Australia and vaping

Vape Mail’s going to get creative :laughing:


Only a few days left now! End is upon us for now. Let’s hope I didn’t forget anything.

Gonna have to block @SessionDrummer flavour reviews :wink: as we can’t get no new ones anymore. The Nom Nomz one has been teasing me for weeks :rofl:

Are those pics a joke or are they that quick?


Pretty sure they’re all real. Three were posted on a fb group. The 2nd one I found today.
I have seen the soldering irons too (they were eleaf pico clones tho, not these ones).

There was another one with drip tips for a coffee machine but I couldn’t find it.

Too funny I reckon. It’s like banning plastic straws, they sell those elsewhere too. Maybe they’ll introduce a fine for them :grin: to
make up for lost tobacco revenue as well.

A few queries from ppl who’ve bought their first rebuildable tanks & mixing supplies tho - some might head here. I’ve shared the link for here a couple of times.


I know what you mean but in reality aren’t they ‘food flavourings’? I wouldn’t risk it just yet but was thinking let the dust settle a bit perhaps. Don’t know if I’d actually have the gonads come the time though.

As long as vaping isn’t mentioned anywhere on the package or inside perhaps,maybe,possibly they’d get through?
Wondering if Noms could ensure all references to vaping is removed but food flavours is plastered everywhere.
I believe I read somewhere it’s likely particular businesses have been earmarked as ones to confiscate so perhaps it’d be futile.


On the bright side.
This could be the time that some might be glad they fell down the DIY rabbit hole when they did.


Doubt I would either, I’d be the one to get busted!

I’ve been focusing on making stuff from what I can order from liquiddiy and flavourworld for the last couple of months.

Least I know my nic might last twice as long, halved it this week and haven’t gone through anymore liquid.


You’re right @Gazza7 flavours themselves are not supposed to be affected only things labelled vape but… I’ll wait for now too and let the dust settle…

Plus in the short term vape shops are allowed to sell what they have in stock. Just can’t order anymore, it will be interesting to see how much they’ve been able to restock in the meantime or if they’re bothering at all?

Some fb groups are going on hold til the dust settles too.
Think it’s very much going to be wait & see.

That’s good you’re not using any more. I did when I went from 6 to 3 not much tho.


Given that there is supposed to be no promotion of vaping in any medium, I am probably going to shut my group down. 197 members targeted purely at Aussie and NZ MTL vapers. Unfortunately, it’s possibly not worth the risk given the current climate here.


Very sorry to hear that @Ianc13.


I was thinking about that very fact today.
Given we literally have one day left before the shit show commences are we likely to see all online business close at midnight tomorrow?
I know they’re technically allowed to sell their stock until it’s gone but surely a website selling stock is advertising?


As of today in South Australia the following applies…

No vaping within 10 metres of a school
No vaping within 10 metres of a sporting event
No vaping within 10 metres of a shopping centre
No vaping in certain other “public” areas

On the spot fine of $105 if caught.

When announcing on the radio this morning, the reason was that vaping is dangerous and contains over 240 toxins and harmful substances. This includes arsenic, formaldehyde, pesticide and other highly dangerous chemicals. Only at the very end did they say “this also applies to cigarettes”.

I am wondering, I drove past a shopping centre this morning and was definitely within 10 metres so could I have been fined? Lol.

We are now officially a total nanny state!


I thought these were the “rules” anyway? Same as cigs :woman_shrugging:


Apparently not here @Sevencasper until now. I think they had still differentiated between smoking and vaping until now and not sure they had a fine for it. Seeing this has only been implemented from March 1st, in line with the federal restrictions and partly due to them, I would presume it is a new thing here. From memory at my local shopping centre you only had to be a certain distance from the entry of the centre, now it is 10 metres from any part of the centre including outside parking etc.


Oh I think that’s what I’m thinking of.

Was worried that the federal regs would impact the state regs, let’s hope that is as far as it goes.

I haven’t heard of changes here in Vic yet :woman_shrugging:


As of today couldn’t they confiscate your device etc too?
Every vaper is a criminal now after all.


I have a script so I doubt that would wash…
Still, who knows these days


Surely they have better things to do…but then again…Who supposedly can do it?


See that’s my main confusion in this shit show.

From today I thought a prescription only covered you for a disposable pod thingy (if you can find one) that has been approved by the TGA and purchased from a chemist but nothing else?

I’m thicker than thicky Mcthickface as even though these new laws have been talked about for a long time I just can’t seem to understand them properly.

Edit… I just remembered that I also believed that a prescription obtained before today’s date was now redundant not covering the ‘patient’ unless he/she was using the mystery chemist device.


I think the only points I have digested is that from today Australians cannot legally import anything vape related. Anything whatsoever, be it a juice with or without nicotine, a mod, a tank and the list continues… bugger all.
Existing retailers have a finite time to sell existing stock but once it’s gone it’s gone and the business closes. There doesn’t seem to be a definite date in regards to that but I suppose it would be different business to business.
I know our ‘health’ minister has said that individual vapers are not a federal concern and that federally they’re trying to stop importations and commercial possession. However, I also believe that is just him washing his hands from Joe Publics wrath and is simply pushing the blame for individual cases onto the state system.
I completely agree that the police have got much more important things to worry about but it’s still a bit of an unknown in my head.
I know I’m probably overthinking all this but I am a worrier!


This is the thing mate. Are you actually overthinking it?
There is so much confusion and lack of communication regarding the actual affect this has on individual vapers. I can see the states making restrictions in line with the feds as they receive some of their funding from tobacco tax, and can also see them using the police to create more revenue from vapers via fines for state level policies.
I mean, it seems they can just do whatever they want to us at the moment via loopholes and lies so who the hell knows where this is going?
Meanwhile, I can just nip down to the supermarket, corner store or servo and grab a pack of ciggies whenever I want…