Doug Has Questions

@authormichellehughes, ok so they are really in the dark about vaping… Maybe they shouldn’t jump to banning all of it due to the deaths of a few people with marginally determined causes. That’s the society today. No one takes time to collect information and LEARN. I’ve also noticed more and more people can’t read full paragraphs anymore. What’s up with that?

Are my posts that horrible to read? I suck at emails however, I didn’t think what I typed was illegible? Ok, it could use some work…I’ll admit that lol.


Doug, they are listening to what our health department is telling them. That I can say with certainty at least in Alabama. That being said, according to him Alabama has no desire to ban vaping, they think it’s an adult choice which is a blessing for us in this state, but if a Federal mandate comes through, they will follow it. They didn’t even want to raise the age to 21 here, he made that very clear. I wish you could have seen how happy he was when we handed him that book on Heartland though. His closed off demeanor changed very quickly, which showed me what was needed. Now getting the public health department on board, that’s where we are going to have trouble.

Oh! One more thing back on topic about flavors. Yesterday on twitter, I noticed the American Lung Association started pushing the popcorn lung fake news again. That was debunked in 2016 but it’s not stopping them from pushing fake news again.


I personally think it isn’t that at all. I think they well know the difference, and are simply using the tainted cartridges as the battering ram to clobber vaping as a whole to death.


and its not that either…

this was all set in motion back in 2009… I feel it was planned out on the thc users… They knew better.

but as for the bans, the pmtas… yeah 2009… look who all was “in power” then… we asked for this.

thinning the herd out a bit, resetting everything. Just remember tho… once the genie is out of the bottle, hard to put it back in… Freedom and independence go hand in hand…

Knowing how to do something is priceless and something no one can take away. If one just tries.


@anon70102222 @authormichellehughes It’s the FDA it has to go through and that takes a lot of money. It also takes a lot of research too. Fhil, I agree. They aren’t getting those tax dollar “protection money” (mobsters… all of them). Once they figure that out, and can get MORE than the tobacco companies (because big tobacco and the FDA are cuddle buddies) the ban will be lifted.

On a side note, anyone know how to get a juice stain out of a carpet? I had a bad tank or bad O rings… dang thing kept leaking. I got some on the carpet and it’s now yellow. Can it be cleaned?


Five kids LOL hardwood and tile throughout my house for a reason, Doug. Sorry no clue how to remove that.


Not in our lifetime.

1 Billion Smokers

There Are Nearly 1 Billion Smokers on Earth.

How Many People Are Vaping? In 2018, it’s estimated that over 40 million adults vape regularly worldwide.


@authormichellehughes, Lucky you!!! I live in gov subsidized housing due to the Parkinson’s. I couldn’t get a job after I had to admit that. I became a “workman’s comp” liability. Say what you want about President Obama but he made that illegal to be discriminated against for work. Also no more pre existing condition means I could work now but it’s been 10+ years now and the disease is beginning to get worse. Oh well…


@anon70102222, I’m sure once they get their “cut” it will be good business… Instantly, all these great reasons and proven safety measures now make it safer to do. Besides, Big tobacco makes more money over seas.


So very sorry to hear about that, Doug :frowning:


I was referring to your statement that vaping will make them more than smoking will.


I’m sorry to hear of your circumstance.

But you are not a liability. You are what these laws were meant to protect. No one with a legitimate disability is or should be considered a liability. It is the ones who stub their toe and get a doctor to say they can’t work anymore that are the liabilities; i.e. the ‘system gamers’ that make a mockery of well-intentioned legislation


@authormichellehughes, Thank you, Honestly! but I think I’d rather have this than cancer. Maybe I’m wrong but I watched my mom, dad, and baby sis die of that… horrible stuff to have.


Baking soda and vinegar… :wink:

I can promise… the FDA won’t help to lift any ban. :slight_smile:


@anon70102222, I was a danger to the company. If I tripped I could claim it on the fall that I had issues walking… I thought that was BS personally. At the time though, the Dr’s thought it was enough that, given the circumstances I couldn’t work anymore. The medication makes you dizzy and uncoordinated… Just not safe to be in a work environment. It took 3 years but I got it. I just didn’t take my medication for 2 days before the court hearing to show how I really was. I had spasms on the medication though too. I wasn’t normal even on the medication.

It may have been a nasty trick but I couldn’t afford the medication. I told them that. It was true also. I couldn’t get work. I was a liability to companies. The judge said given the evidence based on the workmans comp issue he couldn’t deny me since without it I was in danger of further harm to myself.

I don’t get medicaid or foodstamps though. I won’t do that. I try to work as much as I can doing odd jobs. I’m part of the “right to work” program. Hey, I’m trying. I want to feel useful. I’m eligible for both medicaid and foodstamps but I want to be proud of myself. I want my community to be proud of me too.

When I walk up to a counter and the medicine is controlling my tremors, I don’t want people thinking I’m “abusing the system”. There’s that stigma too. If people can’t see how sick you are, they think you’re a bum.


I’m sorry- I thought you were inferring that you were a tax burden on others, which is what I was disputing. I understand what you mean now and also agree it was shameful for them to try to deny you your rightful workman’s comp claim.


@anon70102222, I tell people to think what they want about me. Live with it for 1 day. try to hold your cup in your hands only to have it fall out because you can’t hold it. I’m constantly correcting my mistakes typing and I have to focus on it a great deal to do it. I used to work in the IT field. I could type at 100 words a minute? Now, if I get 40 I’m lucky. TG for auto correct lol. I’m not as bad as Micheal J Fox yet but he has quite a bit of money from his career. Mine got ate up by the visits, the medication costs… I’m proud of myself. I think that’s important. I’m not trying or want to cheat the system.

Oh, forgot to add that sometimes walking is a real joy… Just fall over randomly…


@anon70102222, Oh, also forgot to add how people tell me they trip all the time. I don’t trip. My leg won’t move forward sometimes. Sometimes I want to wear knee pads, elbow pads, and a bicycle helmet… It’s always so fun to plow into concrete walking to your car. Joy, Joy!!! Sometimes I think asphalt, gravel, or concrete should be my favorite flavor lol.

Hey, I should make nic flavors of those!!! I wonder how many people would try it? lol.


I hope you are using a cane or walker Doug, so you can brace yourself.
No shame in it at all… I got my mom one and she used hers all the time… mostly by threatening me when we walked! :stuck_out_tongue: but it was all in fun. She was not like you tho, she did heal up from her surgery… and it became a thing to donate back :slight_smile: … good memories there… thanks Doug! :slight_smile:

ps there is already a juice out there callled gravel pit… full of the fruits that contain pits!! :stuck_out_tongue:
so go for it, it might even taste great! :slight_smile:


We have different breed politicians in the 2000’s … it still amazes me when politicians keep repeating the Brexiteers overwhelmingly won the referendum. 51.8% is an overwhelming majority these days (only a little over 30% of the population voted in favor). In my country, the far right and the right wing parties together had about 25% of the votes together. They were the biggest block and now insist they have to be in the government and would like premiership … but they’re forgetting that about 75% of voters did not want them in power. The result of their power struggle is that we’re not having a functioning government for almost another year again. Self entitled idiots those politicians.
At least there are people like you that can take a step back and have an objective look at things. It gives me hope :slight_smile: