Safe is a relative term. Sure can do it but it does put more strain on the batteries which probably should do fine. Is it the best, for me maybe not so much. But hey you only live once. Lol
When using a regulated mod, if the mod will fire with that low of a resistance, the power setting is the only thing the mod “should be” interested in regarding battery safety. For example, a mod set at 200 watts will draw 25 amps from the batteries ( actually a bit more because of the efficiency of the electronics). At that point you are at max of what an 18650 can do safely per continuous amp ratings. Obviously some 18650’s are rated even lower. Mods react differently to overload conditions. Some will give you a warning such as low battery, others will simply not deliver the power you have asked for. With some mod and battery combinations you will experience no difference in vape from say 125 watts to 200 watts as the batteries simply can not deliver. Even with regulated mods, it is best know the batteries continuous amp rating and not exceed a wattage setting on the mod that will cause the batteries to try to exceed that rating.
I don’t know…is it safe?
Thank you so much for your post, together with Mooch 's test results. Fantastic. I ended up changing the coils after I’d finished the tank. I’m now at 0.14, but I think I’m going to go to 0.2. As you say, there’s no difference in flavour, it’s safer, and the batteries should last longer. Thanks.
I would agree. Batteries do not take well to high Current loads (in terms of “Voltage droop”, overall longevity, thermal safety). Much better to get that done with Mod output “Voltage compliance” (range) - which implies using somewhat higher (as opposed to lower) net, composite heating coil Resistances. (If one is willing to wait longer, and does not use very thick wire when creating coils), the same Coil-Wick Interface Temps can still be reached. Using “preheat” functionality helps my Mods “speed that up” a tad.
Thanks. Great info. Much appreciate the help.
When I figured out the important parameters surrounding achievable “warm-up speed” as a function of wire-thickness (with correspondingly higher Mass), I realized that the problem really is one of “patience” (surrounding the “warm-up phase”) - the “overcoming” of which necessary costs one in the department of necessary Power levels (in Watts) and thus (average) battery Current draw from the batteries (if and when the Mod is out of “Voltage compliance”, more clearly called “maximum output Voltage range”).
I read that fast, and also while really tired, and I’m sitting here saying to myself, ‘Why the hell is Raven trying to explain warp speed to him?’
It’s bedtime.
That might be “wrap-speed” on front-end, then 10-90% coil-wick interface rise-times in the morning.
Too much Star Trek girl?
Aha, is see that the search for the “Coronavirus Holy Grail” has been deemed project “Warp Speed”.
You said ‘warm-up speed’ and my brain just mashed it together. That’s a heck of a coincidence though.
@Josephine_van_Rijn I use it to go to sleep to at night. Can’t go to bed without it.
And if we can just reach critical “orbital escape velocity” we can escape from this daft spinning rock !
I’m a Trekkie myself and always need something to watch or listen to when I go to sleep, else my mind will wander.
My ex used to be able to conk-out instantaneously to the sound of television audio. That seemed odd to me at the time, but now, years later, I find that the din of cable-news programs puts me to sleep, and the randomly flashing light impinging upon my closed eyelids probably serves as a lively invitation to dream. I call it “REM TV”. I must (surely) be a certified “Lame Stream Media” (ala Sarah Palin) “junkie”, then.
That I find annoying so I usually opt for an audiobook.
It’s odd, but I truly understand what he is saying. I think if I didn’t have it going, and there wasn’t a dim flash going on that it would probably wake me up. I’ve become that used it. I use TNG at a low brightness because it is the least flashy and bright of all the series.
I derailed this a bit, sorry OP. I actually looked in here wondering if he was using stock coils for a tank, or had wrapped them himself. Sorry OP
I didn’t write butt my Gboard is having a stroke.