Australia and vaping

sheesh I thought canada had it bad, and we really do -
we have to pay tax per mg of nicotine so 1 Litre of 20 mg costs me 100$
PLUS 120$ in tax alone
if it was 100 mg it would be like 600$ CAD in tax.
I use to buy 1 litre of 100mg for 120$ a few years

Of course I haven’t paid any tax because we CAN legally import up to 65mg, but I have heard stories of seiZures by customs regardless.
Im going to risk trying HILIQ when i run out

there also 0 RTA or RDA’s being sold in canada because of CRC compliance (child proof top cap)


I don’t think we can buy from HILIQ at all.


Well I don’t and neither does hubby.
I will not get one on principal. I do not vape nicotine.

Hubby doesn’t have one either, his expired. His POV is he is stocked up he does not need to purchase. He knows you need one for “possession” in most states does not need one to smoke cigarettes so what is the difference?
I guess we’ll wait and see if they start enforcement of scripts, if we start hearing it is an issue, he will get another one :woman_shrugging:

It’s not you, the regulations are not clear.
They state on one hand retailers are allowed to sell their existing stock but then after that all “Vaping devices for use with these substances may be supplied without a prescription but can only be supplied in pharmacy settings by registered pharmacists or other persons authorised under state or territory laws to supply prescription medicines.”

So what about the gear we all have, is it legal or not ?

… dives down the rabbit hole for 1.5 hours…

I cannot find a specific answer to this question but… and this is my interpretation from reading (again):

I don’t think it will be/is unlawful to possess and use the gear that is already in the country (as individuals) just to import and use commercially as per this statement (I’ve linked the page where I found the statement):
" introducing legislation in early 2024 to prevent the domestic manufacture, advertisement, supply and commercial possession of all vapes outside of the pharmacy supply chain.

What is the exact legislation they are introducing? We don’t yet know the specifics being proposed apart from that and similar statements.

Just found this too, which clarifies the timeline a bit.

The other question is:
What are the penalties? - well nicotine possession is already legislated as we know.

So just the penalties for possession of equipment - I can’t find any for individuals per TGA.

“Sponsors and health professionals who do not comply with the import and supply regulations for medical devices could face civil or criminal penalties of up to five years imprisonment and/or 5000 penalty units (one penalty unit is currently valued at $313 under the Crimes Act 1914).”

I really think that as per Butlers’ statement of “not criminalising vapers” is accurate at this point for individuals. Obviously if you’re trying to make a buck from importing or supplying others then that is a different situation.


what makes you say that?
flagged by customs?

I was under the impression HILIQ would declare it as essential oils
and possibly obfuscate their shipping address to something seemingly random.

I have done that before with china but not sure about HILIQ maybe ill contact them


I don’t know if this has been mentioned already, I didn’t see it anywhere. Anyways I thought I’d do the safe thing and order from a reputable dealer in New Zealand, namely Mixology. I supplied my valid prescription and placed my order for 250ml salt nicotine (which was well within my allowance on my prescription), on the 3rd February. Australia post tells me it hasn’t even been updated in their system.

This is where I think the Australian government has really crossed a line with the ban even before it was implemented. On February 13th my order was placed “on hold” by customs. Wasn’t just me, it was 1000’s of vapers who ordered from Mixology. The federal police/customs were obviously instructed to go the “make it difficult as possible” route. Mixology was told the orders would all be returned or destroyed if they didn’t provide a huge amount of (irrelevant) information. Examples are descriptions and lists of all items in the customers order, along with ensuring that most customers had a prescription. The prescription is a perfectly acceptable request, its the little extra things that customs required to add more delay. Mixology had to show that every single order didn’t exceed the prescriptions limits.

Although these may seem not that bad, its the blatant implementation of delay to make receiving your order as hard as possible. I’ve placed so, so, many orders for liquid nicotine over the years and haven’t ever hit any bumps. After the law that a prescription was required, I got one. In all those orders my script was placed on the outside of the package, and guess what? Not a single one WAS EVER opened to check contents or details of the prescription.

This delay has happened nearly a month before March 1st, and all the people who do the right thing and ordered early not wanting to risk missing the deadline, pretty much did. I still haven’t received my completely LEGAL and valid order placed nearly a month ago, (which I also paid extra for express postage). To be honest, I don’t fancy my chances of ever getting this order now it’s past the ban date. Mixology was always a preplanned target, that’s not a conspiracy theory, I’ve got some examples as to why I think this. The main being:

A lot of fellow friends ordered from smaller NZ nicotine suppliers, some even without a prescription, and every single person received their order without a hitch. All used couriers, I should have chose this option.

I have plenty of valid points I could make against our “health minister” Mr. Butler’s reasons for “needing” this ban. But I wont, the word “valid” must have a different meaning in Mr Butlers dictionary.

Everybody has their theories of the real reason this ban was deemed necessary. So I’ll share mine.

I think its purely financial. The government has seen a massive loss in cigarette tax since vaping has become a better option for people being successful in stopping smoking. Not once, not a single word was mentioned by our health minister on the nearly 30000 people that die per year from cigarette smoking. I could go on, and on and on and on. I’ll finish with my message to our health minister…

You, Mr Butler have made a very poor decision with this law. The ban is now in motion! Yet locals here are already offering inflated priced liquid nicotine, which is definitely unsafe. They don’t want to go back to smoking so what do they do Mark? I and many other vapers know the answer to that question. I think you do to Mark, that’s the sad thing with those such as yourself, the ability of being able to handle being honest to not only to us voters, but being honest with yourself.


Welcome to ELR @kr4ft. Very good post mate.


it being a financial decision is probably true but its sickening that there is a ban, they could have taxed it to balance their stupid F___KING budget

they still sell cigarettes?
nicotine isn’t whats killing people. this isn’t harm reduction
seems like they prefer people getting sick
really sickening and you are way too polite.

I hope the prescription system works out in the end


Thanks for the replies and support. And I agree that post was too polite, if there was a swearing profusely option I would happily oblige. I honestly thought there was a chance that the Greens (a political party in Australia) would vote against the ban. Not only did I think that it was highly likely to get denied as a new law, I also think the health minister didn’t want to take that risk. So he found a different way to change some wording in the therapeutic goods administration requirements so he didn’t need to worry about the support, only worry about finding a loop hole.

I honestly think when it comes to the next federal election, vaping regulations will be focused on. A large number of voters will listen when the future and legality of vaping is discussed. But hey, they’re politicians, promising changes and then actually sticking to these promises are two very different things.

So I make my own rebuildable coils, I’ve always thought about making juice but always justified not doing it by making excuses that I didn’t have time. Well, no time better than now to do the DIY e-liquid, I’m keen to give it a go.


On their site, they just don’t ship here :canada:, and I’ve tried to engage with them but no reply at all. Please update if you have any success.


Where are you seeing that? I added 250ml 200mg
put in my address and postal code got a shipping estimate and got to payment options

there was 1 quirk where I had to go to “my account” and set up my address there to get through

I think there might be a provincial issue going on here
i was talking to someone in nova scotia and they said they couldn’t find vape stuff on aliexpress until they spoofed their location to toronto with a VPN

Im in ontario and I didn’t have this problem.

I wasn’t quite ready to buy Nic yet so I haven’t ordered but maybe I will soon and ill get back to you


I last checked a few months ago. I’m in Ontario, like you, eh.

I’m good with nic for now. Stocked up with many litres of 100mg/ml, and I’ll still pick up more when I drive across the border to WV.


Hi @kr4ft
Thanks for your post and Welcome to the forum :tada:

I have heard about many, many peoples orders being targeted and held at customs/auspost etc but I did not realise that Mixology were specifically targeted. I just thought it was the sheer number of imports that was causing that.
I did not order anything so close to “D” day, I think most of us here have been aware that the Ban was a very likely scenario & had stocked up a long time ago.

I don’t think you’ll get any argument about that from anyone here.

I really think this was all planned and organised by the previous liberal government and this labor govt are just following through with all the deals that were made by the liberals. It’s a really shitty situation and it’s a pity there is literally not another party that could possibly make any difference - if there was I would be voting for them next election.

Well, you’re in the right place. There are a bunch of posts directed as Beginners (you can search them) or this link will take you to the Eliquids, Beginners topics:

If you have questions - don’t hesitate to start a new thread if you can’t find an answer :+1:


Hey @kr4ft welcome to the forum mate.

All your points in your post were 100% correct. This whole political system is just totally corrupt IMHO.
Here in SA, they are still hyping how “dangerous” vaping is in the media and saying juices are full of toxic chemicals that are a danger not only to vapers, but to those around them. This whilst not mentioning anything about cigarettes most of the time like vapes are more dangerous.

It definitely is not the “lucky country” any more…


Basedrop selling concentrates. Vg pg price is $18 litre. Need to buy 10litres for better price


I use Base Drop before and found they were pretty good. I buy 10 litres at a time and use it over a 12 month period… Joys of MTL vaping! :sunglasses:


So are The Steamery but under a different name and business model. Without checking but from memory I think their PG/VG is a little cheaper but their free postage is $100. Another plus in my opinion is they sell concentrates in 10ml and not 30ml as a minimum.


Wonder how many vape business may rebrand to concentrates


Unsure if too many will as I doubt the market/profit will be enough.
I appreciate concentrates etc aren’t solely vaping but personally I’d be concerned about being paid a visit too. I’d imagine it’s going to be a thin line between breaking the law and not.


WA has just introduced laws restricting the sale of nangs to registered food and beverage businesses.

Something similar could be done with flavours as well as imposing a minimum product size.


Scary and very similar to what we are going through vape wise. Let’s just blame every restriction or ban on “saving the children”.

“Despite the laws restricting to sale to eligible food and beverage businesses, there are fears many people will just turn to the black market”

YEP! Of course they will.

“It’s so easy for young kids to access it because it’s like vapes. You just walk into the store and ask for it and they give it to you.”

Why is this even in there and relevant… One can demonstrably cause brain and spinal cord damage versus something that has been deemed to have minimal or even negligible negative effects on users.
Ie: “Emergency departments across the state recorded 22 nitrous oxide-related presentations in 2020, including eight patients with some degeneration of the spinal cord.”

I wonder what will be next, bet it’s not cigarettes or alcohol!