Australia and vaping

And then there are the outright lies…

Found this after a radio ad this morning stating from a celebrity “doctor” that “new research” has shown vaping causes lung disease and cancer!


Wow, they look soo happy !!!

Do you know what you’re vaping?

E-cigarettes may expose people to chemicals and toxins at levels that have the potential to cause serious health effects, including increased risk of depression and anxiety. Vaping has already been linked to lung disease and can expose people to:

  • the same harmful chemicals found in cleaning products, nail polish remover, weed killer and bug spray

  • toxins such as formaldehyde and heavy metals

  • ultrafine particles that can be inhaled deep into the lungs

  • flavouring chemicals such as diacetyl (a chemical linked to serious lung disease)

  • the device has been known to explode causing serious burns.


Following the link within the above website to Vaping evidence summary - Tobacco and smoking at the bottom part where it is saying what the health effects are, one of them apparently is as follows…

“Vaping is not safer than smoking Because vapes are relatively new and haven’t been studied over a long period of time, it is impossible to say they are safer than cigarettes. The health risks associated with vaping remain uncertain, but they cannot be considered safe. Both vapes and cigarettes have health risks. The safest approach is to not use either.”

This is taken from the WHO at Tobacco: E-cigarettes where they have determined…

"Both tobacco products and ENDS pose risks to health. The safest approach is not to use either.

The levels of risk associated with using ENDS or tobacco products are likely to depend on a range of factors, some relating to the products used and some to the individual user. Factors include product type and characteristics, how the products are used, including frequency of use, how the products are manufactured, who is using the product, user behaviour – user’s puffing style – and whether product characteristics are manipulated post-sale.

Toxicity is not the only factor in considering risk to an individual or a population from exposure to ENDS emissions. These factors may include the potential for abusing or manipulating the product, use by children and adolescents who otherwise would not have used cigarettes, simultaneous use with other tobacco products (dual or poly use) and children and adolescents going on to use smoked products following experimentation with ENDS. Dual use, which is common, is at least as dangerous and likely more dangerous than smoking conventional cigarettes or using e-cigarettes alone. Further, not all ENDS are the same and the risks to health may differ from one product to another, and from user to user."

It really is a joke that they may as well be saying it is less harmful to smoke in the long run. :man_shrugging:


It’s just mind-blowing how there is no uproar demanding the ban on cigarettes. If vaping is “not safer” than cigs, wouldn’t that make them both equally unsafe? Oh wait, silly me, it’s not about safety at all, right?


Heard a radio advert today that specifically stated there was “Overwhelming evidence that vaping damages your lungs”… It’s really just a joke now how pathetic the money grabbers are here.


I think what’s even sadder, is the support these lying sacks get based on NO scientific evidence. Blatant lies with only a “because we said so” argument to back it up.


The war on DIY has begun. Universal Flavours has sent out this email. VE mentioned a little while back that this was happening but this is far more specific.

Our shipments are being seized!

As most of you would likely NOT know, there has been a recent prohibition placed on all importation of vaping products. This has managed to place Universal Flavours and many other non-vape related businesses in the crossfire.

Border Force in their infinite wisdom, have been incorrectly classifying multi purpose food flavourings as Vape liquid. Since March, we have spoken to many candy makers, Brewers and Distillers that have also had their shipments seized and are scratching their heads going, what the hell has this got to do with us?

Absolutely absurd, right? We think so too.

To make matters worse in our case, we have supplied examples of orders that have been placed with us that amount to 90% of the contents of the shipments being prepaid by customers in the Brewery and Distillery industry.

Surely that was enough evidence right? It was blatantly ignored.

With Universal Flavours not being able to replenish stock for over 3 months, the situation is getting dire, and Border Force refuse to listen to common sense. So it has forced us to seek legal representation to get their attention.

How can you help?

If you are a business or an employee in the Brewing, Distilling, Cosmetic, Bakery, Candy industry, essentially ANY industry that has nothing to do with vaping, and have either had your shipments seized by Border Force or are directly impacted by your inability to source your required flavourings through us, please reach out to us.

We are currently compiling a list of affected customers and their industries to illustrate that this Prohibition model is effecting multiple industries that have nothing to do with Vaping.

If you are comfortable with supporting us, a small family business, in speaking common sense to Border Force, please send us an email to with the below:

Industry your in: Company Name: ABN/ACN: Individuals name: Contact no:

We will also be reaching out to customers over the phone over the coming week to offer substitutes or solutions for any affected orders. As always, if you would like to discuss the issue over the phone, Natalie will be available within work hours on

Much love, Natalie and Maxim



Yep. It looks like a lot of people are going to lose their fallback position.


:tired_face: Got this from Flavourworld today:


I received the same email.


It looks like Base Drop is now only selling 30ml bottles of concentrates.


I thought Base Drop always did.
Base Drop are VE who have only sold 30ml for a very long time. In fact I believe it’s only very recently that Base Drop started listing concentrates at all and they only used to sell PG/VG.
To be honest I thought it was VE attempt at being able to continue to trade after the axe falls.


I thought the same Gazza.


I’ve only bought VG/PG from Vape Drop before they started selling concentrates, so you could be right.


Good read @Gazza7.



:joy::joy: what a joke :roll_eyes: