ELR 5X5 Contest, the Recipes that didn't make the initial cut. Post yours

Bro go read your comments throughout the entire month … We get it , you dont like FLV and cant mix with their flavors…i have a couple ADVs thst are all FLV and one of the recipe i mix most for people is All FLV at like 3.5pct over all flavors …Now back to good vibes only


@McDuckie ty , give me a couple weeks to refine them , some pct up and down here and there should do


100pct agreed…lmao , i just had that a couple weeks ago , i knew the recipe was an instant banger and after trying it I was like wtf happened. I smelled my base , flavors everything smh


Well i stand corrected then. I was just assuming with all the trouble everyone was saying they were having and trying to make sevencasper feel better.

The one i submitted is not bad . Id vape it if i had to just not up to a ADV standard


Your right though i go too hard on flv. My bad. I dont like mixing with only them as it just does not work for me and i get mostly off note but theres a few bangers that i happily use in mixes with other flavir brands like sweet crunch , crispy donut , apple filling , rich cinnamon and a few others


I don’t want to repeat it TOO often (old people thing), but the things that seem to screw people up MOST with FLV flavors is, Over-Flavoring, and Using the Correct Flavors.

Over flavoring just happens, and it takes time, and YES, blowing your face off a time or two to get a handle on it/them. Flavorah, like most OTHER MFG’s doesn’t have a flavor for EVERY profile or need. What I saw seasoned FLV mixers do, was if FLV didn’t make an exact profile they needed, they MADE IT. This ALSO takes some time, and experience to learn how to do.

Most of the older vets here remember @Smoky_Blue, who ONLY mixed using FLV. She caught a lot of crap over that, BUT, she was a magician using the flavors, and not only could she make almost any flavor profile (using other FLV flavors), she mastered the “Go Low” approach.

I will admit, I haven’t mixed only FLV for a while, and had to RE-adjust back to it.


:joy::joy: Glad I’m not the only one who thought that!!


Your totally right. It really does have the feeling of overflavoring on the recipes i tried to make or maybe even under flavoring since i did go really low on most flavors


Maybe someone can point out what im doing wrong with these. Im all for learning. Heres another that didnt make the cut. The profile i want is there. Its just not a flavor banger and a little muddled

And another


I’m shocked how low you can go with Flavorah and still get big, rich, bold flavor.

I over dropped a flavoring and tried to pour half of it out. It was so little to begin with it just clinged to the side of the bottle and couldn’t make it over the lip to drip any out! I need to upgrade to a better scale. Really, I should have diluted that flavor first.


:rofl: my Maple Long John was like that @ 5% in an RDA it was blowing my face off the flavor was good but so strong that it was sickening. The samples at 5% work great in my MTL Mini Robot so no waste. Though I had to trim the percentage down to 3% to make it vapable in all types of devices.


@STR8V8PING let me look at them when not mobile …


Frosty Donuts

Dougnut Crispy .60pct
Frosting .80pct
Milk 0.10pct
Popcorn 0.20pct
Sweet Crunch 1pct
Sweetness 0.20pct
Vanilla Pudding 1pct

This is where i would start , possibly needing to go up a tad in the Sweet Crunch . I LOVE FLV POPCORN … I like it paired with TPA kettle corn 4pct FLV Pipcorn .6 to .8 but low like you have it I get a sweet butter vibe …I havent used FLV Milk alot so starting low is always best bet with FLV


Ill try it. Flv popcorn is good. I havent been able to make it work in mixes though. Interesting on donut so low. Iv always been using that over 1 percent. I also dont have flv sweetness , iv been using cap supersweet. I heard someone say somewhere cap supersweet doesnt work great with flv flavors. Not sure if thats true but I wonder if that has anything to do with my problems.


I start low and build up… i dont use SS the afyertaste kills me, if i SFT somethjng at 1.5pct ill usuly use in a mix at about half of the SFT then move up of needed. FLV usage is a lot different than a lot of other manufacturers, moving up 0.2pct can change alot . What i put there for you is just where I woould start , test than change what needed.

I like to say FLV are linear Building blocks , they dont have a lot of flavors that are multi flavored like WF and others . So building a cake requires more flavors or an Ice Cream.

Then again FLV just might not be for you , they may use compounds that dont sit well


Despise the stuff myself and i only have it for the contests as it was required last time for some mixes. I do use SS PUR occasionally.


This one goes out to @Sevencasper. 24 versions later, and it’s STILL terrible. At this point, I can’t even REMEMBER whatever in the hell thought POPPED into my head, that I was TRYING to re-create.

Here’s to lucky 25 !!!


Im still trying to make the “perfect spumoni” …Finally got the green joy INW and think its going to make it a bit easier. I dont even know how many attempts ive made. Lots of good ones but not one im sold on 100pct


Wow, I’d never heard of INW Green Joy, is that a straight Pistachio ?


It’s a mix of pistachio and vanilla cream, velvety and smooth basically almost a pistachio ice cream. Pairs really well with TPA Pistachio.