Doug Has Questions

@anon28032772 Unless there’s overwhelming proof these things are dangerous, banning it should be the absolute last option. You’ll find I might say something to get a rise out of people. Besides, this is a soundbyte society anymore. Do I against the current Juul type system? Yes. Do I want to see improvements? Absolutely. Do I believe in bans? No.

There’s nothing wrong with improving anything. I agree getting off of cigarettes should be a phenomenal priority. Regardless of the mode\method. It should always be an individual’s choice (unless there’s overwhelming scientific evidence to prove it’s a danger… such as lead poisoning).

You’ll see me post some wild things at times. I do it to get a rise (real attention) out of people. We have to write our Congressmen\women about it.

… And there should never be anything wrong with improving any product.


@anon84779643 this is the current and naivety of our society. We email all the time. We google all the time… People don’t understand… It’s finally time to get involved in politics… or we run the risk of losing a lot. Even if it’s an incredibly slim minority, the majority vote gets their choice. Those in the majority tend not to write their Congressmen\women either… So… We take a few minutes to find out who our reps\senators are, save their email addresses, and begin to email them like they’re our friends lol. If they hear around 10% of their constituents the same message about something, They begin to take notice. It’s sorta like telling them their job may be in danger.

It works better than poling does. I grew up in Arlington Va. Spent a lot of time around these types. Emails count for more than flash poles… (letters used to be the way).

I email mine. All of them. I find out who’s in office, who’s going to be… then save their email address… Shoot 'em a short email… I just got my letter of acknowledgement from mine on Friday. Hand signed too.


That’s how JUUL is marketed and why it was developed, in my opinion. I do not think they had a strategy meeting and decided “Hey! We should totally build an e-cig with stupidly high NIC % so we can hook millions of people on our product!” I do think they recognized the attractiveness of such an easy-to-use device, but I don’t believe they built it for nefarious reasons. I think the users keyed in on this themselves (especially non-targeted teens) and made it the villain it is today. Any changes from the JUUL perspective, if any, should maybe make any commercial e-cigs with, I don’t know, more than 24mg NIC prescription based. Arbitrary number, I don’t know what the max should be.


@SessionDrummer The pod system they use is horrible. I don’t believe in bans. I may get sarcastic to get attention about it, but bans should only be used if the product is widely known to cause health issues (that’s why we need desperately to get rid of lobbyists). Big tobacco still sells smokes and we know how dangerous those are. There’s nothing to replace them though.

I think that particular company needs to improve their product. So, what do we give up to keep from losing it all??? Or do we hold our ground and demand NOTHING GETS BANNED???


@anon70102222 No one means to get adult products into kids hands. We all know it’s gonna happen though. Arbitrary number means you realize we need to start somewhere. Not a ban. Improve the product. Who can argue that?

I’d rather hear an arbitrary number than the word ban. Heck, make it safer so that if kids get it, it’s less dangerous to them? Less children are smoking cigarettes…

Innovation is not evolution. There’s got to be room to improve (sorry, that’s the engineer talking from me lol).


Lowering the nic wouldn’t really improve it from a smoking cessation standpoint. But if it would dissuade youth use, sure I guess. But again, all this stems from a corrupt government that has gotten themselves addicted to tobacco (revenue) rather than from a public health standpoint.


Oh… I think you use the Avitar of “Fish” from the Barney Miller show? If you know who he is and watched him when it actually aired… We old farts are “hip” too!!! :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:


That’s ol’ Phil, yep. And I count myself among the Old Farts Club members.


@anon70102222 Me too. I’m not sure about the argument that nicotine doesn’t cause cancer… I think it’s a carcinogen. Soo? So is formaldehyde, arsenic, etc…

Oh, btw… I’ve heard to many people tell me arsenic isn’t addictive. In low doses over time, it is. And it has a large link to cancer. JS.


Name a compound, and someone will tell you it causes cancer. Among those found in cigarettes, is nicotine the most dangerous?


@anon70102222, Nope. CO2, CO, formaldehyde, arsenic… are just a few. I’d say cutting back on the #'s of carcinogens is brownie points all the way! Is vaping safer??? In that aspect, yes. Can it cause mechanical pneumonia? If you huff and puff on a nic level to low for what your body is used to, it’s possible (possible… no studies done yet to be conclusive).

No one will say, “I don’t know??? Let’s find out before we can state that” The words “I don’t know” are hard for people to say anymore it seems. Engineers deal with “I don’t knows” all the time. One thing I do know is I won’t make a determination or even a partial one without data. I need data… give me data. I need data within the correct event window.


You’re looking at this through a rather logical lens. We are, however, dealing with a highly illogical government.


Truer words have not been spoken …


We should ban stupid politicians? :thinking:


@anon70102222 @SessionDrummer, I think it’s more “bought and paid for” personally. It’s just my evaluation based on the super PACs and wealthy special interest groups\individuals.


Well, yeah. That and they’ve borrowed heavily against future tobacco earnings and desperately need the revenue.


@anon70102222 very true. Big oil is fighting electric cars like mad. “money talks” period at this point. I honestly think my son’s right. I think there is a new revolution coming. I just saw a post about the creation of a world communism? It lined right up with what is happening. He’s right also about the separation due to party beliefs. Somehow we’re going to have to come together as a people. We have our differences. Ok.

How do we become united again?


We are drifting way off the OP topic but I will add a little observation.

The Government of the U.S.A is bashing Juul day in day out and while I do not like Juul due to them throwing the entire industry under the bus. I question why they are being targeted. They are not the worst offender in regards to FDA compliance reports.

So, let’s look at the NATIONWIDE DATA!!! What we all have been waiting for!

As of October 31st, 2019, there were 11,942 FDA compliance reports made.

Type of store product was sold in:

Vape shop: 749 (6.27%)

Gas station: 5,967 (49.96%)

Tobacco shop: 1,065 (8.91%)

Alcohol/liquor store: 249 (2.08%)

Convenience store: 2,561 (21.44%)

Grocery/drug store: 1,330 (11.13%)

Miscellaneous: 21 (0.17%)

Type of product sold:

JUUL: 2,262 (18.94%)

Blu: 2,560 (21.43%)

Vuse: 5,363 (44.90%)

MarkTen: 328 (2.74%)

Logic: 40 (0.33%)

NJOY: 90 (0.75%)

Other: 1,299 (10.87%)


Aren’t the Vuse like, the cheapest units you can get? Just asking. I know some of these aren’t things I would buy.


I ran out of space and elr ate everything I was writting… yeps deff off topic now…

just remember… diy is 5% of ejuice… and only 1% of total flavor use…

What big tobacco and big pharma wants, they will always get.

Plenty of keyboard warriors here that sit at home and spam anyone and everyone, instead of getting out of the house and actually talking with people. That won’t fix things, if they are blocked and they can not get their message thru a filter placed in email.

Even attempting to talk… if it wont work, vote them out.

We wont be able to stop bans… or change a product, without a lot of money… most keep their vape budget, I will guess… around 1-200 a month… how many will donate while both big p and t have billions available?

Vuse is not the cheapest… think china made products, with questionable ingredients.