You won't believe this

You know there are only three things that bother me when it comes to personal appearance (to only include how they adorn themselves and dress) not including just plain filthy and unkempt. Dreads, holes in their ears big enough to use as handles, :open_mouth:and somebody’s ass hangin out of their pants almost around their knees.


:joy: I used to have my ears gauged as well! Never as big as handles though, just big enough to see light through. I let those puppies shrink back though, I wanted to be able to wear real earrings. :stuck_out_tongue: But I NEVER let my ass hang out of my pants! Lol!!


Trousers have “waist” bands for a reason!


I’ve wanted dreads since I saw Jason Momoa’s amazing dreads in Stargate Atlantis and how he tied them back. So cool. A lot of upkeep though and the whole job search thing in the near future has kept me from doing anything that requires a long-term commitment.

I do have my ears gauged. Somewhere around a 2 right now maybe? Slightly smaller than the diameter of a regular pencil. They were 00 but I have psoriasis and every time I wear earrings I get a flare up. Stupid skin. They refuse to shrink any more so I don’t think regular earrings in those will ever be possible. But that’s okay, I’ve got four more that I can use for that. :stuck_out_tongue:


That’s mostly a guy thing, but wifey did drag me halfway across a store one time so I could see some girls that were sporting that look boxers and all. If I was a parent to anyone or all of them they would not have been able to leave the house. I’d burn all their stupid wanna be gangster clothing

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Just goes to show… It’s sometimes a bad idea to “judge a book by the cover”!

(I disagree with the old cliche of “never”, simply because: all too often what you see (them do/say/dress/etc) is fairly accurate representation of who they are)

I also put a lot of stock in something my grandfather told me when I was very young about tattoos, etc. He basically said “Don’t do anything to your body that you’d be ashamed of when you’re 80” (which saved me the traditional “but I’m going to Marry her…” name tattoo (at least twice). roflmao
But then (or perhaps as a result of) I’m one that strongly leans to the conservative side when it comes to attire at least. /laughs

EDIT: I never did ask you two @JoJo @VapeyMama what your initial (and then deciding factor) interest was in getting the giant ring attachment was? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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My mum thinks I invented the pants hanging under the ass look…I have a 44" chest and a 32" waist, no ass whatsoever and legs like a hobbit, I am literally at the wim of gravity…unless they invent floaty pants my ass is public on most days…wait that sounds wrong…
Imagine putting pants on an upside down pyramid …
There…much better…:flushed:


AMEN TO THAT and belt loops

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I don’t mind the small like @JoJo mentions the size of a pencil. It’s the ones like this that get to me


You suffer from NADS

I have 6 tats and want two more. I also did something that I swore up and down I would never do. I have wife’s name on my arm. But after the first one went south I learned so much and am so sure that this one is till one of us pass on. I doubt that I’ll ever actively seak another wife if wifey goes first, but if I do she will have to understand that wifey was my wife and I won’t ever cover her name over with another tat.


So much I could say, so inappropriate it would sound I’ll jjust respond with this

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Hey kids I know it’s off topic but I have a vaping question:

Does anyone know of a “FLAVORING” not a recipe or juice for either lemon heads or lemon jolly rancher?

Mine were never huge, I just thought the little plugs looked cool! I made sure to keep them small enough that if I ever changed my mind (which I did), I knew they’d go back to your typical piercing size.

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That’s why I ended up getting rid of mine. They’re SO much work if you want to keep them looking nice.

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im pretty sure I get vg in my mouth every single day :stuck_out_tongue:


Kinda wishing I thought of that one before dying by hair rockabilly blue :persevere:


suspenders were designed for guys like you

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I’m not sure how this would help…damn I’d look good though :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Well I’d say either:

  • someone out of a Monty Python sketch
  • someone in the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Your choice! lol

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