First time post!

She is reaaally good value this chick.

@Scotty YOU are very good value.

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For me a blackcurrant is like a cross between a blackberry and a blueberry (or even cranberry). It’s difficult to get an accurate take on a blackcurrant flavor as I see many people calling certain brands ‘authentic’ within the ELR notes, I do however wonder how many have actually tried a real blackcurrant as apparently they were banned in America back in 1911. The majority of times it is compared to Ribena and other blackcurrant drinks which are often mixed with other fruits including apples and raspberries. I know taste is subjective, but with that being said - as a person who used to pick blackcurrants and whose favorite jam (and still is) was homemade by both my mother and grandmother, Inawera for me is the most authentic.


I’ve been here for -0°C whether in winter, though not often quite as low as -9, it frequently flickers from -2°C to +5°C .in the small hours of the morning during winters.

BUT, it’s rarely minus zero around the middle of the day.

The real killer here that makes Katoomba ridiculous-cold throughout winter is the wind-chill factor: we get winds blowing down from Mount Victoria that’re COLD AS DEATH and the majority of the time they just never stop blowing, so if it’s a balmy 9°C, add that freeeezing wind and iunno it sure feels like 0°C.

Problem with a wind like that is it instantly gusts away any body heat you’ve got build-up under your layers and keeps doing it continually, so even with all the layers and down, once that wind starts there’s nothing but cold whatev goe outside at any time if day.

The whole town feels like a crypt when it’s like that :skull::skull_and_crossbones::skull:


Not this little black duck: never had an opportunity to eat a fresh blackcurrent.

I’ve eaten dried ones in those dried berry fruit mixes, but that’s not even worth mentioning as fruit, compared to fresh.


I agree. To say a blackcurrant is like Ribena is not at all accurate in my opinion. We used to pick them as kids too and though there is a slight similarity between real and Ribena, it’s just not the same.

Never Vaped any though so can’t help there, however other INW flavours seem fairly accurate to my taste so will take @KiwiPete at his word for that.


Oh my GOD these f$#%ingIDIOTS with the wannabe garage band down the street…

/rant removed, because the low-grade practice noise has stopped and I’m calm again.

I love music mind you, but sure as shit don’t like having no choice whether I hear it or not.

Ear-raping the entire street with noise pollution is all it amounts to.


Alright it’s finally stopped, thank f$#%.

As for fruits, I just hope the strawberry I ordered tastes something like even artificial strawberry.

Of the three commercial juices I’ve bought with strawberry as a primary flavour - all either strawberry & milk or strawberry milkshake, none of them every had even a hint of strawberry in them that I could taste.



I’ve just tasted that 15mL bottle of 50mg/mL freebase I converted to salts last week with Citric Acid, incidentally.

No off-taste, no aftertaste, no roughness or coughing: it’s as smooth as any commercial salt, with only the flavourings I added being present.

As I mentioned in some other thread: the fact it’s so vapable at 50mg/mL tells us it’s successfully converted to salts, because that level of freebase would have made my lungs explode.


Note to self: stop by asian grocery hole-in-the-wall on way home tomorrow and ask for MSG.

It’s remarkable really that in a town as tiny as Katoomba - with it’s population of only 7,000 local residents give or take a few hundred - that we’d get a dedicated asian grocery store open at all when we’ve already got a Coles, Woolies and Aldi all within a town area barely a single square kilometer in size.

Even more remarkable that (since discovering an unexplained fascination for stir-fry noodles) I’ve even bothered using the major supermarkets ‘Asian food’ section like I forgot there was the Asian grocery shop or something.

I should probably try shifting that fascination to Italian, but I’m already great with improvised summery pastas like fresh basil and cherry tomatoes, make excellent bolognese and a lasagna that’s so good it actually gives a warm endorphin rush when eaten: traditional sauce (with actual beef and pork mince), super creamy bechemel (no weak hippie substitutes like ‘lite cottage cheese’) and a half kilo of mixed cheese baked golden brown over those 4-5 layers of awesome.

Maximum calories, but that’s how lasagna is meant to be and it tastes authentic because every component is authentic.

There’s just no point feigning modesty with a meal so good: Garfield would LEAVE Jon for my lasagne

Perfect winter dish, too.

Noodles though, are something I’ve never tried to experiment with in my life until recently.

Also note to self: plus shop in there for something else that’s not too weird, to add to selection of noodle condiments


Fake second account of a regular or a new bot someone’s testing.

Or both, simultaneously.

Lol, well I’d hope so. Unfortunately your getting panic mode vibes from me at the moment. That’s no way to operate or live and certainly not for anyone else either. The past few days I’ve been pretty upset about the vape mail ban. Now I’m just mad.

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Good morning! :slight_smile:

Same same. I’ve never tasted actual strawberry with any commercial juice. Maybe it’s the nic that doesn’t allow the flavour to come through?

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That’s alright: get angry - bit of angry can kick arse :slight_smile:

This is a pretty big achievement no? Sounds way too complicated. How difficult is the process?

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I dunno, but I remember being so stoked to have ordered a bottle of Cuttwood’s Unicorn Milk, having read the description that read full of fat promises using words like “Luscious” and “Exquisitely Hand-crafted” and “Fresh strawberry” and “lashings of milk”

When it arrived, I’ve cracked the cap, filled my tank and tasted… nothing

Little but of milk, but really that just equated to smoothness, strawberries? Not even a vague background taste of them…

I think it remarkable the fact that you live in Katoomba. I didn’t realize they had an asian market. Win win!!

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Not really, no it’s well: since the ratio of acid to freebase is 1:1, I calculated how much freebase was in the 10mL or whatever I started with: 100mg x 10 = 1 gram, then weighed up 1 gram of Citric acid crystals, then decided that I should use a bit less to ensure ALL the CA binds with the freebase - so there’s no ‘loose’ acid just sitting undesolved in the liquid.

Tipped the CA crystals in the freebase liquid, shook it once - that’s it.

It’s so easy in fact, I wondered why nobody else seems to be doing it - thought maybe it must taste nasty with Citric acid or something, because commercial nic salt is made with Benzoic Acid instead of Citric, but Citric can be used.

It doesn’t though: tastes exactly like the salt base I bought a few weeks ago.

Why remarkable?

The little Asian market is certainly remarkable :smirk:

Though ‘market’ is a generous word to describe a single room about the size of an average bedroom :slight_smile:

Tiny little shop, but it’s stuffed with the kind of food I don’t even know how to identify, and much of which I have no desire to put in my mouth, but also lots I can identify and do want to eat.

Oh, the market only opened like, a year ago or so - next to the laundromat in that block Aldi is in near the YHA :slight_smile:

I have never tried Cutttwood Unicorn Milk but it is highly revered here in the states. The only commercial company I have found that comes close to replicating strawberry - Beantown Vapor, Oh Face. Even then, it’s a stretch to say it taste like strawberry. There was another that came in a pink bottle much like Nestle Quick strawberry milk - not sure if Quick was ever in Oz. However, loved the juice but it had no strawberry taste - whatsoever.

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