20-22 people linked to health related vaping problems:

Whitmer is a clear and present danger. Her remarks during interviews are bold faced lies or in goodspeak, misinformation. She exhibits borderline personality disorder per her propensity to present everything as a crisis. She exhibits control issues per issuing mandates. Her words will be food for the echoaelic public. Her actions will be mimicked by other brain dead politicians. Her propaganda abilities are excellent per the number of interviews she has already sequestered.

Her actions will kill people. The black market will fill the void. All of the dynamics of a prohibition will come to play. We can only pray that the violence seen with alcohol and weed do not surface as well.

According to Michigan’s constitution the gooberment should be shut down. Mandatory budgets have not been completed. Given her actions IMHO this would be a blessing. Her last crisis mandate for a $.45 tax increase per gallon of gas was shut down only because she did not have the authority to impose the measure. She is obviously finding avenues to impose without oversight.


She is on the way to becoming a serial killer with her stance on vaping


That’s an interesting word. Yes, watching the Guv’nor on TV was kind of like watching a communal (largely self) pity-pot of catastrophically hysterical self-aggrandizing re-election campaigning. Societies obsessed with thoughtless knee-jerk punitive, yet patently unenforceable, pernicious “populist” paternalism soon forge their own fetters, and consequentially initiate their own internal implosions, wherein any/all moral authority enjoyed by the “rulers” collapses under its own vacuousness, self-immolated by sanctimoniously conducted juggernauts of manipulative deception and tyrannies upon the “ruled” via faux “emergency” power-grabs. :thinking:


My wife works with cognitively impaired adolescents teaching in an enclosed environment. Many of her students exhibit the practice. They will parrot what they hear with no understanding of the word(s).

Oh, and yes, my use of the word in context does infer satire and condemnation.

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Rather ironically, it seems, our society (in the US) in almost every conceivable way rewards such 10 second attention-span in-curiosities, ritualized celebratory rank ignorance, and utterly dangerous over-estimations of one’s own knowledge and judgment - while simultaneously trivializing, marginalizing, ostracizing, and demonizing all occurrences of their polar opposites. Hard to imagine how a kid could reasonably swallow such utter societal “schizophrenia”. “Rulers” can only count on the support of the “ruled” in these cultures where they have either terrorized and/or speciously selectively rewarded their feudal serfs towards (some desired) action(s). Putin must be quite proud of his lackey Trump’s lizard-brained “American Carnage” - resulting in “The Age of Dunning-Kruger” in a ghoulish jingo-istic nightmare world of despite and inhumanity. (Especially, “high-tech”) corporate consumer state extracts disposable income for pre-planned obsolescent enchanting empty illusions that intelligence, talent, and even integrity and virtue can be readily “consumed” like some fungible commodity by merely tendering monies. An utterly absurd and patently dangerous premise


I see a lot of belief structures that are skewed today. Having said that, I am old and have witnessed
a lot. I have no idea how to compare my findings to other periods of history. Although some are obviously adopted and proliferated by political “party” I don’t think it is productive to weigh that into the practicing of these beliefs. The “tapestry” of a belief structure is complex, and difficult to challenge. Change usually comes form living out the belief structure and even then I think the percentage that achieve change is small.

I’m old and I’m tired. People are just going to have to endure the consequences of their beliefs and actions without my input. I will share my observations but that’s where it stops. I have no interest in debate, defense, or promotion. I have no political affiliation. They all are in the business of social engineering. I don’t subscribe to the practice.


I find that a 10 mg (thc) gummy bear taken an hour before bedtime not only provides a wonderful nights sleep, but gives you better dreams and even a short period of mild entertainment before sleep.


So, I had a friend for whom I have provided a smok Novo 2, with several pods filled with varied flavors to keep her interested, all in furthering my mission to get folks to make the switch.
So, I received a message of concern from her when this all surfaced. I thought I’d share with you all my reply.
So here is a copy…

The world is a crazy place.
You have to wonder why all the cases were in an area the size of a state. Some vape pens are being found to have fentanyl in them, THC made from weed soaked in god knows what diluting agents, most of the reports I’m seeing are about teenagers getting into trouble and then having to go to their parents, and they don’t want to tell them they were huffing unknown compounds from unknown sources, because they were trying to get wasted.
And most of the studies are being done by third parties, some funded by the government, studies to see if vaping is harmful to mice.
“So we’re gonna take these here mice and put em in this box, now this 400 thousand dollar machine is going to suck a vape pen and blow the vapor into the mouse box and see if the mice are harmed by it”.

…Do the mice get to exhale? How much nicotine is in that vapor?
Then they quote how many people die of lung cancer from smoking, while getting paid to do research on vaping.
I have lots more. But…
No one ever said vaping was like exercising or eating Kale.
There comes a point that each person has to come to, regarding risk assessment, and do what they feel is right for themselves.
While I DO believe these are all overblown shock stories put together by the anti-vape brigade, and not scientific whatsoever, I can’t just go around telling everyone that vaping is harmless and don’t worry either. But if I’m going to cease vaping it is going to be because I’ve looked at everything and determined it is not worth the risk.
Just like driving a car, drinking whiskey, or washing clothes… Huh?
Oh yeah, washing clothes.
The phosphates in laundry soap is harmful to ocean life and there’s an island of plastic in the ocean the size of Texas, part of which is plastic laundry soap bottles and of course drinking straws; gotta go get a stainless steel straw to carry around in your pocket to collect mold.
They love the fear.
So all the cases are in Wisconsin at one hospital. Where’s the kids with the lung problems from vaping juul pods in San Diego, Albuquerque, Detroit…
Something ain’t right.
Also, even I got the wise idea of soaking juniper berries and such in Alchohol and infusing flavor. I was sent a very responsible article from a science organization not funded by tobacco companies, and it simply said, not everything that is safe to put in your body is safe to suck into your lungs. And I dropped those thoughts immediately. But I checked first.
I think that either they watched a you tube video, very similar to ones I’ve watched, that taught them how to soak dried herb in vegetable glycerin and then heat it up low like a crockpot, and then filter it and shazam!
You got vape juice!
Most flower has mold on it. Not to mention the farmers fingers and or feces, you know, whatever, bacteria, etc. Just like food.
What better place to grow that bacteria than in a glass beaker heated to 125 degrees for 8 hours.
Now filter it and fondle it and then put it in a pod and suck it into your lungs.
Does this give me pause?
I’m going to go get a large quantity of Alchohol and clean my equipment after use (mostly the transfer syringe), so as not to allow growth in the instrument.
Use new pods always, which I do (except for me).
It helps to think about things.
I think it is important to proceed with caution.
Not alarm.


I found ingested and liver-metabolized 11-Hydroxy-THC - even after what should have been significant decarboxylation at the 2-position Carbon - to cause very significant dosage tolerance regarding any psychotropic effects, and as early as the 2nd dose. I suppose that such inefficiency might work to one’s advantage - if they desire not to experience much of any psychotropic effects. To pun, I could bearly feel anything (nothing even remotely close to the combusted flowers of the same lovely Cannabis Sativa :yum:).

Bearly Legal Thrills:



Well yeah! Exactly!
I like the softer onset and manageable buzz without the paranoia and fear. Very predictable and easy.
Then, with a creatively loaded novo 2 pod, subsequent maintenance of said high with baby toots, like at a concert or such.


Roger that @SmilingOgre, and that’s what scares me, hurts us all IMO, or COULD hurt us all. We don’t need any more “down and dirty” crap out there.


Gadzooks, the Evil Vaping strikes again. Mint and mango flavors he liked. But now he’s been struck down. Of course, the article points to the actual issue, not the mint and mango.

Hergenreder said he started off using nicotine vapes and bought them in convenience stores, even though he was underage. But last year he also began buying THC-filled devices, called dab sticks, off the street.


They were vaping vitamin e acetate, grease. Finally acknowledged by the NY health department. It’s all another sick propaganda campaign. Nothing new. Gooberment is what Gooberment does. That’s all that needs to be said about that.



This is batshit. Never expected this, really.


Amen sister! Batshit it is. Akin to everything that is relegated to the black market from alcohol to the latest synthetic drug. And who will bear the burden of these activities? That’s right, you and I for making a healthier choice. Something else that seems to never change with time and history.


And there’s probably that in those off-the-street pods they buy too.


Feeling cynical, it’s not too hard to imagine the Feds taking this article as fact.


By Lena H. Sun
September 5 at 2:53 PM
State and federal health officials investigating mysterious lung illnesses linked to vaping have found the same chemical in samples of marijuana products used by people sickened in different parts of the country and who used different brands of products in recent weeks.
The chemical is an oil derived from vitamin E. Investigators at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found the oil in cannabis products in samples collected from patients who fell ill across the United States. FDA officials shared that information with state health officials during a telephone briefing this week, according to several officials who took part in the call.
That same chemical was also found in nearly all cannabis samples from patients who fell ill in New York in recent weeks, a state health department spokeswoman said.
While this is the first common element found in samples from across the country, health officials said it is too early to know whether this is causing the injuries.
Vitamin E is found naturally in certain foods, such as canola oil, olive oil and almonds. The oil derived from the vitamin, known as vitamin E acetate, is commonly available as a nutritional supplement and is used in topical skin treatments. It is not known to cause harm when ingested as a vitamin supplement or applied to the skin. Its name sounds harmless, experts said, but its molecular structure could make it hazardous when inhaled. Its oil-like properties could be associated with the kinds of respiratory symptoms that many patients have reported: cough, shortness of breath and chest pain, officials said.



So after reading about the vitamin E oil I went on youtube to check out some of these sites and ran across this video…

My first thought is someone should tell @diyflavours to ask this Youtuber to take their video down since it showcases their products. We don’t need FDA or other Nanny State organizations using videos like these against our DIY community. Just my two cents

here’s another wacky video using DIY supplies too:

heres a chap using something called “shatter batter” to make THC E-liquid… wonder what Shatter Batter is:

more mystery solvents:

anyhooo just wanted to share this info to add to the conversation.


Gotta bookmark that. Thats the most clear, cogent argument, easy-to-follow argument I’ve read. I reckon that even the average gutter-press reader would follow it, though it’s probably impossible to bring it to their attention, short of hi-jacking a TV channel. There’s the snag :frowning:

ok, i tried , i really tried. cant resist quibbling’. i think you mean echolalic?

but to be be honest, i only know that know that word cos i do do do palilalia palilalia myself. which is the same thing but …er… self-referential, just like this just like this just like this just like… oops did i already say that say that?

oh! and also cos i spend a lot of time on autistic forums