Cant get it 'tasty'

How did you go with your Apple recipe?


@Jetz I don’t know yet, I mixed a new batch then went on vacation so it’s sitting at home steeping. I get back Sunday and I’ll find out then and let you know.
Thank you again for the pointers and sharing your knowledge.


Finally broke out the edited recipe with suggested tweaks you folks provided and it was really good. I completely did away with the green apple and increased the Fuji apple. It still needs something and I’m trying to figure it out.
Thank you all for putting me on the right path.


Argggh! Please someone help with this recipe. It kinda tastes like bubble gum, it has a little strawberry flavor and some watermelon but it doesn’t taste the way I want it to. I cleaned my tank, dry burned the coils, and changed the cotton. Could it be that. It’s been steeping for 14 days exactly. Any help will be greatly appreciated!


I’d try changing strawberry jam to a more candied strawberry (WF Strawberry Gummy or Cap Strawberry Taffy) and try jacking up (2-3% more) your main fruits watermelon and strawberry so that they will stand out more. Maybe drop the kiwi was it may be stealing the spotlight from watermelon.


Thinking back I tried a bubble gum mix years ago for a client. Similar to a Strawberry Hubba Bubba using American Bubblegum or VT Bubble Gum (I can’t remember which) and I paired with Cap Strawberry Taffy and backed the strawberry up with a lot of Cap Sweet Strawberry. The taffy being it’s sticky and gooey like a gum helped the mix feel more like a gum. SSA watermelon taffy could also help combined with Strawberry Taffy and Sweet Strawberry, then a strong watermelon flavor like FLV watermelon to back up the SSA.


@McDuckie Thank you so much, I am definitely going to take your advice. First thing is to drop the kiwi and then purchase the flavors you recommended, I believe I only have the CAP Sweet Strawberry out of the ones you mentioned.
Thanks again!


I think @McDuckie has covered the key points. Cutting out the 2 watermelons would be a good option and using a cactus or aloe concentrate to provide the note you want is a standout point.

Looking at it, it just seems to be a recipe with many clashing flavours as is :Many concentrates with additives and preservatives which don’t marry well.


@SquirrelSmash Thank you, I don’t understand why I struggle like this, most recipes I mix are failures with only about .5% being decent


Well, it may be due to the heavy use of TFA etc: I mostly avoid them as I prefer to layer concentrates and only include additives, if needed, at the end.

Obviously my style is very different to yours but, if I can find ways to assist - I am more than glad to.


@TimWV failures ARE part of the game. Make sure to take notes, as it’s easy to forget.


@SessionDrummer is right about failures.

When we try new things, we’ll fail a lot - that’s the side-effect of being creative. When it comes to blending, I make mistakes all the time and do not try to hide them. Being honest in my weakness helps to make me better each time.

This helps me to understand my errors and avoid developing a sense of pride or superiority (Although, I can fall to the weakness of dogmatism at times when I know that someone is completely wrong). My students all know that in class, they are only allowed to laugh at me when a mistake is made and not any other.

Oh, the offer of help is always there my friend.

Edit: Oops, I replied to @SessionDrummer and not you @TimWV. Session, you can get free help after an evening of chatter and havering , with BBQ and enough booze to make Westinghousing an elephant look mild ( the only things I like about Eddison are that verb and his collection of mangrove trees).


Thank you so much for the encouragement and offer of help! At times new things or new ideas can be a bit discouraging however, as I found throughout my career as a chef small and simple successes generally lead to much greater success and those small achievements give a tremendous amount of motivation to keep trying.
Encouragement from successful mixers such as yourself and @SessionDrummer go a long way towards my motivation to keep going forward!
Thank you again!


Thanks sir.w
Well being someone who engages in cooking and wine making a lot those small successes are what matter: When you are comfortable with the subtle interactions between ingredients, then you’ll be a master in creating amazing works.

The best way to avoid getting disheartened is to remember how fucking amazing each small step you’ve made actually is. Like in cooking: where the test of skill is to ask someone to make something as simple as scrambled eggs.


Proper scrambled eggs is an art in and of itself. I used scrambled eggs and a simple cheese omelette as a litmus test for prospective employees many times. I subscribed to the theory that if you couldn’t master those basics you probably wouldn’t be able to succeed in more complex techniques.


Exactly why I chose it as a demonstration of mastering the basics.


@SessionDrummer I’m trying this recipe however, I am missing a few of the ingredients and I was wondering what acceptable substitutes I could use that are in my flavor stash. I am missing the sweet coconut, sweetness, and cookie. As far as the sweetness, I have super sweet, ultimate sweetener, ultimate brown sugar, for the cookie I have vanilla cookie, sugar cookie, cookie premium, cookie crumble, and shortbread cookie, the only coconuts I have are toasted coconut from flavrz and toasted coconut cheesecake from purilum. Thoughts?


@TimWV thanks for taking the time to mix it up. SS will work for the Sweetness, but the FLV Cookie will be tougher to sub. Maybe FA Cookie Premium WITH a smidge of Ultimate Brown Sugar. The Sweet Coconut is light enough in that mix, that you’ll be fine without it.

I have been chasing the S’mores Dragon since I started vaping …


@SessionDrummer Thank you so much for your help with this, I am going to try those suggestions and I’m going to mix the other ones you have as soon as my next order of flavors come from BCF :slightly_smiling_face:


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