Drums of War in the Ongoing FDA Flavorings Inquisition?

They have special trained flavor dogs and if they find something in customs when you sign for the package flavor swat teams run out and take you away. You are forced to live for two weeks in a flavor rehabilitation unit where the blast recordings of screaming children and flash images of children dying from flavor overdoses 24/7 all while you are subjected to random electro-shock therapy sessions. Then it’s off to flavor prison where they chase you around with batons and fruits.


Many souls have been saved, and many lung alveoli have been spared from the scourges of the nefarious sins of obsessive-compulsive pulmonary self-misuse - thanks to the “MARCOTICS” (Ministry of Aesthetic Rectitude and Conformance Operations Team Information Collection Services) Squad Re-Education Camp, where the incarcerated are duly taught by gosh and by gaslight that the immutable “DEVOID” (“Deceptively Executed Vagaries Obfuscating Intelligent Discourse”) Doctrine teaches that the CDC-sanctified vaporous diagnosis “EVALI” (“e-cigarette, or vaping, product use associated lung injury”) need not have any specific markers to denote its presence - other than the stench of self-dealing, ambulance chasing moral zealotry.



Bravo!!! Nicely done, especially in regard to the acronyms.


Well looks like there might be a proposed Bill taxing nicotine on the Federal level…


The e-juice we vape containing Nicotine really should be considered “Nicotine replacement therapy”, and if FDA approved as such would be exempt from the tax.

This is complete Bullshit, of course.


US House Ways and Means Committee will be “marking up” the proposed bill on Wednesday, October 23, 2019. Introduced by Suozi (NY, Democrat), and co-sponsored by King (NY, Republican), the bill - in the spirit of legislators neither understanding, or particularly caring one whit about, scientific or clinical accuracy - the bill title “H.R. 4742, TO AMEND THE INTERNAL REVENUE CODE OF 1986 TO IMPOSE A TAX ON NICOTINE USED IN VAPING, ETC”, has (apparently, by amendment introduced by the chairperson of the Joint Committee on Taxation), been assigned the more sexy, sensationally hysterical sounding bill title of:

Protecting American Lungs Act of 2019

From the currently released bill text:

[tax rate not less than] $50.33 per 1,810 milligrams of nicotine is indeed a whole hell of a lot of taxation !

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I’ve got my lifetime of nic in the freezer. Fuck their taxes!!!


Good for you! Just ordered 2 liters of 100mg nic a couple of weeks ago. Crazy to think the proposed total tax bill on that would be $5,561.

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We’re here to help!!! Give us your money!!!


Basically covers the same as posted above:

But at least NOW they’re “admitting” that it’s a direct offset to the money being lost from cigarette sales:

They’ve got some pretty impressive redirecting (ways to distract the uninformed) going on though…

LMAO!! Suuuure it has pal.
You just keep on blowing smoke up your constituents…

And then tries to leave the reader with the impression that it won’t be going to replace the lost MSA monies…


/Edited because, once the disgust passed, I remembered that not all of them have gone Batshit Crazy yet.


I wish we had an accurate and reliable count of vapers, by state, who have completely quit smoking due to vaping.


Does anyone know when the tax will be implemented? I don’t have enough nic yet and won’t have funds to get the last I need before next month.

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Since the “wise” politicians are going to use this new nicotine tax to subsidize the costs of other tax break proposals also being voted on, I’m wondering if they have taken into account how this tax would basically wipe out the vape industry in the US thus overestimating the projected revenues from the tax.


Ahhh, but there’s the rub.
Consider this as additional insurance that the money being generated (ALL of the money) is soon being done through “authorized” and “PMTA approved” hands.

/fully wrapped tinfoil :laughing:
None of that nasty uncontrolled ‘free enterprise’, and nuevo riche channels that have thus far misdirected it from the knowing and loving hands of the New World Order…

Perish the thought!
Ooh ooh, dirty, nasty! shudder


Nailed! Insurance. Bet on both horses. At the moment they are looking at stabilizing income not increasing it. They’ll get to the “increasing it” later when they have a clear winner.


So the $ amount per milligram of nicotine is $ 0.0278 per milligram

$50.33 ÷ 1,810 = 0.0278066298

If I purchase a liter of 100mg Nicotine that’s $2.78 added to the current price for federal tax.

$ 0.0278066298 * 100 = $2.78

Is my math correct? If so it’s not quit the death nail it first seems to be.

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It’s not going to be too fast, they want to get away with doing the bans first, but they were in such a rush they already screwed up 3 states… waiting for results this week now… I think you still have time.

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Ya, that’s a little ambiguous. Another way to look at it is if you have 120ml bottle of e-juice @ 3mg/ml that would be 360 taxable units @ .0278 is about $10.00. That would be a little more significant.

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Actually that would be $2.78 per ml of 100mg nicotine I’m assuming… So for 1 liter of 100mg the tax would be $2,780.