Mmmmmm… cockroach vape…
@authormichellehughes. This comes up on sale for very cheap from time to time on various sites. On sale now at Kangerwholesale for $10
VERY much agreed @mstokens. I paired the two up while shopping last night, and have them coming now. GREAT call on that @mstokens.
@JiM210 what the heck are you doing to me???
Ordered 2 different squonks and now you’ve got me wanting a few of those. Ya know because if they’re good only buying 1 doesn’t make sense and also they’ll probably never be that price ever again. At least that’s how my brain is thinking atm. Also got 2 suprise box rdas for $5 so I’m interested to see what they’ll be. Could get a really great 1 an ok 1 or another dust collector for my rda stand.
Where’d you see that sale?
N’er mind… found it.
I was thinking the same thing. I have been hearing for years that the NC was a really grand workhorse. Heck, for $2 I almost have to.
Indeed! They are some heavy hitting little mods! Not much to go wrong, if you know what your doing.
ifn I had known that… would have sent you mine for free… Im actually skeered of it…
Pretty green…
No! No more green!!! I’ve been staring at that billboard of green I call my Topside Dual for over a year! I’m starting to hate lettuce, even.
It’s more of a mint green, with gold accent pieces…
Oh wait… I have the cherry bomber…
The one thing you absolutely have to do with the NC is keep the switch clean or it will stick and fire. There is an upgrade kit for the switch if you hunt around I highly recommend that if you use it for awhile you grab the upgraded switch.
People using NC MUST also remember that it is a series mod (8.4v) so they have to build accordingly the AMP draw is not split between the batteries (ie half out of one and half out of the other) as it is in a para mod it is the same draw on both batteries so please do your calculations properly
I should have capitalized “IF” as well!
The good people on ELR turned me into the site/sale and I thought those same word’s. …As you too shall do on to others
I have no idea if the cricket is any good. I’ve seen several mentions of it here. Something about “nothing to break” and “hits hard”. Also the whole “Vapageddon” thing I can’t totally ignore. Then again I think flashlights with 510 threads are going to be exempt from the silly vape laws so Crickets may be our future anyway. I’m really not a fan of unprotected mech mods because we have such great means of safety with modern Vapegear. I can remember a time not so long ago, I uttered a vow that I would never be getting one
I have lost all honor.
Many thank yous’ @woftam
It is nice to have thoughtful people like you looking out for one another. Building for parallel rather than series would be such an easy mistake to make. I’m going to have to print up a label to stick on the NC as a constant reminder
Speaking of building properly for whatever you’re vaping… YouTube only has a bazillion “how to” videos concerning vaping related topics. It’s how I learned to build my first genesis setup back in ‘14.
I look at YouTube (and the entire innerwebs) as a digital book of armaments. It’s there for everyone to educate themselves on “how to” do just about anything.
New, I know nothing about this device, manufacturer, and seller. But device sounds good and the price is good.