Australia and vaping

Not quite sure how they would manage to do that. They would have to get every ISP to put it on a blocked site list. As suggested, there are workarounds regardless (VPN) so it would be somewhat pointless. It’s a bit like when FB tried to get rid of any vaping pages and groups on that platform. Mine is still there 100% (but may have to delete it before March).


I reckon they’re almost doubled in price since the last time I ordered but I got ‘em.

Dropped a pretty penny this week, but I suppose I’m lucky I can do just that.


I think mine were around the same price as 3 years ago.
I don’t need them yet & as per the video, I really don’t think border force have the resources to enforce every little thing but there’s another part that says “you’d better”.


Sorry just looked up the word Democracy you guys don’t seem to have one if I personally had done any of the things that have happened in the gov of oz I’d be locked up dam madness and the fact you can’t even talk about it WTF


Whoops, ordered my bottles but didn’t realise they shipped from OS, delivery is due March 14 :woman_facepalming:

I guess I’ll have to wait & see if they get seized :woman_shrugging:


Mines a fraction better being the 12th March, but still after the deadline.

We’ll see I guess, surely they can’t be worried about my 100 or so empty bottles but they have been very broad and comprehensive in everything I’ve see so far.

I do wonder how many container loads of disposables that are already here, if I’m prepping what have the big players been doing. :thinking:

@Ianc13 tempted to get another one of those RTAs, very impressed considering it’s so far from my normal vape. I’m getting more flavour too with the smaller air flow.


Customs is opening a lot more vaping parcels than before. The crackdown has started


Glad it is doing what you need mate… :grin:


A shit load :roll_eyes:

… and I bet some poor vaper will get pinged for something stupid.


Did you get yours yet mine got here in record time. Figured out why I thought the price went up…I bought all 60ml this time :crazy_face:


Nope, not here yet… I have two orders though, one is in central vic, the other is still in CN :woman_shrugging:
I bought 10’s, 30’s and 60’s - just in case :laughing: I’m not gonna need em all tho.


I changed my PO box to a different town a few weeks ago. Paid for a redirection too, just in case.

My order just got delivered to my old PO Box :unamused: Oh well, at least it’s in the country.


My extra wire and cotton which is in storage, have more currently using. There is 3 packs of flat muji behind the bacon too…


Auspost investigated - redirection failed, it’s now on it’s way to my new po box & everything is in one order not two as I thought :grin:

I am yet to start making my own coils, I’m still using pre-mades that I bought.
How long would that much wire last you?


Damn the local shop had a lot of disposables to choose from, so much so the fella let me go in front of him. Didn’t hear how much they were though, the look on his face when I said it costs me about $10 to mix up my weeks worth, says it was way more than that.

Dumb arses think it will magically stop March 1. :rofl:


Aussies only (or vpn Aussies :sunglasses:)


Someone was telling me they bought a disposable today for $50. Gone up from $35 and there was a shit ton to choose from. Iget I think. Apparently from a normal deli with above and under the counter to choose from.
Not black market just yet but it’s obvious the way it’s going.


I think in the last 2 years I have used 2 rolls, so quite a while with what I have. I have 2 work rolls as well so there is still a bit before I even get to these. I also have more cotton, just not in that storage area.

I asked in a tobacconist/vape shop what they had just for fun and they said they didn’t stock anything. I must have looked like a cop on that day… :rofl: :rofl:.


Or it was a bit sus you weren’t in school uniform :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


It is the Daily Mail but there must be some truth to it. I didn’t read it all but a few of points I took from it.

  • 30 tonnes a day are exported from China to Aus, that’s a shit load. (Mr Google reckons they weigh about 30g each so only a million vapes a day, WOW :open_mouth:)

  • Insurance is given if ceased by customs.

  • Only 0.01 per cent of their vapes were being seized by Border Force officers.