First time post!

It’s just a single third-grade maths equation and written-out so she doesn’t have to do it herself: in case she doesn’t get her hands on scales by the time her base arrives and wants to mix a recipe she mentioned this morning, without having to stress about getting her numbers wrong on the first attempt.

A quick instant mix: all sorted for her and ready to go.

I mix by weight too, but I still start with percentages because they’re universally consistent.


Welcome, Scotty :smile: I love me some custard, too. You might be surprised to find out that some of your favorite juices are simple 3-5 flavor recipes. Sometimes 2! It’s not always about complexity but the ability to choose the right combinations and percentages.

I won’t add anything more because you got some great advice already from the other members. Just hang in there, stick around and I bet you’ll make yourself a great custard.


I AM NOT CALM. I just transferred a shit ton of 100mg nicotine to my first 32 ounce amber bottle and I repeat, I AM NOT CALM. :slight_smile: Anyway, nothing splashed on me so I guess that’s good. On the other hand, my kitchen sink has never been so clean.


That makes sense until I sit down and mix it. I will be asking questions. I’m still traumatized over the whole nic situation and now am thinking about what it will be like to work with 30 0r 60ml of 100mg nic solution. I rather scared me a bit.


also yuck, no sweet almond, toasted:)


on that note, Nic arrived but pg/ vg is still somewhere between Nude Nicotine and my house! No mixing happening tonight:(


No need to be: you’ll see… after a few times you’ll just wipe your hands on your shirt and call 'em washed :slight_smile:


Sweet Almond = Toasted Almond :slight_smile:

Gave me some object connect error when I tried to edit it, so we’ll just call almond almond :smirk:

I remembered ‘almond’ and ‘cotton candy’ anyway: thus absorbing the important bits :wink:


Not saying you are wrong but for a new mixer easier imo to use the calculator. Hopefully her syringes are marked well. The calculator takes the guess work completely out of the equation. No second guessing if you’re using the right amount.


omg really? I seriously wore protective eye wear, nitwhatever gloves, rinsed bottles and caps afterwords and cleaned my kitchen like never before!! I never worry about spilling e juice on myself but this really did a number on my head!


Yeah but she hasn’t got scales yet.

I wanted to give her a ready-to-go mix she could just use without worrying about errors in calculations that she can mix without scales: she can’t mix by weight with no scales.

I figured they’d be in every tobacconist, chemist, department store and someone else suggested jewelers but she hasn’t been able to get any yet and though she can order the linked scales, they will take days to get there so until then, there’s a custard she can have steeping while she waits using only syringes.

The 0.15 might be tricky, but 1mL syringes should have gradient lines for .2, .4, .6 etcetera so I spose 3/4 way to the 0.2 line would be 0.15mL.


Always wash anything that you spill nic on including your skin. Safe practice to develop from the beginning.


Someone else mentioned the ONLY concern I would have with 100mg base, think it was Phil_Fish, that if you’ve got pets or kids who might get spilled nicotine base on them, THAT could quickly get serious.

If your cat comes by and licks some up THAT would get serious pretty fast, but that’d be my only real concern with the stuff :slight_smile:

Still wash your hands by all means, and wear gloves etcetera if you want, but don’t panic about it :slight_smile:

I got some in my eye while mixing last week. Stung like a bitch but that was about it.


I’ve gotten a little nic on my skin; I didn’t start smoking :rofl: and it didn’t burn but I’m not advocating carelessness either. Just trying to calm your nerves a little.


So… should I leave out about 60ml of the nic to play with or maybe half that amount?


Yes, see how long it takes to go through that. Can put it in the fridge or freezer between uses.


Yeah 60mL should last quite a few mixes :+1:


Nitrile: gloves of choice for cleaners everywhere :slight_smile:

We don’t touch any filthy school surface where filthy kids have spread their filthy filth without them on :mask::sneezing_face::face_with_thermometer::face_with_head_bandage::nauseated_face:

Walking around with their fingers up their noses to their wrists all day then picking nasty shit off the ground before shoving their fingers in their mouths then back up their noses again.

Kids are filthy creatures.

Blugh :face_vomiting:

Wait: here is an actual teacher’s coffee mug from Springwood Primary School I took a pic of one afternoon…

Back when we were at school of course, teachers at least had the decency to call us maggots to our faces :smirk:


And while I was there, I found a drawing of a lovesick bee I drew, apparently about the same time since its only a few photos away…

Sad because his girlfriend at the time was a complete f$@%in’ bitch.


Anyway, back on topic: mix some damn juice already!

500 posts in five days - gotta be a record right? :smirk:

Look at all the posts started a year ago still on their knees; crawling around the 200-post mark…
