A sign of things to come from Chinese Vendors?

Good old Rosemead, CH? Yeah, There is also a Chicago one I believe….I will have to go thru my stuff. I use sourcemore also. I wonder if they do stuff different so they can accept paypal. I know that there are some Chinese sites and you get some weird tracking stuff. I’ll have to find one and show ya, to the best of my copy and paste abilities….


“We are really sorry to inform you that the order has been returned back to us as your package is failed to pass the customs security checking in our local, due to the much more strictly checking.”

FastTech, order was for 2 mods and coming using Aust Post priority to Australia…


I’ve been holding my breath waiting for that message here in the states. Decided any new orders are going to friends in the UK who in turn will forward to me.


Yep, but we don’t have any international bans in Australia, have some internal ones for my state but should not affect anything from China… No idea why their customs would have rejected it, it did not even leave China,


Were they internal battery mods? Those come by a different route due to restrictions. Might be ft sent them in a wrongly labeled package.


No, 2 x Aegis Max mods. No batteries included at all.



posted 2 days ago
by you

Please refund directly. Thank you

posted 23 hrs 6 mins ago
by Staff

Okay, if you don’t mind, can we refund you as gift certificate?

That got a resounding NO. Why would I get a gift certificate if they cannot post to me anyway? No logic at all in that…


Wowwww, seriously I’ve been worried about THIS exact scenario! When everyone was freaking out about the PMTAs, I was noticing the subtle “vape mail ban” type conversations being had more & more, so this is concerning & upsetting to see. I personally HATE/ don’t use PP & haven’t in years n years, but I understand it’s a wanted & valuable system to utilize for businesses & customers alike… the fact we can’t even use CC/ debit cards is REALLY freaking me out. I hope I’m not fear mongering, but I’d be absolutely shocked if this just went back to normal. I really do feel like this is how they’re going to reel in control over the PMTA BS. I could be wrong tho, I hope I am.

Placed my 1st order fro FT (I know I know, I’ve been more of a Sourcemore girl :wink: ) earlier this week or late last week & was able to successfully use my CC #. Haven’t gotten it cancelled, just had to switch an out of stock item out. fingers crossed, will update!

edited to add that I’m in California, USA


FastTech Team

Notice–PayPal payment method will be suspended for most e-cigarettes items

Dear valued customers,

We’re very sorry to inform you that PayPal officially revised the Acceptable Use Policy regarding e-cigarette related products, transactions involving most of the e-cigarette products will be prohibited from now. Other payment methods such as cryptocurrencies and gift cards are not affected. Non-e-cigarette products on our website are also not affected.

Paypal claims that e-cigarettes belong to activities requiring approval. But the fact is there is no way we can get the pre-approval after confirming with Paypal.

We are currently connecting with new credit card payment processors and will try to get them online asap.

At the same time, we will keep communicating with PayPal at all times. Once there are any further updates of this policy, we will make an announcement.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this change may cause, and thank you all for your understanding and continued support.

Please do not hesitate to contact our customer service if you have any questions, as we will be very happy to assist you with anything you need.

Best regards,

FastTech Team


Last night I went to Fasttech and added stuff to the cart. I went to check out and it said only a gift card would be accepted. I promptly bought one for $200 using PP, got a $10 bonus and then applied it to my order of $205. It took all of 3 minutes and I got my order confirmation right away.

Kudos to FT for the workaround. I envision a scenario similar to that of the security business in which the Gov’t shuts down an avenue and the Chinese open a new one. My money is on the Chinese to win the race.


Yes, it works like promised.
No probs at all.


It’s sad to see all these dark clouds coming (i mean about everything; vaping regulation is just one example), but the scary part is that we’ll have to admit to our kids and Gkinds someday that it was us and our generation that totally f… up and allowed it (and not some evil monsters on the other side of the globe).


I stopped ordering from China a couple years ago, but I’m lucky to have plenty of B&M Vape shops to choose from, and I like supporting my local Retail. Now they are also getting a little thin on inventory. If you have some local shops it might be a good idea to check em out. You can bet they need the biz! I’ve struck gold in the last month and even got some discounts …and it’s right in my hand :sunglasses:


Didn’t want to open a new thread for this since this is Paypal shit related that was talked a lot here (but it’s not Chinese Vendors thing). This was in my email today:

It seems it was an urgent order, since they say later in this email:
Finally, I would just like to add, this came into effect at 03.32am this morning… :rage:


PayPal is getting too big for their britches it seems…

Just like ebay increasing their fees etc created Reverb (for music gear) and Etsy, etc
PayPal is going to force people into using other tools to get the job done.

Zelle is already gaining substantial traction for sending money to another individual (no fees associated at all, at least with the couple of banks this family uses).


I’ve been using Zelle for the last two months and it’s been great. I’m all for competition to every one of these tech “giants”. All monopolies lead to the same results.



I just used Paypal yesterday to order two of the new Augvape Intake 24mm tanks (great price, BTW), without apparent problem. At least so far. I’ve gotten order confirmation from Sourcemore, and receipt for the order from Paypal.

I’m in the U.S., if that makes any difference.




I hope you’re right. What i fear is that this is not their business decision, but something broader (which may effect other minor players soon as well; if mastercard / visa start pushing this shit).