First time post!

don’t over react. just treat it like its paint thinner that doesn’t stink.


and practice pouring water into a small bottle so your not practicing with your nic.

and idk if it stains stuff, i don’t think so, so be carefull of that anyway. i just did mine on my granite countertop. wet rag to wipe up, rinse if you spill some.


Make sure that you don’t have any distractions and keep pets and kids well out of the way. I always use rubber gloves and my glasses to protect my eyes and do any decanting over the kitchen sink so that if there are any spillages it doesn’t go over the floor or worktops. I make sure that I have everything ready before I start and use a small funnel which helps no end and just take my time and concentrate on the task in hand. You will be fine so long as you take good precautions.


I just cleaned out one of the amber bottles you sent me line for. Your’e not kidding, practice! I might use a funnel. I think I made a huge mistake. I ordered 100mg mixed with vg and another mixed with pg.


well, you have what you have, run with it. how much did you buy ?


Would it be an issue to use clear boston rounds for freezer storage if that’s all one has on hand?

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that is what i used. i keep them in the boxs they came in = safe and dark.


ok getting my shit together now. I did in fact order all in w/ pg so that’s good.
5 x 50ml 100mg
1 x 250ml 100mg
1 x 500ml 100mg
Oh and they threw in a sample of 50ml of 6mg with vg.

So, how much should I keep out of the freezer for mixing.


I use the funnel that comes with the plastic bottles I use to mix. I take a paper clip and put it on the narrow end of the funnel. The paper clip keeps the air in the bottle to escape. It speeds up the process and keep the base flowing and not sealing against the funnel and glass walls.
Pour slowly and watch your levels in the funnel. As the bottle fills up make sure to keep the levels low to keep from over filling. You will be fine.
Large batch transfer I fill ketchup bottle and squirt into my glass.


:thinking: i thought you were getting a lot more than that ?

i use a 60ml dropper bottle as a working bottle, kept in the fridge.

did/do you keep any/all of your old juice bottles ? have a glass one ?


oh the paper clip idea is genius!


I got a bit overwhelmed and only ordered that amount. Thought I’d order more tomorrow, that is if we still can. I do have a few bottles left over that I’m cleaning out right now. I just received all of my syringes and blunt tip needles. This is making me think I now need a scale. Ordering one today.


@Scotty in a PINCH, that will work to prevent the UNEXPECTED, and direct splashing into your eyes. Goggles are BEST, but something, is better than nothing.

NO KIDS, NO PETS anywhere near when you are doing this. Leave around 1" of headspace on the top of each bottle to allow for expansion/contraction. Tightly cap, tape with electrical tape if you have any handy. Label with manufacturer/date codes or whatever you like. Ziplock them, getting as much air out of each bag as you can, and deep freeze.


You are LUCKY @jinx_d. The UNEXPECTED can and will happen, especially when you’re handling high concentrate NIC, and I’ve had it happen to me. Spills, broken caps, BURST bottles. It CAN happen. So in this public forum, we advocate SAFETY FIRST.



@Scotty That’s high enough if you get it in your eye, or on your skin, and can be FATAL for kids, and animals.


PERFECT. Hard, slick surface, IN CASE the UNEXPECTED happens.


@Scotty, NONE (technically) You want ALL of your NIC to LIVE in the freezer. You only want to remove/open/close ONE bottle at a time, that way you are not oxidizing ALL of your NIC. Just keep one as a WORKING bottle, and the rest as DEEP STORAGE bottles. Once the first one is empty, move onto the NEXT single bottle.


Using a funnel with a “creased” tip can just make everything easier.


So I will have 2 @ 32ml bottles of Nic in deep freeze storage. That’s about 2,000 ml.
I think. I will eventually need to break into the larger bottles to fill my working bottle. That could cause a lot of x’s to open the deep freeze bottle no?


So… going out on a limb here, Steam Crave, isn’t that in NZ?