Flavor Ban Thoughts Anyone ? FDA at it again

one thing that im sure of is that vaping is taking some money out of peoples pockets ( big bacco supporters etc ) and until they could profit off of it they wont stop messing with it


True so true but, in the mean time Iā€™ll be using vaping as a way to stop smokingā€¦

2yrs ago was dripping 24nic @ 90 Watts

Today vaping 6 nic and as soon as I run out Iā€™ll be dropping to 3 nic . Thou I do have a few bottle at zero nic, since Iā€™m out of nic and like them flavours


nice and congrats , if only the fda would take a look at the people vaping has helped but of course thats not what matters :frowning:


When states legislate about vaping, laws always go in favor of the tobacco factories! they fill the coffers of the states with taxes ā€¦
In Europe the packs of cigarettes have written ā€œsmoking killsā€ and Iā€™ve never seen anyone get arrested! lol


There was the kind talk before. One FDA person that I talked with was blunt and said to me. ā€œIf we want to stop flavors, we would just simply ban flavoring companies from selling to that industry without approvalā€

Because we have to report to the FDA, they could simply make a rule saying we have to keep a customer list and verify where are flavors are used. If eliquid, they could block it.

(I am was not amused but I think they would take this road if they realllllly wanted to ban them) This about it, we would have to stop all sales to eliquid companies or risk losing all of our business.


ouch and this is an example where your company is different than some that are eliquid based only , im sure it would affect your bottom line but at least you have nother angle ,either way i completely agree with you its buuuullllshit

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There is absolutely no way they can make a general flavour ban without also affecting 2/3 of all products being sold in supermarkets, and we all know that is never going to happen.

What might happen is that only certain flavours are allowed in finished ejuice. The workaround for this is however quite simple, just sell the nicotine and the flavour separately, similar to the post-TPD ejuices in the EU, but instead of 0 nic juice and a separate nicotine shot that you have to mix in yourself, you buy a flavour shot to mix with your juice

Also, didnā€™t San Francisco pass a flavour ban some months ago? Or what happen with that? I remember there was a lot of talk about it, but havenā€™t heard about it since.


There would still be a million workarounds for this, not to mention (illegal) import from other countries that the FDA canā€™t control.


there was a company that did this same thing located here in washington state i have to look it up but b4 i knew what i know now i use to buy their product and it took a ton of flavoring packs to get any satisfaction its is doable ( is that a word doable ?? )

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::COUGH:: http://www.onedropflavors.com/ ::COUGH::

PSā€¦ you saw nothingā€¦ BUTā€¦ Walt has a backup plan for everyone already in motion hahaā€¦ (Yes I own that site, and no it is not live, only in prelaunch)


TPD, FDA ā€¦ They all come with great ideas, but the concern of those who want to quit smoking is on the last line ā€¦ Their politics already know it well ā€¦ itā€™s all a matter of economic interests :zipper_mouth_face:

Edit: the TPD launched even absurd laws ā€¦ they limited the sale of RTAā€™s to 2mls ā€¦ and manufacturers make 2 mls. and add an extra one to pass 5 mls! lool


You knowā€¦ Thatā€™s potentially a BRILLIANT workaround!!

Worst case scenario:
Drop names entirely, and label them ā€œFormula 138ā€ etcā€¦

However many flavors a company makesā€¦ 1-330, etc. It automatically leaves room for additions. Itā€™s publicly nondescript. Produce a ā€œmaster listā€ with the correlating info, thatā€™s available through a process separate from the point of sales.

Seriously though, I canā€™t see it going to that extreme. (But my point is, thereā€™s always a way. Prohibition failed after allā€¦)

Was a fun tangent to chase for a moment though. :laughing: So thanks for indulging my chuckle. :wink:


Formula 69 (TPA) is just nasty


I guess that makes ā€œFormula 2ā€ double chocolate by default then doesnā€™t it? :wink: :laughing:


TPD is a set of rules proposed to countries in the EU, but no country has to adopt these rules as suggested by the EU. The intention is that countries are given a guideline to implement some laws to regulate the vaping industry and not leave everything as the wild west, like it was in the beginning.
In most EU countries (but not all), the sale of nicotine is restricted to 20mg, so if you want to vape a 20mg e-liquid, you have to vape the nicotine boosters undiluted. Most nic boosters that I see are even 18mg because thatā€™s easier to make into 3mg or 6mg. There are always exceptions to the rule, I see the UK is still selling 72mg nic in some places.

Those flavor shots youā€™re talking about (i.e. one shots) are already common practice here but are more targeted to the DIY community. Most vapers want something ready to vape so youā€™ll even see the shop owner add the necessary nic boosters in the shop.

Again, every country in the EU has their own vaping laws. Itā€™s not directly comparable with what the FDA wants to do I believe. Where I am, thereā€™s no restriction on tank size, but we canā€™t buy any vaping hardware online, same goes for any products containing nicotine. It even goes as far that e-cigs, tanks, drippers, etc canā€™t even be pictured on a website. Sales from China, giveaway on youtube or ELR (and even from neighboring countries)ā€¦ forget about it. If you get caught (and people do), you can be fined 100ā‚¬ and you wonā€™t see the hardware.
People have to go to a vape shop to get the hardware and nic boosters and then they can buy 0 nic juices online however.

Just to show that the European TPD isnā€™t one set of rules. That is probably why a lot of companies only or mostly sell 0 nic juices to EU countries and let people do their thing with nic boosters. I can imagine this is a bloody mess for foreign companies to deal with all the different regulations.
Itā€™s a good thing however that in Europe most realize that the variety in flavors only helps people make the transition from tobacco to e-liquids. And if the FDA decides to ban flavored e-liquids, Iā€™m sure the flavor companies will still survive selling their products to foreign e-liquid companies.

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Hmmmā€¦ I believe (until convinced otherwise) that the TPD is a set of minimum rules that all EU countries are required to implement into law, but they are free to add more restrictive rules on top of that. Also the pace that they have been implemented varies from country to country, and some still havenā€™t completely implemented the full TPD.

Regarding the 2ml capacity limit then the directive was actually written so poorly that it can been interpreted in two different ways. It can either be interpreted as a general restriction for all tanks or as only applying to replaceable pods. I believe most countries implemented it in its strictest form, but there are also some like Germany that choose the more liberal (and imo the correct) interpretation where it only applies to pods.

It actually isnā€™t legal to sell 72mg nicotine to private consumer in the UK, there are however companies that exploit different loopholes, for example how diligent do they have to be to verify that they are selling to a legit business and not to a private consumer with a bogus company name :wink:

Anyway none of this is directly related to the FDA, though you never know if they might be inspired by the TPD :frowning_face:


Edit: maybe it already is, how many people make e-juice for friends, family or neibhors

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The TPD (Tobacco Products Directive) is a directive. While regulation has binding legal force throughout every Member State and enter into force on a set date in all the Member States, a directive lays down certain results that must be achieved but each Member State is free to decide how to transpose directives into national laws.

I think a lot of people in the US would be happy with a TPD like regulation. It would mean that everybody could keep on vaping without a fear of it being taken away. I donā€™t think a lot of people have an issue with regulation.


ok, however I keep saying that this directive was not made to think of people wanting to quit smoking, the prices they apply to nicotine shots! (at least in my country!) I see no reason to be so expensive even paying taxes to the states ā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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In the UK, the vaping community were up in arms about the TPD, which was enshrined in our legislation last spring. It was all based on the usual crap " research", totally ignoring the input of Dr Farsolinos et al , who had tried their level best to educate the jerks in Brussels , all to no avail, :(.

Pre-TPD, we all rushed to stock up on 72mg liquid and decent-sized tanks. A lot of kit got sold off ridiculiusly cheap, because it would soon be illegal to sell it. If you had the spare cash to take advantage, it was bonanza time! But that didnā€™t make up for the long-term affects, eg a lot of small businesses went out of business. Big Tobacco were laughing, because the businesses that have thrived post-TPD were mostly the cigalike companies that Big Tobacco had already bought out. They could take the new legislation in their stride.

At least the USA doesnā€™t have to put up with max 20mg juice and max 2ml tanks as yet, nor with the loss of variety in off-the-shelf juices. Since TPD , each juice, in each concentration of each flavour has to beindividually tested and certified. This costs thousands of pounds per juice. Result? A lot of juices disappeared from the shelves , ofc, especially those made by small companies , and American companies , who had a big enough market at home, thanks, and werenā€™t willing to fork out that much for the privilege of selling to Europe.

For those who canā€™t tolerate PG , like myself, the effects were particularly marked. Most of the PG-free juices came from the USA. And the juices that continue to proliferate on Supermarket shelves (thus making the vaping industry look really healthy on the face of it) are made by BIg Tobacco-owned brands. This means, in effect, that they all contain PG. Now , some of those brands had been PG-free before Big Tobacco bought them out, but BIg industry inevitably gravitates towards the biggest-selling ,alternative doesnā€™t it? So they adfjusted the formulae to conform to popular tastes , never mind the rest of us (not numerous enough to have much economic power so who cares?)

The very few PG-free juices that can still be bought in Britain have increased a lot in price of course, and you;ve no option but to buy them online.

DIY is the only realistic option now, but that 20mg nicotine limit is an even bigger problem for the DIY-er, whi has to dilute all the more when they add favourings. So what if one two of our nic suppliers have found workarounds? Those loopholes could close any time.

20mg, in any case, is of no use whatsoever to the average smoker, attempting to quit, not unless they sub-ohm. Hence the enormous popilarity of AIO sub-ohm devices these days, I guess ! But where exactly is the benefit of forcing vapers to go down that road?

I appreciate that you live in an especially restrictive country , @anon28032772 , but you therefore have no experience of the negative impact the TPD had on a less-restrictive country, and how very unwelcome it was.

The USA is comparatively fortunate, as yet, and I very much hope it remains so.