A Walk Down Memory Lane

WOW !!! Three of em? I love that matte black. I was given the coffee color which at first looked weird to me but I’m starting to like it, it’s different. I don’t have the original packaging either which is great. People might not know that those are tins, not cardboard.

Yes, 100w is ridiculous and not needed really.

I still have my original Ego Twist. It was almost the same story as you. I was using the gas station cig a likes and while on vacation in CA. I met a gal who was vaping on an Ego. She had the pouch like you. I picked her brain. She let me try it and immediately I knew I had to have it. Luckily, in CA, there was a Vape shop down the street and I bought one and a bottle of juice. I lucked out in that department, they sold me a bottle of Tribeca.


“Matte Iride Scent Black” is how they spelled it at the top of the first tin, lol, i love it. I just wish they held more than 4ml, i was running them on a mech, .3ohm 3mm 26g 316L plain coils, i was ripping through the juice.


Eh, that’s too bad. How many watts? Thing is, every reviewer raved about the flavor and yes, not so much about the capacity. And in this case, a Fasttech Bubble Glass Replacement wouldn’t work because the juice tank is inside. Now there’s a REAL diy project. Figure out how to get more capacity from the D2. The only way I see it is if you had a custom bubble glass made to fit the inside glass diameter and take the outer glass off like Vapin Heathen did. There used to be a guy who made custom bubble glass. Don’t know if he’s still around. I bet he would love that challenge.


Im just whining to be honest it is super easy to fill the thing and it NEVER leaked. Getting more capacity would be great but it is certainly usable as is. Im not sure how many watts as it i used them on a tube mech, nemmy clone, so really a whole range of wattage.

Ive always been into more side air tanks, RDAs but these were really good top air tanks.

Im trying to find some of my old tanks like the RSST and my Fogger series tanks. Once i got the Igo W4 i stopped looking for new stuff for a long while, even when i got a mech i used it i just bored out the holes bigger and changed the coils sizes.

Sorry im rambling, many gummies…


No problem, your rambling is welcome. Funny thing is that many of the top air tanks that came later, I didn’t care for how the draw felt. I need to get this D2 built already. I’m still going to look for that guy. I just emailed a company that sells all replacement tanks asking them about it.


@Ken_O_Where I think I found him.

I also dug out my MCV Philippines Atomic RDA and watched several vids on wicking. I can’t believe how many different techniques people came up with. Since you like your RDAs I thought I’d mention it.


I never tried wicking my Kayfuns 2019 with a Chimney Coil but supposedly it opens the air a bit and adds throat hit. I’ll see after I wick this baby. That’s another search down memory lane, there’s different ways to do it.


What is it sitting on? I thought it was a mech at first. I love the corks!

I went through and found the first RDA i fell in love with, the IGO-W4, when Tracy heads back down south ill see if i can remember how to build it and take some pics. I put a crapton of miles on that thing, i starting running dual coils @ 1.2ohms on a SVD around 15w and on to a cloned Nemesis mech with super tiny coils that i wrapped the cotton around instead of through, doubt i could build those any longer.

Inked Atty fella, looks like i had it bookmarked already for the Big Baby Beast tank.


A SMPL tube mech.


Ahh yes, i never got one of them as i was always skeered of the hybrid mechs. Kinda regret it now but such is life, hehe.


Nothing to be skeered about unless your pin is too short :rofl:


Memory Lane 4 days ago! @Ken_O_Where or anyone who loved their pure mechs in the day…I just had to post this. I thought these days were over but someone out there is still hobbying.


Holy shirt that thing is awesome, 5 please!

When i used to hang out at our first vape shop a fella came in with an electrical box mod he made, flip the switch on/off just like the lights. Another fella machined his own atty, the electrical box mod was pretty cool but the atty the other fella made was crap but he made it himself. Every once in awhile you would see something like that and this reminds me of that kind of homemade stuff.

Thanks for sharing that video, Todd… So cool he is still around.


Die Hard mech mod user posts:

Truly, a trip down memory lane! 2015 ~ My very first box mod ever! The old Sigelei 150. (it was all @daath 's influence)

Wattage! Voltage! Coil Ohms! Battery Meter!!! Uptown living now boys and girls!


AND sporting a full metal Kayfun on top!


Yeah… my Kayfun steel tank set up is about the only thing which can take the abuse I put my daily kit through every day at the theatre (my work place), on the trail, in the kayak, or accomplishing to-do yard/house fix tasks for both of my girls. Over time, I’ve learned kit limitations and what to take in the field, so as to not be disappointed.


Back in the day, I thought I would die if I didn’t get this kit.

Metal Madness Poldiac w/TNS Atomizer

I also thought (foolishly) that obtaining an early serial numbered piece of kit was the ultimate get! Little did I know, all the kinks of R&D/manufacturing hadn’t quite been sussed out yet! I learned my lesson with the TNS!

Yeah… I also learned that certain tanks were way more beleaguering with which to deal.

Mine had 25 stinking parts! Deliver me!

But… once you got the dang thing coiled/wicked up properly, loaded with your favorite juice, and a fresh battery in the tube… pure delight!

I guess some things are worth the pain in the butt after all!


I still have mine. Will never let it go. Before I had a decent ohms reader I always used the Sigelei 150 to test resistance because it was so accurate. I could always rely on it.


The first RTA (Ready To Assemble) Genny?:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: I watched the entire vid. I would have liked to see him throw a build on it. This is one I never came across, wow.


I don’t have the proper fancy recording setup, never have… but, if I can figure out how to do it (worth watching) on a phone, I’ll do a build session, just for fun and educational purposes. I’ve tried in the past… but, the “editing process” is such a pain in the butt; it’s discouraging.

It took me quite a while to come up with my own build, which didn’t annoy the crap out of me every time I had to change the wick. However, I eventually found my way, as not to be thwarted on a daily basis by a chunk of stainless steel.