Diablo Styled RTA Thoughts and Review

Oh I am so jealous. You have to let me know how the clones compare.


yes sir…i will let you know.
i also purchased the Moonshot RTA…i appealed to me and i am still in search of the “perfect” tank.
i’ll let you know on that one as well

The more times I build and wick my Diablo’s I think I have just about found it. It just needs a smidge more airflow. I have a .06 ohm build on one that is really amazing. nice fluffy, but slightly loose wick and it juices up perfectly. And still no leaking. I really want to try some of TRW’s hemp in one.

@Whiterose0818 and @LordVapor you guys have an uncanny ability to sell me stuff. I went ahead and ordered one. I need more mods though but watching my spending until I get my Christmas shopping paid off. Still I can’t wait…some good endorsements here.


Could you post a link to where you got that RTA? Thanks

Nevermind, found link in OP…:blush:

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You will like this little guy. I have built on this tank more than any other so far just because it’s fun trying to see how much I can improve it. I am doing a hemp wick next. But if you get the coils squeezed in their just right, and the wicking nice and fluffy it vapes really good. I think 6.5 wraps is where it’s at with 22awg. I want to try a 24awg build too and see what that does. It just sucks sometimes to tear it down when it is hitting so good but I have been experimenting a bit and having fun with these tanks.

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Isn’t that why you splurged and bought two? I don’t know though, sounds like you’ve torn these apart so many times we should be impressed you haven’t stripped one out by now. I’m getting so many good mods and attys these days that I’m limited by my 24 25Rs.

I bought 2 so I could mix colors. But it has helped me learn by being more consistent with my builds.

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just received a message that my authentic diablo 5ml tank will go out monday…i’m pretty excited! i’m extremely happy with the hastur rdta right now, plus that ohmega alpha and the BFT…i am really on it!
did you see this picture: take note of the juice channels on the 5ml


and looking at these again, you are definitely right…our clones look more like the 5s than the 2.5s…
i’ll compare my auth 5 to the 2.5 clone and take pics and post…


I managed to pick up an authentic El Diablo RTA in the smaller 2.5ml size.I found this thread too late to pick up a real 5ml from Dragons Den as they are listed as sold out again.I did grab a couple of clones from China in the 5ml variety.

I haven’t had any issues with any thus far. As far as the clones and the non adjustable airflow control it isn’t an issue for me as well.I run the authentic wide open same as the only option on the clones.I like the flavor on all three and IMO it is as good as any tank that I have tried.

I usually run the deep water Ti build but I have been trying out some kanthal clapton fused clapton wire on a 2.5 diameter 5.5 wraps wicked with rayon.It comes out to .30 ohms and I run it around 50 watts.
I am very happy with the way they vape and the easy top fill is a plus.

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What blows my mind is either I have become a wicking master, or these tanks just simply don’t leak. Either way “F” Yeah!

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So I now have 5 Diablos. The blue and silver ones I bought from 3FVape seem to be the most common. They are the ones that do not have adjustable airflow. The ring on the bottom makes them look like they do. See pics below.

For those that want a different version of the Diablo clones with working airflow control, @BoyHowdy turned us onto a better clone. I bought a black and silver one and I like them better than the first ones I bought.

I bought a black and a silver so I could do like I did with the blue and silver ones and swap parts out to change the look.

In my opinion these are the best Diablo clones available. And if I had to guess, I bet they match the authentic 2.5ml pretty closely. The machining in my “very experienced at machining metal” opinion isn’t as good as the ones I did the review on here.

Here is a pic showing the useless airflow adjusting ring on the first clones I bought (blue/silver one), compared to the one made like the authentic that has adjustable airflow (black/silver one). The bottom features that control airflow were not made into the tanks I got from 3fvape at all.

Here maybe you can see how the airflow works.

And here are the two clones next to the real (on the right). The real Diablo is about 3mm taller than the blue/silver one and 6mm taller than the black/silver one.

Final verdict:

The clones - The flavor and vapor production from all 4 of the clones is very similar. I can’t really tell a difference. They were all worth the price I paid for them. They all wick better than any other tank I have owned. No dry hits, and no leaking… not even a drop after 10 rebuilds or so. And I can rail on these tanks as hard as I can, as fast as I can non-stop. I made it to 10 massive draws before I was just too damn worn out to try any more. Never once did my DNA 200 shut down for no liquid. Unbelievable!

The authentic - I don’t have a tank that comes close to this El Diablo when it comes to flavor, vapor production, or shear simplistic design and ease of use. It has every feature you could want in a tank. Top fill, holds 5ml of juice, and flavor and clouds like a really badass dripper. I can’t figure out what it is about these tanks that makes them wick so damn well. If you can find one for less than $80… buy it.

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So do you use the air flow? Or is it just left fully open?

Fully open on every tank i own.

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@LordVapor I finally got the first of 3 Diablo “styled” tanks I ordered. You were right, I do like it…a LOT! Nice large build deck, easy to wick, perfect air flow. Now I need to get some new acrylic tips for them because the cylindrical one is to thin and I don’t like metal tips, and the other, well the design cuts on the mouth piece is like wrapping my lips around a cactus. Other than that these are some great little tanks and reason enough for me NOT to buy the new top-fill Goblin mini. Thanks for the 411 on these, and I’m looking forward to the others coming in.

EDIT - oh and flavor…excellent!


Right that’s it. I’ve had enough of you all having flavour. Off to eBay i go. :sunglasses:


This has to be said:
That guy selling those 1:1 clones is also selling clones of the 5ml tanks…at least I’m pretty sure it’s him. I have 4 diablos total, so I haven’t committed to buying the 5ml clone just yet…but its $20 and I bet it’s awesome! Somebody needs to let us know!

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Wait! what? Are you kidding me? I bought 2.5ml and he actually has the 5ml also? I have friends I know will take these 2.5ml tanks off my hands. But I am sitting here telling myself “Ahh, just keep them and get the 5ml”. 7 Diablos. Hmm. Maybe I better get rid of a couple before I become the crazy Diablo lady.


I just checked…he still has em on ebay…rya_morga