Drums of War in the Ongoing FDA Flavorings Inquisition?

$50.33 per 1,810 milligrams of nicotine

I don’t believe so…

I read it as:
If there’s 100mg per milliliter…
And 1000ml = 1L

Then the math should be:
100x1000=10,000mg of nic in a liter.

Which in turn means:

So $50.33 x 5.53 (even though it should probably be rounded down…) = $278.3249 in tax, per liter.

Again, someone should correct me if I’m wrong. lol (I feel like I flubbed somewhere though. I’m running on 4hrs sleep and probably shouldn’t EVEN be trying to do math right now…)

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It would mean $50 per 18ml of 100mg/ml
1000/18 = 55.5
55.5 x 50 = $2777 per lt of 100mg/ml


Oops, you dropped a digit. 100mg/ml X 1000ml = 100,000.


Thank you! lol
I just had that feeling…


So I was on the right path, but missed the decimal. :crazy_face:

$2783.249 per liter


You guys have both my brain cells fighting for pole position!! :crazy_face:


Or stated another way… Guberment taxes X nic I need = Oh Fuck!!!


Makes one want to buy a drum of it. It will be worth more than gold. The new world monetary standard!!!


Do they state 100mg/mL or do they mean prue nic 1000mg/mL

If it’s pure nic 1000mg/mL then divide by (10) for tax on 100mg/mL

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It is all liquids containing nic that the tax would be applied to if it made it through to law. Surprise surprise JUUL would be a big winner with .7ml pods at 50mg attracting a fraction (about $1) of the tax that a bottle of juice would attract.


You can snag a 55 gal drum of 100mg for about $7,150 and save $578,942.70.


That would be awesome then i would just have to convince Australian Customs that it was for personal use and was only a 3 month supply. It would mean that I could get it if I was vaping nearly 70 lts perday of 3mg juice - I have my work cut out for me.


Note my correction. First time around I only calculated for 1 gal. I’ll snag one and relabel it as Valvoline. Coming your way. We’ll work out the details later.


don’t go getting nic sick Wolfie… its ok not to take a hit for team #damngovantivape :cry:


Hit me with one of those too, I hear it makes gogo juice for my acrua integra :slight_smile:


Thanks for the correction. This is an utterly exorbitant tax!!! Try that with coffee you f#cktards :rage:


No… I really will have a total melt down and my life will never be the same…
I have a gallon of nic… Im at 3mg now… I better up it to 18… grrr…

and I am so good on coffee… I have some from south america, hawaii and the republic…


Committee has already passed it to the house and Senate has a similar bill in committee with 19 cosponsors. This tax will pass both imo.


Interesting in its irony, a previous resolution also named HR 4742, (Jan 9, 2018, 115th Congress), entitled, “The Stable Genius Act”. Had the resolution passed, perhaps this “American carnage” would not be upon us

I myself am not finding any newer (Oct 23) information - other than this substitute text flaunting the ludicrous utterly specious nauseatingly sanctimonious official moniker of: “Protecting American Lungs Act of 2019”.


The legislation was approved by the committee 24-15 Oct. 23 - will advance to a vote in the full House.

In the US Senate, S.2463 - E-Cigarette Tax Parity Act (the status of which can be followed using this link).


I hereby move that the rules be suspended, and a second substitute resolution title of:
“Raping American Pocket Books While Engendering Misery and Death Act of 2019”
be hereby adopted in the spirit of openness and honesty in government forthwith ! :stuck_out_tongue:


Public comments were closed on October 4, 2019 regarding the FDA’s proposed addition of Propylene Glycol as well as Glycerol (Glycerin, VG) to their list of “Harmful and Potentially Harmful Constituents in Tobacco Products” (Established List; Proposed Additions; Request for Comments).

A total of 40 public comments were filed with the FDA, all of which can be accessed and read here.

In addition to PG and Glycerin, readers may also find certain salt/flavor constituents of similar interest:

Under the (proposed) Final Rule, all of the above substances will join the FDA’s “Harmful and Potentially Harmful Constituents (HPHCs)full listing, already in existence. Ironically (and IMO, a bit comically) it seems that what appears to have been reported in several studies as being the most cytotoxic of flavoring components - Cinnamaldehyde - is absent from the above list of proposed additions, as well as present list.


This August 2019 Congressional Research Service report looks like a detailed and informative document:
FDA Regulation of Tobacco Products

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