Want to continue to buy Vape Equipment and Ejuice? Support HB2058 Now!



Please tell people what this is about, it is too important for people to miss !!!

Topic should be…

Want to continue to buy Vape Equipment and Ejuice, Support HB2058 Now !!!

@daath please pin this !!!


OK @daath please pin this???


Thanks!! I changed the title. :slight_smile: Change it back if you so choose, but I agree with @ringling. I passed by it earlier, but I’m glad I came back to it.


I sent my email 2 days ago. I just hope it helps.


I love the guys at MBV! Willing to dig up roots and move for what they believe, thanks for this! I’m on it and will spread the word


I’m thinking everyday I will “call to action” in each and every state and back again :wink:


Done a couple of days ago myself. I try to keep up with CASAA as much as possible too. It’s great to see others participate also!


Any Dutch people on the forum? Check out the acvoda website for a similar action. New regulations are in the make, the minister of health and other pundits are going to discuss this on September 3. Send your email to; cie.vws@tweedekamer.nl
Our minister of health Martin van Rijn (no relation :grimacing:) has come up with some more idiotic laws, it is time to stop idiots like him. Come on people, make some fucking noise!


The girlfriend and I both submitted ours


Me and mine submitted ours. We cannot remain complacent. Act vapers. Don’t let them win. There aren’t enough people responding. Get the word out. It took 30 seconds.


Done. Thanks for making it so easy.


Can’t help you with that, Murican comrades, but I wish you the very best in fighting for vaping rights in your country!


There is one thing that I miss in all the debates going on about vaping rights and that is; what is going to happen when they ban any advertising. This could mean in the end that all the vapers that are on Youtube making videos on vape related stuff will have their videos pulled and even sites like this one might be taken down as they are perceived to advertise the use of e-cigarettes. This will be an enormous blow to the online vaping community and I’m not sure people are really aware of this danger looming over us all. Maybe I’m wrong, I sure hope so. Does anybody know anything more about how they are phrasing those laws?


You are absolutely correct and I never thought about this. As a tobacco product advertising is not allowed in the US. Would not surprise me if they would consider videos on youtube and the like as advertisement. I’m just amazed at some of the attitudes of vape shop owners I’ve talked to. They think it’s gonna be business as usual. It doesn’t effect them. If something doesn’t happen between now and April 2016 they will get a real wake up call.


Getting a wake up call when you’ve already overslept is not going to do any good. People like playing Ostrich though, they just hope things go away if they stick their heads in the sand long enough.

And then they are surprised when they find themselves trapped.


I could not agree more on that!! The response I have received by my local (arrogant) vape shop owners is pretty surprising! The just kind of chuckle and shrug it off as it were a joke or if I just asked them if they believe aliens have touched down! Which IMO should be the complete opposite! They should be the most concerned about the possibility of upcoming regulations! That’s their bread and butter! I’m not saying ALL vape shops are like this because their are people like you @ringling that are very much concerned indeed but in my dealing the majority are not…it’s quite sad!

You hit the nail on the head with that one for sure! I have been guilty of this on a few topics myself but this is one of the very first I’m trying to do whatever I can to help or get the word out. The people who have ignored it and played ostrich will be one of the first that scream shock and dismay saying things like “I wish there was something I could of done” after the fact.
Whether or not you believe you have the power to change a tide, shouldn’t dictate whether or not to take action or try. To be honest I don’t think we have a chance in hell of swaying the minds of politicians, BT, BP, greed and everyone else but at least when it’s said and done, I know I have done everything in my power to fight.


Nah, they usually whine; why didn’t somebody do something about it.


It is not allowed in the EU either. This will be worldwide.