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Heehee, I supposedly have some royal Spanish blood in my veins, a story passed down on my mother’s side. Probably inaccurate, they all had illusions of grandeur.


I wholeheartedly agree. My daughter is sane enough to keep well away from them.


My line just brings up why my lineage introduced the grey squirrel, persecuted many in trade et al.


Though I assume that she needs a little guidance from time to time.


Sure, but those are the times she’s least likely to look for it. Finding a competent one is very difficult.
She’s been burned too many times and I don’t think she will go back.
She enrolled for cognitive behavioural therapy in 2020.
I don’t think that’s very helpful when you’re suffering from psychoses.

It was a very big step for her to take. She’s terrified after the EMDR treatment she had backfired and make her a lot worse.
Shortly before the therapy was supposed to start, the whole thing was called off because of Covid.
I’m not sure she will do it again any time soon.


I know this really doesn’t apply to the thread (much), but I love fried grey squirrels or some good grey squirrels in gravy :yum:
Sorry for the interruption, now, back to your regularly scheduled programming.


It does sound like she’s be through the mill and without personal awareness or recognition.

I could only see a mild mannered one who’s been through it guiding her. I have done it for a few in my area, with long chats while walking in the parks.

This gives her an anchor to base all upon and build from. Sadly, the nutters who are suitable are rare: All of my close friends had a fundamental failure in remembering to keep living.


Oddly I also like roasting greys. I find adding rosemary and shiraz makes them shine.

It is legal to kill and eat them in the UK but only game butchers tend to stock them.


The problem is that she perceives everybody as a treat. When she comes out of it she doesn’t understand why, for instance, she attacked me.
“You are the only one who has always supported me.”
She will start babbling about a picture, and everybody in the picture is part of the conspiracy.
Every person she meets is added to the picture. Everybody is a suspect.
Her ex boyfriend, accidentally the son of people who own a photo shop, asked her how big that picture was. There are so many people on there, it must be huge.
Logic doesn’t work.

She was staying with me for a few weeks in 2020 and a guy was walking past, talking in his telephone about some guy driving him crazy.
When we were inside the house, she told me she heard what the guy said. According to her he told her to go crazy in the head.

There’s not much guidance you can give to someone who hears something completely different from what is actually being said.
It isn’t easy, but there’s nothing I can do. I have to let it go or go nuts.
Since I’m not a squirrel I take the former.


Not only is it legal to hunt them here and in most states but in West Virginia it’s akin to a religion.


Well, I would support the killing of squirrels as an offering to the Goddess Nut over the usual theology.

I’ll save you the rant on American christianity.


Thank you kind sir.



It could potentially be a lot more costly though. I suppose I disagree with Jack London.
He should be cancelled immediately! :grin:

Welcome to the forum :wave:


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Reality is what it is, not what you want it to be. --Frank Zappa


Oh how intriguing! I hear some cursed the idea, though. I don’t know much about it but can we have some of your darling redheads?
Image result for is the grey squirrel native to britain


Oh he would have a time of it with today’s physicists! For example…According to quantum mechanics…

:crazy_face: :rofl:


My mom was a bit “touched”. Not quite like your auntie but there were times when my sister and I just shook our heads. The stories were out of this world, especially about the people who were conspiring against her. The best (and funniest) one was the declaration that someone was spiking her milk with something making her horny :rofl: I watched her pour entire cartons of fresh milk down the drain.


Most people thought Zappa was a stoner. I actually knew some people who went to the Haight back when they were young hippies. They ran into him while they were trying to score drugs and he gave them his spiel about why you shouldn’t put drugs and alcohol in your body. I personally think he was underrated as a musician . He had an incredible talent for the guitar but clowned around so much that people didn’t take him seriously. He didn’t care!