virginia)-Natural 天然烟草净油(维吉尼亚)The adding ratio is 0.2%-0.3% (价格贵)
Tobacco Absolute(Burley)-Natural 天然烟草净油(白助)The adding ratio is 0.2%-0.3% (价格贵)
Smoke flavoring agent(Liquid ) 烟香剂- The adding ratio is 2-3%
Special base flavor (Liquid) 特醇底料- The adding ratio is 1-2%
Fruit flavoring Enhancer 水果增香剂- The adding ratio is 3-5%
Throat Moisturiz 润喉剂- The adding ratio is 5%
Stevia 甜叶菊- The adding ratio is 3%-10%
Powder Cooling Agent and Sweetener Additive 粉末凉味剂/甜味剂添加剂
English name
Cooling Agent Powder WS-23 粉末凉味剂WS-23 After diluting with PG at a ratio of 20%, the addition ratio is 1%-3%, and you can also adjust it according to your taste.
Cooling Agent Powder WS-3 粉末凉味剂WS-3 After diluting with PG at a ratio of 10%, the addition ratio is 1%-3%, and you can also adjust it according to your taste.
Cooling Agent Powder WS-27 粉末凉味剂WS-27 After diluting with PG at a ratio of 30%, the addition ratio is 1%-3%, and you can also adjust it according to your taste.
Cooling Agent Powder WS-5 粉末凉味剂WS-5 After diluting with PG at a ratio of 10%, the addition ratio is 1%-3%, and you can also adjust it according to your taste.
Cooling Agent Powder WS-12 粉末凉味剂WS-12 After diluting with PG at a ratio of 10%, the addition ratio is 1%-3%, and you can also adjust it according to your taste.
Sucralose 三氯蔗糖 After diluting with PG/Water at a ratio of 30%, the addition ratio is 5%-8% and you can also adjust it according to your taste.
Ethyl Maltol 乙基麦芽酚 After diluting with PG at a ratio of 10%, the addition ratio is0.5-1%, and you can also adjust it according to your taste.
Neotame 钮甜 After diluting with PG at a ratio of 10%, the addition ratio is 2%-4%, and you can also adjust it according to your taste.
Menthol Crystal 薄荷醇 You can adjust it according to your taste.
Menthyl Lactate 乳酸薄荷酯 You can adjust it according to your taste.
The list of China Domesctic Tobacco Flavors (国烟专场)
China 中华 Furongwang 芙蓉王 Huanghelou 黄鹤楼
Yunyan 云烟 Wuyeshen 五叶神 Haorizi 好日子
Ruyan 如烟 Huangguoshu 黄果树 Zhongnanhai 中南海
Yuxi 玉溪 Baisha 白沙 Changbaishan 长白山
Hongtashan 红塔山 Honghe 红河 Hongshuangxi 红双喜
Hongjinlong 红金龙 Liqun 利群 Suyan 苏烟
Pana 小熊猫

Ya she put this on top of list for most popular


I wonder how the corn cake is


I didn’t expect this. I’d definitely pick Eggnog since INW and Sasami ali out now and there are no alternatives and some rice since they would know how to make the best out of it. I still miss Poppy Seeds.


I overlooked the eggnog somehow. I def would have tried that


@Mikser, Sasami was supposed to have THE eggnog to get ?


Heres one thing thats interesting. I finally got to trying the MF french vanilla premium. It just off the shake so very early but it hit me instantly. It is the same exact vanilla note to the T as Taima vanilla cake icing but less saturated then the taima. Its uncanny. I had to quickly go and throw some of the Taima in another rda and check. Its the same thing


That one is the Premium. I split that 15ml bottle between you and muth.


Oops yea premium. It really is a splitting image of the taima vanilla cake icing. Blew my mind at first. I never had two diffent flavors that are just about identical


I never had Sasami, but i heard good things about it (going in liqueur direction; Frunkster gave it a 10/10), i had it on my list, but then NN suddenly discontinued Sasami line.

I had INW and that was spectacular; unmistakenly eggnog as it should be (so EierLiqueur / Advocaat thing, not some tasteless or spicy cream), easily recognizable as an eggnog in a recipe and could be vaped as a solo.

No doubt it had some forbidden fruit inside (nasties, otherwise i’m sure SSA would have it), but i miss this hard to recreate flavor more than some others which are highly rated, but at least have alternatives now (like Milk Choc INW or Holy Vanilla). This one has no alternative (at our popular brands).

Who knows… I would also pick that Egg Milk if i had a chance to select 20 flavors from Xi’an but it ended up not being so spectacular, so…


You mean it "taste the same " MF flavors are Natural Extracts made here in the USA , they do add other natural flavors like Clove to enhance other fruit extracts.


Yes , i dont mean like mf having them made by Taima but the similarity is so spot on. The only difference iv noticed is the taima is more saturated but they could of course just be because i mixed the mf lower and the taima been steeping for a week. That exact vanilla note is in the taima ice cream too but the ice cream also has a lot more butteryness


Will you make another order of X’taima @STR8V8PING? Has anyone else tried these?


Just my 2 cents worth ,but I noticed they have Cubana which I quite like .At first tastes sesame like but good after a steep .
I got 30 ml from Juice Factory (Australia) which has since closed down .
Been trying to source it online but because i m in New Zealand its only doable if supplier does international shipping.
I mainly vape tobacco .


@STR8V8PING is Alibaba the only place to buy Taima’s full collection?

There is a Xi’an Taima account on ELR but nothing is posted. Do you know anything about that? I messaged the account owner just now.


I didnt know there was anyone from taima here. You can order direct from taima or through alibaba but i think alibaba is easiest. Your still dealing directly with taima from alibaba


Thx for the tip, Chris.

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