A PUBLIC and Civil Discussion on the Rules

Excuse my ignorance here, for I really don’t read that many reviews, but have there been a lot of reviews with explicit content or are you being proactive on this? I completely understand the thread derailment (in my opinion, a slight drift is ok but not the complete 180s that happen here too much), language when it is totally uncalled for, etc. I am just lost to when it comes to reviews? In my years on ELR all the reviews I have read, have been anything but racy, colorful or dirty in nature.

I’m not looking for anyone to call out a particular review or reviewer, I’m just a bit confused (and a tad shocked) that this has become an issue? Again, I usually pass on reading any reviews, especially as of late, since I have been set in my hardware department for quite some time now, I have just never seen anything?

Maybe I am missing the subject completely?


I agree and I think that people know when they’re about to read a review by @Steampugs or @VapeyMama that they will find something naughty in there.

It’s different when it comes to derailing a topic. We have PM and discourse so you can keep it private.
NSFW is a topic that is clear in its title and I don’t count that one, maybe ‘and kids’ should be added :sunglasses:
You know what that thread is about and if you don’t you soon will and if you have a problem with that you don’t go there.


I’m old, so my opinion on this subject may not jive very well with some of you. Anyhow, I have the right to voice my opinion too, so here it is:

If my granddaughter were in the room and had a view of the monitor, I would not be on ELR. There are just some things (graphic) that pop up now and then that I don’t think are appropriate for her little mind.

That being said… as a ‘member’, I’ve run across things now and then that are just too crude or lewd for my own mind, so I just steer away and don’t return to that thread. Same thing I do with the television. Turn the channel.

The only time I have thought “someone needs to intervene here”, is when there were blatant attacks and gross name-calling.


Of course, I am a new moderator, so ya’ll better be on your P’s & Q’s !
breaks open a new bar of Irish Spring

Sorry @TW12 … didn’t mean to direct this at you!


I feel this was aimed towards me.

What I said was

I do believe there is some vulgar language in pg movies. But not alot


At this point, I’m not sure if we are agreeing or disagreeing with each other.

But this here kinda says it all.


That’s the same thing the colleges say about their “safe spaces.”


I don’t think this is at all what all this discussion is about. Crap, shit, fuck, … it’s a part of commonly spoken language for the last decades and I don’t think anyone here is aiming to bleep all these words out.


And yet if left to the public this place would end up like every other forum without moderation, a racist, pr0n filled hate zone. Do i allow Joel to post lemonparty links on the forum, yes it happened, and someone else to leave as a result? Every single community and civilization in history has had rules.

Please dont think i am trying to discouraging you from discussing this. Just pointing out what has happened so far, and it is one single example, there are SO many more.


If you feel like there’s too much adult content on the site, then yes. It’s not fair to expect the mods to enforce your standards upon all of us based on what you think your kids should be able to see on a site that you chose to visit.


RIGHT ON!!! In fact I find it irresponsible for people with kids to be viewing any adult website where their children can see. That’s just bad parenting IMO.


I reckon that depends on everyones idea of what explicit is but the reviews have been used as an example of favoritism many times.

You know how i feel about the snowflakes and their spaces. If i ever forget i want you to remind me in the way only you can do so, please.


They’re not bad…at all…innuendos …suggestions…tongue in cheek humour is about the top and bottom of it, but because of everything else that’s going on, people are being told ‘not to do this and not to do that’ and the argument some have come back with is ‘well he does it’ …which leaves the Mods in a very awkward position.

We’ve been put in the same basket as a few rotten eggs because we swear, and be ever so slightly ‘adult’ with our humour, and as a result we may have to remove the reviews from the site.


You forgot fun…


well…fun is subjective…:sunglasses:



We are not the only people who come here.

When new people come here they expect to see vape related things, not photos of “toys” or scantily clad men/women, they are expecting it to be child safe, when it isn’t, little Timmy starts asking questions and ELR’s reputation drops a notch.

That should be a concern for us as a community, not just the staff / owner.



I honestly don’t want to come off as if it offends me often , but sometimes it is down right awful to
click on a thread fully intending to read the OPs question and to see a derail that has gone on for days with nothing but gifs and jabbing.

I like to have fun and I understand a great deal of what we do here is our hobby, letting off steam, hanging with peers where our thoughts and feelings are generally safe.

My intentions are just to put in my thoughts. I enjoy reading and working through the problem sharing thoughts and circumstances through trial and error to come to the goal that will attempt to move the OP in the general direction.

If ppl cuss that is life not too big of a deal but the constant pervy jokes and acting like we’re in grade school gets old. I’d like to see ELR cleaned up a bit more. Hope this helps.


Well, I will read the rest tomorrow. I’m off to bed. Had to go over to console my daughter cause her rat didn’t make it through the operation and she’s heartbroken.
Sorry for derailing the thread :sunglasses:


I don’t comment or insert my opinion very much on this forum, but I read nearly 100% of the posts. I was under the assumption the “saloon” was intended to keep the racier or NSFW threads out of the general discussions. If you physically had to “opt in” to go to those threads it would prevent someone from accidentally opening a picture of a mature nature. If you go there then be responsible for your decision. I totally agree that the derailing of threads with adult content is uncalled for, save that stuff for the area designed for it.


I’m sorry, that’s just not a concern at least not to me. Vaping is filled with such images of cleavage and plump female butt cracks. You know this. Anyone who has ever shopped for vape gear knows this. Little Timmy’s questions should be taken as a teachable moment.