Diyvaporsupply test

Right I grabbed a strawberry ice disposable for shits and giggles at a gas station. It is super floral strawberry and a shit ton of coolant.:cold_face:


@McDuckie, and others, might not be a bad time to go big on some of your hard to find, must haves from them. I think I’m going to.


We ought to send some business their way. They do offer some brands that no one else does. I love that they have Tasty Puff, Solub Arome, Nature’s Flavors, Health Cabin, LorAnn, Molinberry, Delosi, and even more.

They hold a pretty valuable place for the hard to find.


Hehe, trying to get to 50 Nature’s Flavors now …


I sent a message to @Plunderdrum a few days ago, asking him which NF are a must haves and which ones to avoid. I haven’t heard back from him yet.


Yeah @KC111, @Plunderdrum IS the NF guy.

I know he had JUST started using them in 2017 …


Thanks SD, and I seem to remember Plunderdum telling me the Caramel and Cheesecake or Custard (??) were bad. This list is so useful, thank you!


Some i know are good is butterscotch, almond cream, chocolate malt, danish, pancake, strawberry daiquiri and fresh bread pretty good. I dont remember which others off the top of my head


Im surprised you got in touch with them . I tried for weeks


@KC111 I ran through a couple of them over 4 years ago.


I am reading through that post right now, I am only half way through and I just finished reading the portion with your notes so it looks like I will have to delete half the NF’s from my cart, lol.


I noticed you used a lot if them you reviewed around 1 percent. I havent tried half those flavirs but did you try them hogher. Iv always used nf flavors much higher in the 3 to 6 percent range


No to 30ml of Custard, LOL.


I haven’t mixed with them a lot, and stuck mostly to the danish, pancake and waffles, but never used them as high as 5-6%.

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Hehe, yeah, deleted that one. I just wanted to load a cart, then check on the few I actually tested and see.


Yeah, was surprised to see Cookie Dough in your cart after you’ve already reviewed it. I know, I know, we have so many dang ass flavors so we forget what we already have.


Narrowing it down. Going to go bit on the MM, Pancake, Fresh Baked Bread, Danish, and Malt for sure …

  1. Organic Waffle (NF)
  2. Organic Vanilla Cream (NF)
  3. Organic Sweet Cinnamon (NF)
  4. Organic Strawberry Shortcake (NF)
  5. Organic Strawberry Daiquiri (NF)
  6. Organic Smore (NF)
  7. Organic Raspberry (NF)
  8. Organic Pear (NF)
  9. Organic Peach (NF)
  10. Organic Pancake (NF)
  11. Organic Orange Vanilla (NF)
  12. Organic Marshmallow (NF)
  13. Organic Maraschino (NF)
  14. Organic Malt (NF)
  15. Organic Lemon Meringue (NF)
  16. Organic Lemon (NF)
  17. Organic Key Lime (NF)
  18. Organic Irish Cream (NF)
  19. Organic Honey Roasted (NF)
  20. Organic Graham Cracker (NF)
  21. Organic Fruit Punch (NF)
  22. Organic Fresh Baked Bread (NF)
  23. Organic French Vanilla (NF)
  24. Organic English Toffee (NF)
  25. Organic Dulce de Leche (NF)
  26. Organic Danish Pastry (NF)
  27. Organic Cotton Candy (NF)
  28. Organic Corn (NF)
  29. Organic Coffee (NF)
  30. Organic Coconut Cream (NF)
  31. Organic Coconut (NF)
  32. Organic Cocoa Cream (NF)
  33. Organic Chocolate Malt (NF)
  34. Organic Chocolate Fudge (NF)
  35. Organic Caramel (NF)
  36. Organic Butterscotch (NF)
  37. Organic Butter Rum (NF)
  38. Organic Brown Sugar (NF)
  39. Organic Boysenberry (NF)
  40. Organic Blueberry (NF)
  41. Organic Blackberry (NF)
  42. Organic Banana Foster (NF)
  43. Organic Almond Cream (NF)
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Well some I know I like, and am going to go big. Honestly except for the ones I use, I forgot which ones I reviewed 4 years ago, BUT, all I have to do is cross reference them to my cart. :slight_smile:


Also, (sometimes, not always), I’ll re-visit older reviewed flavors, to see if anything has changed.


That strawberry daiquiri i remember being oretty damn good. I used it in a strawberry daiquiri juice i sold back in the day.

The chocolate malt is great. Tastes like whoppers. The fudge is also pretty good. Its a bit strong as syrupy though.Almost borderlines on a slight fruity note

Butterscotch i used in one of my top selling juices back in the day too