Oh, hope that isnt the same with the 100ml I just bought in the UK
Well is it clear or yellow ??? The original was clear the bad was yellowish like the color of a VC
As yellow as really unhealthy urine haha, think that isnt leading towards being the good version?
Ya bud that flavor needs to be SFT at 3 pct or so and im gonna get its not gonna be flavorful
This is an old bottle , this is what it should look like
Ohhh Well it smells good and was very cheap anyway, we shall see, thanks for advice at least it my new sterawberyr milkshake recipie sucks I can just blame it on that
About half way you will find the conversation regarding bad flaves …NR and BCF pulled RF flaves soin after
One thing I’ll say about the lemon cream wafer is it sticks around on the wick a while, actually had to re wicked to get rid of it.
But I get dry mushed up lemon cereal, not surprised a drop of MF and it was heaps better for me, but can’t see it being a go to flavour.
I have been vaping a Blueberry mix , b4 there was a mix with LCW and the BB has been off …I better change wick
Yeah it took me a little bit to figure it out, but I was convinced with a fresh wick
Changing Now TY

I dunno… rumors are just that.
Passion Fruit (Chemnovatic) 7% (6-26-20) – While admittedly never solo’ing a Passion Fruit, but having used them quite a bit, this was going to be a double first for me. First PF SFT, and first Chemnovatic. First one on deck, after a 1 week sleep @ 7% was pretty damned tasty. It presented as a very nice, full PF, which seemed to cover the entire spectrum of notes, all in one flavor. Had the somewhat darker low end, with a generous helping of the more melony mid notes, with JUST enough high end punch to finish it off. That’s about exactly how it vaped/tasted, in that order. Had a nice authentic almost fermented mini-push (as I call it), which helped tweak the overall experience, and kind of tied it all together. It was nice, fat, and full at this testing weight, with nothing off-putting, chemical or otherwise detracting. Having not SFT’d other PF’s, this one seemed to be a little more unique in that it really captured the spectrum from somewhat dark, to mid, to high end. Sweetness was actually lower than expected at mid, to mid-low which is always a bonus, so you could boost sweetness as/or when needed. Overall experience was GREAT with my first Chemnovatic flavor, and couldn’t find any take aways. Nicely done, and super solid @ 9.5/10.
[image] [image] Chemno’s rates appear on the high side, but having never tried them, will settle at the mid point for testing. Cookie (Chemnovatic) 9% (6-28-20) – Cookies may be one of the hardest flavors to get right for everyone. Soo many different kinds. American, European, Dry, Chocolate Chip. My absolute current favorite is DIYFS Cookie, and that was more of an American Toll House cookie. This one was actually not like any other I’ve tried yet. If I were forced to compare, it is…
First i want to say I love the way you review these flavors , all of them …I am wondering though is your score based off just the flavor ???
Thank you very much @fidalgo_vapes. Yes, it is based mostly off my interpretation of the flavor as named, and useability is also taken into account. If a flavor is extremely narrow or particular, and it’s use may be limited, I try to take that into account. Accuracy would be the top scorrer, followed by richness of profile, depth, appropriate sweetness. And takeoffs typically being inaccuracies, off-putting notes, excessive sweetener (or lack thereof), florals, chemicals, etc.
Taste testing IS very subjective, and can be very unique to the tester, i.e. I loved it, you hated it, etc., so you know the rule, “Your Mileage May Vary” …
Never a replacement for doing tests yourself, BUT, if your tastes ARE similar to mine, then maybe, I can save you some time, and money.
It is hard to review flavors IMO, as I have had some TERRIBLE flavors. Knew it mixing them up, BUT, had to try them, and try to be fair none the less. Have had some GREAT flavors, but were not even close to their namesake, and had to treat them accordingly. Some, are easy to review, explain, etc., but many others defy explanation, and are actually very HARD to describe/review. With all of the cost, time, and difficulties, it can be a chore @fidalgo_vapes.
You do a great job…was just curious
I appreciate it @fidalgo_vapes, means a lot. As typical with most things, you can ALWAYS do MORE. I could mix up 10 testers PER tester, and varying percentages, even increase my typical 1-2 week steep to a month or greater, but for any/all of the gains therein, they just weren’t worth it for me. If I find one (very seldom, but it’s happened), wherein it’s at or past it’s ceiling, or another member knows it was mixed too high, I will re-mix a flavor.
I’ve seen some SFT’ers that offer possible pairings, throat hit/harshness, even coil gunking darkness scale ratings, but for me, I chose to keep it simple, focused, and as accurate and consistent as I could.
As of this writing, I’m vape training through my Chemno Grape tester, and it’s great. Getting my initial reactions down, mid vape, and final thoughts. Then I have to figure out HOW to make it make SENSE to everyone else LOL.
Grape (Chemnovatic) 9% (6-27-20) – Holy grape punch to the face !!! See where I’m going with this one ?? Ok, after using many grapes in my DIY time, it became clear that there were really only two (maybe three) kinds of grapes. Authentic, Candied/Soda, and perhaps a wine. What you are looking for in a grape will greatly influence which will be right for you. This one had me looking across the table for Radar O’reilly, because it was almost completely spot on for a Grape Nehi soda. Now, if you are looking for a more natural/authentic grape, this one may not be for you. Personally I loved this one. I can lean either way, if it’s a great authentic, great, if it’s a great grape soda, great. This one is almost perfect (struggling to find takeoffs). My current go to (as others have done) is TPA’s grape juice, and FW’s grape soda, as my grape base, but even that pairing wasn’t perfect. Granted this one was mixed @ 9%, it showed NO signs of hitting the ceiling, and was gape-a-licious at this testing weight. Sweetness was mid level, and it did favor a grape nehi soda, hands down. No carbonation, no fizz, but very damned close. Because it leaned heavily towards a grape soda, I didn’t get any subtle nuances like the skin, or sparkling bright top notes, but it literally rolls over you like a giant grape steam roller at this percentage. For my tastes, it was about a perfect incarnation, as could be had. If I was forced to split it, soda vs. natural, I’d have to leave it at 75% soda, 25% natural for comparison. For my grape tastes, and needs, I couldn’t ask for more, from a single flavor. 10/10.
en·abler | \ i-ˈnā-blər , -bᵊl-ər \
Definition of enabler
one that [enables] another to achieve an end
Ex: see this guy