ZERO Nicotine

Out of curiosity. If you are going to continue to vape why are you cutting out the nicotine?

I vape at 2mg and was vaping 0mg at night to help me sleep better last fall. I got out of the habit over the winter and my sleep has suffered so I broke out the small bottle of 0mg ry4 double I had left from last September the other day and have slept a full 8 hours each night since so yesterday I mixed up 100ml of 10% RJ4 (OSDIY) with 0.5% AP to ‘steep’. I agree the non-nic juice doesn’t turn as dark of a color like the same RY4 flavor with nic would but I still get good flavor. Not sure if I will ever go below 2mg (let alone 0mg) for during the day vaping but 0mg after 6pm will probably become the norm again.


To me, that is understandable. Nicotine is a stimulant like caffeine. I wouldn’t drink a cup of coffee at 6PM. But him still going to have a cup at 5AM every day.

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I miss my coffee. I gave it up for the sake of my teeth and dental hygienist. Green tea and Uptime energy drinks (or their pills) are the only way I take caffeine these days.

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What kind of test results? I don’t have a lab or anything…but I’ve mixed testers with zero nic before and the flavors seemed to develop just as quickly as they do with nicotine. Is it just the color of the juice or…?

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My results differ. I find flavors truer as the nicotine levels are reduced. I often like to vape zero nic late in the evening as there is no stimulant to keep me awake and the flavor is better. I still get the other habit triggers, deep inhaling, slow exhale, something to fiddle with in my hands, etc. The absence of the throat irritation can also be nice sometimes although sometimes I crave it.


When Clutch first started their line of e-liquids, a friend of mine gave me a bottle of 6MG Nic/Ringer by Clutch because he didn’t like it. Not really into commercial liquids even at that time I still gave it a try. I was surprised as it was a clean tasting and rather smooth cotton candy flavor. Later on, I got a hankering for it and stopped at a Mad vapes and bought one that was zero nicotine because that was all they had in stock at the time. So I went home and added nic to it and it was even tastier. After that experience, I decided to add nic to my liquids only when I was ready to use them. Some mixers say it makes no difference to them but for me, there is a real difference. Just like anything with DIY e-liquids and subjective tastes, same goes for nicotine for when it is or isn’t present.


I agree VapeyMama on the flavor. I made up some strawberry cheesecake with zero nic 4 days ago and the flavor is spot on already. Yes the color is not as dark as it would be with the 3mg of nic but… I am happy with the flavor. I don’t need the nic any longer and color makes no difference to me. .


I tested zero nic vs 2mg RF VC at 2% by week 4 the color and flavor of the zero had not changed. The 2mg had become gold and the creamyness and flavour of the custard had developed and improved. Off gasing of volatiles and alcohol may occur which can be percieved as to have “steeped” in the 0mg but an actual milliard reaction seems to not occur.

The never ending debate continues. I have been vaping 0mg nic for over 3 years. The color does change over time, just not as drastically as there is no nicotine oxydising.

The flavor does get better in 4 weeks vs 2 days, and custards and bakeries even more time. Call it what you will or won’t, but that is my personal experience. But it is as subjective as taste. There will always be differences of opinions.


I toyed with zero nic, but it seemed like the flavor wasn’t the same on some, so I’ve been mixing juices at 1mg since then. At that time, most of my mixes had some kind of custard or cream in them, so maybe that is the difference. I still have 11 zero nic juices steeping that would normally have been ready a month ago. It’ll probably be another month before I try them. Since I’ve recently gotten into fruit flavors, other than strawberry and blueberry, I might try mixing those at zero nic.

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Interesting. So what about flavors that don’t change color with nic? If there’s no maillard reaction do you still consider it to be steeped? Just curious. I feel like the maillard reaction is a completely different thing than steeping. While I’m not going to suggest that nicotine can’t/doesn’t add another layer of flavor (good or bad), I don’t think it’s what steeps the juice. The flavors will blend (steep) into the carrier regardless of whether or not there is nicotine. So nicotine might change the flavor a bit or maybe even a lot, but without it there will still be every flavor there, just not that layer from the nic. Having said all of that, I haven’t done a formal test. But I’m going to now because I want to know for myself! Obviously it’s a personal preference thing.


It actually taste better without the nicotine but when I go with no nicotine, I vape all day. I vape at less than 1mg now. That keeps it under control, a little.


I don’t really want to debate, but I’m just curious as to why vapors in general vape 0 nic. And what is the long term goal of those that don’t use nic anymore.


I have been at 0mg for almost a year myself. When I began vaping, I was at 12mg then 10, 6, 3 etc. Personally I didn’t want to be dependant on nicotine anymore. Going from 3mg to 0mg was actually a smooth transition for me. I enjoy vaping still. Yes, personally I don’t vape as much as before. However I do still vape. I don’t feel frustrated or nervous leaving my house without a mod. The flavors and killer recipes are what I enjoy. Plus the tinkering with mods and coil builds keeps me sane (ish).


One of the aspects of addiction to smoking is the action itself. That is why vaping has been sucsesful for so many that could not quit with any other nicotine replacement therapy. Myself included. I switch between 0mg and 1.5mg but may someday eliminate nic altogether. I enjoy the act of vaping. I find the feeling of the inhaling and exhaling of vapor to be relaxing.


Very cool answers, and thank you for replying.

The main goal of course is to remain smoke free. And I get the hand to mouth aspect of it and understand the wonderful flavors we vape. I’m at 3mg nic now but considering going lower. Not sure if I will ever completely cut out nic but would like to. I would want that same feeling that @MisterSinner has of going out without a mod and zero anxiety

Another goal for me would be to get others to quit smoking and start vaping. This is another positive of continuing to vape even after 0 nic for long periods of time. You are still advertising that there is a way to break free from smoking and nic all together.


Perfect. Yes, as @louiesquared mentioned, the feeling and act of inhaling the vapor is relaxing for me as well. I honestly was worried (weird) that by going to 0mg I would not WANT to keep vaping…but with all the gear I have bought…that’s not allowed lol.


Ditto. I’m working my way to zero, I started vaping at 12mg about a year and a half ago and am down to 2mg now. But I know I’ll still have times when I’ll want that nicotine option so I’ll most likely still have something with nicotine available for when that happens. Kind of like a person who only smokes when they drink or after sex or whatever.