ELR is a testing ground? A rant of sorts

I have a question… Are all recipes published to the community by default, or are they private by default? It’s been so long since I I started that I don’t remember the default setting. I’m just wondering because if they’re public by default maybe a lot of people who just use the site for their own recipe storage needs don’t even realize they’re made public?


Default is Private.


Thanks. Never mind that then.


Yeah, it requires interaction by clicking the little box to un-check it.


It can be pointed out in many ways there is a lot less rude and/or condescending, rather than write “This recipe is a joke” or whatever ass remarks you come up with.

So, you are not only gonna be self-proclaimed flavor naming police, you are gonna take position of being quality control police too? If you think so, then you better start to actually test and remember that some recipes, as the one referred to here is likely meant for a pod system.

The world does not revolve around you and by that i mean, that some will like sweet vapes or extra cold or whatnot. People have very different preferences, and just because a recipe doesnt fall under yours, doesnt make it is ok to ridicule.

There would be easy fix to this whole mess if Daath had time to implement some changes, which would lead to a lot less name changing managing too (however, no policing for you). Simple fix could be “validated” flavors, and then make only validated flavors be visible in the auto complete. That way there can still be user specific naming available, just in the background. This could even give the option to hide recipes with user specific/unvalidated flavor recipes in the different lists.

Anyway, i was referring to that recipe and someone else or yourself must have agreed that your remark was over the top, since the comment has been deleted!


Thanks for chiming in Lummy. Always a dis-pleasure to see your whiney-ass mug pop up!



I really would hate for this place to become dependent on a flavor company or manufacture “in the box”…
I know one website someone waited for a month for a company to be added so they could pop up recipes.

This is the me now generation and not too many have patience for all that.
Much less take advise too well… eh who cares?? :slight_smile:


It wouldnt be dependent if user specific was still available. That way instead of having to go and constantly correct and merge, then when a new naming have been added it can get into a validate list. When a flavor has been approved the system could come up with auto merge suggestions, for similar naming that are yet to be validated. The only main difference there would be, is that the auto complete for flavor naming would only contain validated flavors.


Might work… who knows? I really do not cruise the recipes looking to correct them. I rarely mix other’s recipes too. Working with only 1 brand public and my private brand… just works for me. My style is not like others… so it really doesn’t effect me… yet :wink:

Perhaps a button for unknown manufactures could be beside the known manufactures, so you can filter it either way… now that you explained it a bit better, Lummy…


I will say I have people in one of my groups that loves to show off recipes that look out of kilter…
It is a good way to share a laugh… only because we all “get it” we understand because we have been there, using things too high. I promise… newbies come on… and yes they use flavors way too high, but…
if you watch their progress long enough, those high usages do come down.

We all should remember, as equipment improves, so does the flavors, base and nic… We all taste differently, we all mix differently and a lot of us are so opinionated we can not see the other side of the beaker to save us from the insanity of continuing long after we started to vape.

Remember… that vaping was created to step away from the cigs… long time users should ask what their own next steps should be. Once you passed that 3 day window from stopping your smoking, you should consider to reduce your nic. <yes my very own opinion on nic usage.

I do know of a few long time folks that still vape 18mg nic… and they have been vaping since at least 2011, they are happy where they are… I don’t know if anyone has created any resolutions here… but I want to step down to zero nic and stay there. I continue to bounce… but this is the time now for me to step back from using nicotine.


Have you tried 0 nic yet, @anon84779643 ? Any difference in your body?


Did try a few times, lowering the nic just makes me vape that much more, so i guess i havent been ready to take that step yet.


I have… so far I have managed to go with zero nic for days on end…
Only when I get stressed do I find myself reaching for my nicotine, and it takes a bit to head back to zero… I bounce, @delltrapp… but this time I think I have it. I am up to 2 weeks now :slight_smile:

As far as cravings? Sometimes, but more often not. Surprised myself this Christmas and not once did I reach for juice I keep around for those stressful times :slight_smile:


Sometimes you are not… I find with stepping from 3mg to zero it isnt that much difference… but others claim it makes their flavors taste better… just like with stepping down from 18mg… do not go to 12mg immediately… manage it with 2mg difference… it’s not as noticeable then.


I found that to be true with freebase, but I have not noticed any flavor difference with or without salts.


I have been at 3mg since i started vaping… as soon as i try to go with 2.5 i just vape a lot more. I have considered if i should try to make baby steps and lowering .1 at the time instead.

I find that nic can make a very tiny difference in bakeries, not noticeable enough that would keep me from lowering though… it could however very well be that my brain have just been convinced that it makes a difference :smiley:


I can no longer do nic salts. It keeps my blood pressure up too high. I know I am a chain vaper. I can go for almost all day but when I pick my mod up… yeah… I don’t like to stop :stuck_out_tongue:


Mind over matter and if you don’t mind :wink:

as a sub to help with the bakeries… any saline/salty helpers will fix that.


I wish I had done a screen shot of a flavor concentrate I ran across on ELR the other day because one of the max uses of that said concentrate was 33% (and now I’m not kidding). I had a new mixer on the beginner group ask me what medians were in recipes and was pulling up flavors to show him that they were the average medium of what most users mix that flavor at. So okay, yeah there are some things that shouldn’t be there. I can’t imagine any flavor on earth being used at 33% in a mix.

FOUND It and it wasn’t 33% it was 66%