2nd time building coils WHEW

Every thing in the dollar tree is one dollar… they’re not “lego” brand, but they’re the same thing, it’s a bag full of different sizes for a dollar.


Holy smoke!!! I’m in Bedford county (Huddleston) just down the road from Smith Mountain Lake state park. Definitely a small world!!
I’ve noticed the swivels I have tend to want to hangup. Thanks for the tip I’ll check out eBay. You don’t happen to have a pic do you?


Just got back from the dollar store and bought a small pack :joy::joy::joy:


I’ve found that if I use two or three swivels attached to each other, they spin much freer. Give it a shot and see if it helps.


I build fused claptons. (Because that’s all I can build…lol) altho I did do a Helix awhile back…
My biggest problem was getting the outer wrap consistent… But I was determined so I made them everyday for a solid week and alot of wire…lol… But I’m getting better and the good thing is …the ones that weren’t so perfect I could still use… I guess for me practice makes perfect… the more I do something hands on the better I learn. And yours look pretty good , btw…:+1: what do they ohm out at if I might ask? I don’t really do SS… I’m basically an N80-90 girl…but have plenty of SS wire I need to use… :smirk:


I definitely agree practice makes perfect and I’ll be making another wire order because I can already see what I bought a few months ago in 36g is now more than half depleted :joy::joy::joy:. I had a feeling I was doing something wrong and these fine ELR folks were gracious enough to help me see it, I was holding my outer wire way to close to my core wires while wrapping and it was causing me to have all kinds of crazy spacing or overlapping. I swore I ordered all SS but as I was emptying spools but I only looked to make sure it said 36g when I grabbed it out of my stash. Before I realized it I had finished making coils (total rookie mistake not paying attention). I’m using a pico squeeze 2 with the rda it came with (coral 2) and it’s jumping between .16 and .18


I’m definitely going to do that as I might as well use them while I have it and new ones won’t be arriving in time for me to want to make more :rofl::rofl::rofl:. I always thought people were just using multiple swivels to close up the gap between the vice and their drill if they didn’t want to make a longer strip. Had no idea they were doing it because they worked better that way.


those fisshing swivels are known to fail right in the middle of a build. if you have 3, and one fails, you just keep going and don’t ruin the build. you should check them after each use. if you plan to continue to build, you should upgrade to a real swivel.

on a side note. i just finished a 2 core sfc and it turned out pretty good. i would post a pic, but my phone sucks.


The coil in the photo is three wraps. Your Steam engine shows 5.27 wraps.


Not to derail this, but I am doing my head in regarding round wire resistances for my MTL coils.

So, using 26Ga, 3.0mm ID, SS316L wire, to get to 1 ohm would take 13.92 wraps.
but if I went to 3.5mm ID, it would only take 12.3 wraps.

If my RTA will fit a 3.5 mm ID coil, is that still suitable for MTL? Seems to be a lot of mixed feelings regarding max coil size for MTL. A lot don’t go over 2.5mm ID but my “normal” is 3.0mm.

Are there drawbacks to bigger ID’s in MTL builds or just experiment and find my own?
I prefer a tighter draw so airflow restriction shouldn’t be a huge factor that I can see…


You’ll be fine with 3.5 provided you don’t mind the added restriction. More surface area = more flavor imo. You may need to slightly increase your wattage… but so what! (Pun intended.) thin/comb out some of the extra cotton too so the wicking slots aren’t crammed tight.


I was looking at the photo above, the photo showing your coil on the Ohm meter is 4 wraps.


Sweet! We have a daedalis pro… never opened it, so I used them, but after so far they wouldn’t slide anymore…but before it wouldn’t slide it worked beautifully… My wire twists to the point of breaking sometimes …ballbearing swivels…but maybe I need new ones… But it was working for awhile…


I use two or 3 of them depending on the length I am making (one at the swivel, one at the drill end and one in the middle if you need it). I recommend going to to Wireoptim, who sell the packs of 3 and by several packs ($7.99 ea)


Wish we could easily order Clapton and more exotic wire here in spool form.

I don’t wanna make my own (yet at least) and the only options I’ve seen on Australian sites affe for pre-made exotic coils - many of which are like, $24.95 for TWO coins…

Twelve bucks per coil - fuck that.


claptons = yes. more exotic = no.


Pre-Made Coils - Heating - Page 1 - WIREOPTIM

spools, i know there are, but i can’t find them.


Yeah I’ve seen em on plenty of overseas sites I’m sure where based in the states, but for the more local sites here it’s only ever plain round wire in SS, ni80 and Kanthal.

Though I remember I think Vapoureyes also had ribbon-wire in those alloys, but judging by the look of that shit I don’t even wanna go there: 0.1mm x 0.5mm would be like winding aluminum foil.


ok, so. ordering in country = can’t get it, so you wait forever. ordering from the states = a few weeks. idk about you, but i would be, and have been, good with a few weeks.


Yeah I don’t care much about the battery covers but I will have to branch out and order beyond the borders if I want nicer wire than plain round.

It’s also not like I’d be waiting for base or juice or need it in any particular hurry anyway for a package of Clapton wire, covers, drip tips… all things that are secondary to the stuff I order closer to home.