First time post!

It’s a pink pony from My Little Pony. The screen shot caption says “Well that’s a weird question”. I thought it was appropriate :laughing:

Thank you for the “goodness” remark. :blush:

And just syringes. No scales in my home.


Careful saying things like that out loud: the Mix Nazis will be heckling and whispering about you for utilizing non-compliant standard methodology! :roll_eyes:


And I find it very hard to think 'My Little Pony" without the tint of weirdness, after seeing that documentary about grown men who call themselves ‘Bronies’ and cosplay like the toys - they kinda put a stain on My Little Ponies, honestly :slight_smile:

Still an’ all: they’ve been around for - since we were kids: along with Strawberry Shortcake and Smurfs and “Hey Rockee, watch me pulla-rabbit outta-muh haaat”… all in the same era :slight_smile:

“Just uhh, open-up muh sleeve and…”


GOD I used to LOVE Bullwinkle Moose…


Oh I know, but I think I’m good. I’ve been doing it successfully for over a year and have no desire ATM to switch. I might at some point but that point hasn’t arrived yet.

Most everyone on here knows I’m fairly competent with my mixes. :grinning: I’m happy with my results and those that’ve tried my recipes haven’t complained to me…

I’m not a fan of the old ponies but the new ones are fab! Huge fan, here.


Well sure, it’s cute when a chick likes them - even a grown woman.

I’ve given them enough airtime just mentioning them in my last post, acutally :slight_smile:


Start shoving some actual notes about flavours in the thread, instead of random shit-talk :smirk:


Just to reiterate: you’ve finally started!

I do not have any emoji or emoticon or words to express how flawlessly that’s placated and calmed me :relaxed:

A month might seem like a hideously long time, but we know it’ll be here pretty quick and of course you should feel perfectly free to open and test those bottles - at 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks etcetera - to give yourself an idea how they’re progressing and the differences in taste over that time.

You don’t have to by any means, but there’s no reason why you can’t, I mean.

You never told me whether you have drippers/RDAs around: though I use them almost entirely, I’d still recommend using them to test juices because they’re just well, obviously there’s no comparison between changing out an entire closed RTA and simply dripping a few drops into the hole of an RDA for testing and you don’t really even need to change the coil or cotton on an RDA between test drops - though if it’ll be sitting a week or longer, definately might want to start clean.

Then again, starting clean still means that new-cotton taste that takes a bit to go away so I would probably just store my RDA away from bugs and not bother changing cotton, personally: you can start each time by vaping away the leftover drops on the coils, then add the new drops.

But however you do it, you don’t need to lock the mixes away completely or ignore them completely for that month before testing them out: it’s beneficial to try them to learn how they change over time, which is repeating myself I know but whatevz :slight_smile:

Course you’ll see soon enough - if not already - that far from being a nerve-fraying event, mixing new juices is just mixing new juices when you’re actually doing it: if anything, it’s an anti-climax - you get shit out, add shit to bottles, shake and it’s like, “That’s it, hey?”

But then you accumulate mixes and then realize you’ve got that you made with and then think “What’s THAT tasting like now… it’s been a few weeks…” and that is when it starts dawning on you you’ve got a bunch of mixes to choose from and now you’re starting to lose track of just which flavours are even IN the cupboard, so let’s try some of this today :smirk:

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Though there’s no current indications from anywhere of any immediate solution, I’m pretty confident something will end-up sorting itself out for continued nicotine distribution: it’s not like it’s just the two of us here thinking our lil’ old wishful thoughts - even with vaping down in popularity (which is weird since it seemed only a year ago it was everywhere and fully accepted as a better option than smoking - even by society as a whole), there’s still so many vapers around the world and such an industry built to cater to us, that there’s no little pocket of people ‘just hoping for the best’ - it’s a huge global industry and everybody wants it to continue.

I know everyone’s prepping for the worst and I’m not going to shit on that approach since people are always going to over-react before they under-react - that’s just human nature and natural - but given tobacco will still be as accessible as ever and yeah…

Nicotine isn’t getting banned or outlawed, they’re just making it far less convenient to order and there are numerous smaller courier services none of us ever use or even know about who’re privately owned and probably preparing to capitalize on the big mail services failure, plus - at the minimum - there’s still China (who’ll ship anything to anywhere it seems without giving two shits about legislation as long as it doesn’t affect them personally) and other countries.

Wrapping all the individual potentialities of smaller couriers and mailing from overseas, there’s human-being’s never-ending desire to profit from any opportunity they can see and since there’s still plenty of customers wanting nicotine and plenty of businesses who would love to leverage anything they can to make a killing out of that, something will happen.

Lawyers aside, someone will find a crack or hole in the net to exploit: people always do you know? :slight_smile:

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Really? I’m not sure as it’s a 500ml bottle, seems like it would be hard to get exact with just tipping the bottle.

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Love the label idea. What is the name of your recipe if you don’t mind me asking? I see Unicorn but can’t work out the rest of the name?

I’m still giving thought to tipping in the vg at the end.


Wow! I really could of just moved forward without the scales!!! Less clutter, ideal!!!


Wait, what? I’m trying to be comp

Why did you continue to watch it then? My advice, if it bothers you, move on!

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I love this, especially more if it’s not sarcasm!


It was one those 40 minute ABC2 shows, that was over before I knew it anyway :slight_smile:

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Love the flavor notes but why did you start with strawberry? That flavor was all the rage, ick. Just never thought anyone could replicate it well. However, that is from trying several premium juices. Just no to strawberry.

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Because I don’t like strawberry, so if I like that one it’ll be a SUPER good strawberry worth writing notes about :slight_smile:

And because strawberry cheesecake… shrug :slight_smile:

I was right about the date, macadamia, honey & butter by the way: it’s only been just over a day mixed and already the flavours are oozing out and good.

All except the honey are a 1-2 day steep though, also good.

Refreshing even - practically shake/vape!

Great advise. The 2nd mix I made from suggestions and encouragement of @Ianc13, I’m watching and checking on the bottle at various times throughout the day. I’m also smelling it, I know not advised but it’s quicker for me while working. Interesting changes happening with the color and smell. Alcohol is almost gone.

I do have a very old rda and agree that would be the best way for me to test but time… and having it laying around all gross would get on my nerves. It remains in my desk drawer clean and unused!


This is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, on this forum!

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All good then.

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