Vape Train Australia (VTA) Single Flavor Tests by SessionDrummer

I just remembered your request so thought I’d reply again stating the obvious if you read above!

Probably a stupid thing to do but there you go.


I hadn’t read above but now that you mentioned it, VTA’s Light Rum would be it. Thx


I should note since this is the thread for it, that the only flavour i’ve been unimpressed with so far is the Sweet Cream: not because it’s weird or anything, but because I just don’t seem to get much of a taste of it.

Though I’ve always used it in mixes: maybe aas a single flavour I’d like it.


Cream can be more of a feel than a taste. It is not exactly a strong flavour in food as a rule. The SFT’s of creams I have tried have always been quite bland unless they had other ingredients ie: sweet cream or vanilla cream.


Yeah I figure about as much.

It’s also been mixed with Vanilla Cream AND custard AND fresh milk, so little wonder I can’t taste tje Sweet Cream :slight_smile:


(VTA) Glazed Strawberries

I’ll just bookmark my flavour-related posts so I can return and edit the longer I use it, starting with this one because Strawberries have always been a major piss-off for me: I’ve never been able to taste them in any juices - even the much revered (god knows why) Cuttwood’s Unicorn Milk which I got no flavour from at all - strawberry or milk or otherwise until one day shortly after receiving the juice, when I dropped by bag too hard on a tile floor - shattering the 60mL bottle that was nearly full, making my entire world smell like strawberry hell for weeks even after washing everything and instantly driving a nail through the head of any interest I may have had in Strawberry.

F$#%ing, Strawberry

Until now.

On arrival

Cracking the cap, the liquid smells excellent: no dull, flat lolly notes - more akin to to frozen fruit sticks made with real fruit juice or an actual strawberry that’s been sliced and pooled in it’s own juice, yeah that. While rubbing it into my skin I’m not noticing any new notes, but it’s obviously stronger. Yeah it really does smell like ripe, fresh strawberry though I’m getting no presence of any kind of sugary glazing agent at all - nothing but fresh strawberry.

Fresh Mixed

Taste nothing at all vaped fresh: zip; zero; nada; shit - fuck all.


First mix I’ll create with it is the Strawberry Cheesecake I threw together last night and haven’t done yet, though that won’t give me a solid idea of what the Glazed Strawberries are like individually. Edit: Fresh-mixed, this Strawberry Cheesecake mix already lick-tastes very good and though I won’t waste screen-space writing it here, contains 7 flavours - most of which are only at 1%-2% with the chunkiest shares going to the Cheesecake and Glazed Strawberries themselves (5% & 4% respectively) and all seven flavours are VTA.

To cover that (and because it smells so well balanced and realistic), I’ll also mix a little 20mL bottle of Strawberries & Cream, since paired-testing is as close tosingle-flavour testing as I have the patience for, plus I already know what the creams I have taste like so that’ll suffice.


  • Scent: 9/10
    Truly smells great: light, fruity, potent and ripe - no cheap or flat candy/candle notes at all.

  • Flavour: -/10
    Useless as a shake & vape flavour.

  • Potency: -/10
    Smells strong, no idea otherwise.


I dunno if I should do a Blueberry mix with something…

I’ve got Croissant, butter, plenty of creams… multiple sugary options… A simple Blueberry Cream might be mm it sounds good and looks great printed,… but then I realize - I just don’t like blueberry.

Much like that shattered bottle of Unicorn Milk really made the appeal of strawberry instantly gone, Jam Monster Blueberry really blugh’ed me out on that and now - even without the nasty artificial toast and jam flavourings of JM:BB, the Blueberry in itself reminds me too much of that seemingly endless 100mL of gagging.


And in spite of Strawberry but being my favourite flavour by a long shot, I still generall like strawberry enough to fuck around with it: blueberry though - that’s a clear "PLEASE NO!" my taste-buds are screeching at me.


(VTA) Warm Custard

It’s still a bit early - like several weeks early - to have a fully formed opinion of this flavour, but I’m going to once I’ve tried a mix that’s older than 10-14 days and again, I’ll just bookmark this post and return later to update.

So far, the flavour is excellent after a week or so steeping without any weird tastes, but still not very strong: it has all the notes of any good, smooth custard with a great thick and creamy exhale and now I’ve got the cheesecake that rounds out any custard mix so I’ll be back when I’ve mixed a few with that plus the custard as a basic, base.

Worth mentioning here too is that - unlike many Vanilla Custard flavourings - VTA’s Warm Custard really is more of a base than completed custard: they indicate on their site that there’s no vanilla added, so it can be more flexibly used as a chocolate, strawberry, caramel, tobacco, whatever other flavour of custard you like can turn it that way without the vanilla being present to begin with and why I start by pairing it with an equal percentage of Vanilla Cream.

Honestly it’s not a big distinction: whether there’s vanilla in it already or not, it’s not like you wouldn’t make chocolate pudding because there’s vanilla in it already - being such a mild flavour vanilla pretty much goes with any dessert at all, so I’m indifferent regards to whether it’s there or not.

On arrival

Barely any scent whatsoever fresh out the bottle and even rubbing on the back of my hand for skin-warmth, there’s almost no smell: the faintest whiff of vague, creaminess - that’s it.

Fresh Mixed

Don’t even bother - there’s no flavour at all fresh mixed.


Numerous custards now steeping that range between 3 days and almost 14, with all kinds of additional flavourings I tried within each different mix from Barrel Oak and Sweet Honey to a shitload of different combinations with creams to now Cheesecake and Butterscotch - the latter two of which were only mixed last night…

I think a mix combining Pudding Base, Cheesecake, Vanilla Cream and Warm Custard with Honeysuckle plus Macadamia will give you a custard so good you’ll need to wipe your seat dry after vaping.

I’ll order the Honeysuckle concentrate actually since I’ve already got everything else listed above, forget about the Butter Base and use Macadamia instead - that’s a high fat, highly buttery nut that’ll imbue a more complimentary flavour paired with the flower.

It’s also my favourite nut, Macadamia - hands-down.

I’ll slop that mix together tonight to start it off and add the last flavour later.


Tastes great fresh even without the cream or custard present yet - once they emerge well, you’ll have to just get used to having soggy genitals.


  • Scent: 1/10
    Out the bottle there’s nothing; steeped for a week you start getting that custardy scent in the liquid, but 1/10 is all I’d give any custard for scent because, well they’re hardly abundantly scented even when well steeped.

  • Flavour: 8/10
    No taste fresh-mixed, but after a week it’s started tasting good, with the thick, creamy exhale and no weird tasting off notes.

  • Potency: 7/10
    0/10 @0 days; 7/10 @7 days; 8.5/10 @10 days.


Beware the blueberry they don’t taste Aussie anyhow :wink:


All I taste is the dominant note in Jam Monster: I cannot lose that association :cry:

Even as undesirable as it is though, I will go the extra yard and chuck some in a tiny tiny 10-15mL VG as a solo: purely to let it steep and evaluate it as an individual flavour later… some other time :smirk:

I can live with the strawberry though I think - if it steeps-out to the point where I can detect/taste it, it’s a nice not-too-fruity-fruit and see again that’s really about the association: strawberry is such a common addin flavour for milkshakes, ice-cream, waffles & cream, the strawberry cheesecake I made last night (which smells and licks great, even before the dairy/creamy/steepables have even started really), strawberry flavoured wafer biscuits…

Oak Strawberry Milk

I like strawberry in almost all those real food variants you see, which makes S/Berry associated with creamy dessert flavours for me and means I’m not stuck on JUST 'Jam Monster Yuck!".

Blueberry CHeesecake however - nope: well, actually, maybe if I use the tiniest amount and muffle the shit out of it with the cheesecake, creams and biscuit… it might taste so mild it doesn’t remind me of J/Monster?



Sure as shit won’t be ruining good custard with it.

Not that the Blueberry is bad as such: it’s as good as that one and only commerical blueberry I had, but ironically the strawberry tastes like super ripe, fresh fruit when it’s meant to be Glazed Strawberries while the Blueberry tastes glazed though that’s meant to be Fresh Blueberry.

Both are good for what they are though, if you’re into that fruity kinda shite :slight_smile:


This would be one of my favourite strawberries and I mixed nothing but, in some form or another for near 2 years.
I’ve found it holds up well with bakeries especially. Did you get VTA Croissant? They paired well for me


Yes - VTA Glazed Strawberry and Croissant :slight_smile:

It’s the only brand I’ve been ordering: being so local and (at least so far) I’ve not picked a flavour yet that’s been even close to ‘bad’: I’ve got no off-notes in any of them, the Barrel Oak seems to go very quickly from ‘a bit too mild’ to ‘way too strong’ in a mix with very little warning, but that’s not their fault and doesn’t make it bad at all.

Matter of fact, I have started wiping these on the back my hand then smearing the concentrate so my skin warms it before I smell it - if I wanna get a really good idea of scent - and I’ve found that works fucking wonders for picking up everything the flavouring has to offer with your nose.

The Barrel Oak just smelled very mild and sweet until I did the ‘smear’ test: as it’s coming off my hand warm it smelled exactly like a wet, empty wooden wine barrel.

What other flavours… see there’s none I would say are terrible or that I dislike - just some I haven’t quite figured out what % to use at.

How long’s the Glazed Strawberries take to steep, when I will finally know whether I’ve found a strawberry I can taste :slight_smile:


Smell is as far as I’ve gotten since it arrived only yesterday, but it’s certainly on-point with how really good fresh picked strawberries smell when completely ripe.


Oh, are all their other Strawberries pretty average or what?


I haven’t tried most of the other strawberries from VTA. The shisha I recall was pretty good but when I tried that I had another favourite at the the time and didn’t give it a fair crack.

I have a cart building at Vapetrain and may just add a few other strawberries for good luck


So they probably all are a safe bet: if they can do two that’re good, the other two or three should be just as good, though any iced version might score low simply because not everyone liked iced/mentholated flavours.


And fingers crossed for that strawberry & cream.

Those two creams plus milk will take a week and since I didn’t get any obvious strawberry when fresh mixed, I’ll assume that’ll need a few days too.

Plus Raw Sugar, but that’s (one of the few) shake & vape flavours I now have… that and the blueberry are the only two, I think.


I find most of the VTA suit my palette, I did have the strawberry milk but gave it away because it was on one of my first orders and I didn’t realise it was a concentrate.
Poor fella I gave it to vaped it straight :rofl::rofl::rofl:



Same: I’ve only heard one mention of a flavour not being top-shelf in quality too, think it was Gazza telling us the English Toffee was far too weak even after steeping a week or so.

Other than that I’ve not heard a bad word about any flavour, and none of the ones I’ve ordered have been anything but great.

  • The banana I haven’t used much but that’s just Banana overdose or fatigue on my part, the flavour itself smells and tastes fine.
  • The blueberry, oviously as I said last night isn’t my fave, but no bberry is after Jam Monster so that’s nothing against the VTA version of the flavour itself.
  • The Glazed Strawberry: I’ve never been able to taste strawberry in vape juice, so if I can taste this one that’ll be a miracle in itself, which I can do now I’ve tried it in a mix for two days but it’s still not powerfully strawberry the way the banana is - it also smells great and what little I’m tasting from the mixes tastes great too.

Every other flavour I’ve got no problem tasting, no problem with off-notes.

The Red Date is exceptional and the macadamia truly tastes as rich and buttery as the nut itself does.

That combination of Red Date + Macadamia is basic without other background notes, but it’s very realistic-tasting after just a 3 day steep and I’m certain with some playing around with %s plus a few accent notes that could be an awsome ADV.

Barrel Oak - that’ll go well with the Date and Nut too, which I’m trying not to use in everything.

Trying not to use several flavours in everything: it’s pretty easy to do that, and pretty easy to end up with a homogeneous ‘sameness’ you can’t figure out without realizing you’re adding one flavour to everything that’s tinting everything across the board into tasting similar.

Harder too when you’re only accumulating dessert-based flavours that all go together, because your natural inclination is to add a bit of all sorts of shit, so I’ve got good at stopping myself from adding a flavour that goes with everything, TO everything.