Nature's Flavors Reviews

I contacted NF a long time ago when HIC recommended their Caramel Cream and Butterscotch. I was confused as to which ones to buy so I’m glad you’ve got this thread started here. I purchased directly from their website and it wasn’t easy, imo.

I’d like to know if you’re using their recommended percentages because I didn’t have luck with the Caramel. I’m still a newb and could use some help. Also, I’m concerned about the shelf life; any comments on that?

Btw, I understand that the Ginger is great. Also, the bottles are huge in comparison, I guess because of their base ingredients?


Pumpkin NF needs to be around the .5% mark. Doesn’t smell strong but it sure is after a steep


Good to know. I’m getting the feeling that some of these need a long steep. I had the same experience with the caramel. Didn’t smell strong from the bottle so I over did it with my mix. For me, this a whole new ball game. Thx for your input.


It really is a whole new ball game. Most of them are strong AF except fr their pineapple, cherry, cherry Bordeaux. Those need quite a bit more…like in the 7-9% range


Please share your experience with this. Doing an order direct from NF and this caught my eye

Also NF cheesecake, your thoughts?


I haven’t tried Caramel Cream or Butterscotch yet. I can vouch for a few that have turned into must-haves for me, though:

Brown Sugar
Burnt Sugar
Coconut Cream
Fresh Baked Bread
Banana Nut
Lemon - Top Notes
Milk Chocolate
Peanut Butter

I haven’t SF tested, but I’ve had good to great results with all of these. Edit: I got all of these from diyvaporsupply
I’m glad this thread is here, too. I didn’t start it, but it’s been very useful!


Neither of them really impressed me, sadly. I still think LA versions of each are still better.


What percentage(s) did you run trials at?


3% for each.


Thank you everyone for sharing your results Might have to give in and try a couple of these :slight_smile:


I made a nice pina colada last year in bulk, zero nic, on 30 July 17. I was running out of liquids that were made and steeped. I pulled the Pina colada, made with a large portion of NF, looked at the date and said why not? Added nic for a 120ml bottle and tried it. Wow! It’s still just as good as it was when it was made. Most liquids steeping this long lose their flavor but this did not.
NF has the potency that’s for sure.


On NF direct, have you noticed that 2 oz is only a couple dollars more than a 1 ounce? A great deal! Also seems NF this year is a lot more potent flavor wise than last year. Smelling more flavor aroma than alcohol which very well could affect previous mixes. Notice anything different on your end?


if you’ve seen the vapemail thread, you’ll know that i now have 62 NF flavours to test out, thanks to help from @NChris Don’t hold your breath! this is gonna take me some considerable time, especially seeing as I anticipate an unplanned and unwanted house move soon :frowning:
Haven’t even entered them all in my stash, yet.
But since my son is here I thought I’d let him choose which one I SFT first. He reckoned coffee.

Hmm, I have Coffee(Organic) NF, and Espresso (NF)
I think I’d better do both, same time to see how they differ (if they differ)

I;m also gonna SFT Apple Cider (Organic) (NF)because Chris is especially curious about that one.

Any hints, guidance, or guesses as to what% to try with these particilar flavours? (i’ll go for two different strengths of each flavour) and what kind of steep time to expect before they start tasting good? (kinda hoping they’ll be ready, or at least halfway impressive, before son goes home, but i doubt it)

Might add some more to the list soon, but NF SFTs are far from the only thing on my mixing “to do” list, right now, so I’m cautious re,. making promises.
A lot of these flavours (eg Butter!) I’m just gonna use , without doing an SFT first. I know that’s slightly naughty, but needs must!


My last order was about 8months ago and have not ordered regularly enough to compare batch to batch. I assume with extracts though you will have slight variance from batch to batch. I am always satisfied with the potency of NF flavors, first thing i did was dillute the NF brown sugar :wink:


@jay210 I happened across some NF’s a while back and haven’t had time to add them to my stash, or test yet. I’m psyched you scored a big batch, maybe it will motivate me, and I’m excited to hear what you think.


I’m still dipping my toes into “the NF world”… But I’d suggest three testers each.
2 drops, 6 drops, and 0.5%
Simply because the ones I’ve gotten have been very strong.

Time-wise, I’d say between 2 and 3 weeks in most cases. Though coffee in many brands can take up to a month IME.

Take the above with a grain of salt, but that’s how I’d approach them, judging by the handful of NF I’ve tested so far.


No experience here. But, they sound like they’re potent to me.

Let me know when you have them all entered and I’ll see if I have any recommendations. This is exciting! Lots of winners you’ll have, I’m certain.


Most applications should start with .25% to 1% by total weight of application and work their way up. Per:

I suggest using 2% but mix a blank unflavored base, if it vapes but is too strong mix equal parts unflavored base and the 2% SF mix to reduce it to 1%, and have no additional steep time. You can repeat the process to go from 1% to 0.5%. So be sure to note the empty bottle tare weight and mix unflavored base.
The only NF i have mixed with is Malt, it worked at 2% in a mix after 45 day steep. But i have a dulled sense of taste.


Thanks for the help, guys! :heart:

I might go with this, but I’m averse to measuring in drops, and besides, you didn’t specify the bottle size!
Could you translate that to % , please?


@jay210 @sprksfly