Australia and vaping

Yes mate, amazon has it, a small box should see you right for quite a few years.

you can also get a 500 ft box (if you have prime the postage is 0 or close to it). When searching look for 100% rayon the one you want is the NON reinforced version.


@woftam it feels ODD talking about stuff like this while all of the crap is going on down with you guys, BUT, talk we should (I think).

I only BRIEFLY tried rayon, and knew about the need for keeping it very tight in the coils as it contracts when wet, as opposed to cotton which should be looser, as it swells (expands). What are your thoughts on it ?


I have used it exclusively since 2016 ish. Yes you are quite correct in saying it has to be much tighter in the coil than cotton. There is maybe 1 hit break in and I find (although it has been a long time) that it lasts longer than a cotton wick. I have sent it to a few people and the comparison from a few of them is that is is every bit as good as cloud 9 cotton without the $8 a metre price tag.

The box linked the diameter should wick a 4mm id coil with no trimming (aside from any inconsistencies in the product).

For us now it will be all about being able to get items that are non vape related to use in our devices this one fits the bill perfectly.


This must be it Gazza. I think if he had Nic and did not have a prescription, they would make an example of him, particularly as he used to have a business? I donā€™t know all the facts tho, just what Iā€™ve read from that article.

As I understand it - despite whatever claims the Health Minister makes regarding these new Federal laws, State Laws will still apply.
So without a prescription, yes we can be charged as per the table below.
As we know, the states all have separate legislation dealing with Nicotine and these all still apply until such time as they are repealed or amended.
(For completeness, I have reviewed the Vic Laws database linked in the table and there have been no recent amendments that relate to the new federal Laws (2023) for Vic, that I can see).

As for devices - after 1st March 2024 they are now classified as a Therapeutic Product and must meet strict standards to be imported (by only the businesses that have approval). Devices being classed as a Therapeutic product drives me up the wall - werenā€™t the TGA the ones who kept saying ā€œtheyā€™re not therapeuticā€ before? But now they are? Or am I mistaken? Anyway I guess that point is now moot.

I can find no information to suggest that there is any illegality in using Vaping Devices but we have to be mindful that using nicotine is covered by the Prescription Laws both Federally and in the States.
We also need to be mindful that this may change. We do not know if the States are going to update their Laws regarding Device, to reflect the Federal ones in some way.

Anyway, thatā€™s enough for me. Iā€™ve delved into this rabbit? shit? hole for long enough today and my brain hurts :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I hope all my waffle is accurate and helps in some way.


Subsequently I have learned that it very possibly could have been because of this.

The simple fact that a business displayed this on their website as is quite normal other than in Australia. I could be wrong but isnā€™t this a European requirement or something? But because an Australian business did it even though it didnā€™t actually have nicotine in it they are advertising nicotine?
I admit they should have known better but reallyā€¦ā€¦ a human error?

Does that really constitute losing everything over. Nobody is perfect and we all make mistakes because we breathe. Anybody within Australia knows that is just a picture and absolutely understands it doesnā€™t actually contain nicotine.


Iā€™ve always thought those labels did not make any sense, particularly for devices.

It seems that this will be adopted as part of the new regs here too.
Devices can be imported by an authorised business but have to comply with the tga standards & have tga standard labels attached.

I did not even read into how that will affect the liquid side of things.
Itā€™s seems they are really buttoning down on all aspects to shut down the industry.

I doubt it will stop the black market or even individuals purchasing small items from overseas of these things in any case. I have seen some reference to this already.
Are customs really going to check every single parcel looking for a small box of coils? Or a tank or even a mod? :woman_shrugging:

Weā€™ll have to wait and seeā€¦


Iā€™ve got it, this will work! Although I think this build is a bit low, still waiting on wire but I had 24g SS so tried it.

Still need to mix but I only found enough for one tank of one of my normal pod mixes. Iā€™m on holidays again so Iā€™ve plenty of time to find a mix that will work, and I donā€™t think it will take much adjustment judging by what Iā€™ve vaped so far.

I was worried that it would be too restricted, normally I go fairly wide open other than when I use pods. Flavours on point, probably better and I donā€™t think this build is 100%.

Thanks again :tada: for pointing me in the right direction, with what the postie brings in the next day or 2 Iā€™m almost set for life. :smiley: This will need bugger all wire and cotton, perfect for the current climate and as you said really easy to build and I hate building.
If only I had found those building fairies :fairy: :fairy: still looking :crazy_face: :rofl:


Excellent mate. It is better with the thinner wire and has good airflow though I prefer a tight draw so use it on smallest option. Like I said do some experimentation with coil ID and with ohms. It will go down to .8 from my experience if you want to use higher wattage. All in all itā€™s probably one of my fav RAā€™s outside of the OG Berserkers which I usually use. :grin:


I just watched this and I feel incredibly sad for Legion. What he says sums up Australias state of affairs perfectly.
Iā€™m beginning to think I should go back to lurking which could be an overreaction but I just donā€™t know. If an individual person posts that they enjoy something as small a particular flavour is that individual advertising?


Very sad indeed!


Yeah, Iā€™m definitely pushing boundaries then at 0.36 :crazy_face: canā€™t be too bad though, Iā€™m on the 2nd tank and Iā€™ve used it more tonight than my regular home device.


Has anyone heard about the fact the government can block us Aussies from connecting to ELR? I mean obv thereā€™s work around but just the mere fact that they can and will is just disgusting.


That bit is indeed worrying. To be honest I did wonder as such but thought my paranoia was running away with me.
I visited Dubai nearly seven years ago and when I tried to log onto a vaping site I was presented with this.

Little did I know then.


Omfg this all makes me sick to my stomach. Itā€™s an embarrassing time to be an Aussie.

I reckon Bob Hawke would be rolling over in his grave right now. No way heā€™d had this crap happening.


@Gazza7, maybe years ago, Iā€™d have called you paranoid, but after all that you guys went through with COVID, all the way up till now, itā€™s kind of foolish to call you that now.


Donā€™t worry @Scatz fear not, doubling down on stupid is NOT unique to Australia. Weā€™ve got it down PAT over here in the US. Hereā€™s a suggestion, if you WOULD like to be able to get your vapes and equipment, you might want to relocate to the US, and come down to our southern border. Without devling into the whole political, and security issues surrounding this, you can SURELY get WHATEVER you want, through our ā€œcompletely secureā€ southern border. Vapes as well. Weā€™d be glad to have you.


Probably nearly finishedā€¦

They want to ban empty bottles as well, WTF. :crazy_face: Better order some more from Ebay as well, not gonna get this fella :rofl:


I missed it live too, watching the replayā€¦


Yes the govt can do it & it is disgusting @Scatz but Iā€™m reading the same on fb - get a VPN later if needed.


:laughing: that was the message I got too! Ordered!