First time post!

You lost me at ratio. :slight_smile:

Of course we have Nesquik :roll_eyes:

My taste buds are not so into the level of sugar in that, but I will still eat Milo dry by the spoonful…

Almost ruins it, adding milk to Milo - it’s like the perfect amount of sugar so it tastes exactly like chocolate that’s been made, crunchy :slight_smile:

1 gram of freebase + 1 gram of Citric Acid = 1 gram of salt nicotine.

How’s that? :slight_smile:

It DID have a slightly, acidic taste when I first mixed it, because it disolved within two hours I figured I’d vape some and try, and though it was almost entirely tasteless it had a really feint back-taste of something.

But after being left a few days to properly absorb into the liquid, there’s no longer that very minor note of acid - I assume because it’s had time to fully merge with the PG shrug

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I love Katoomba and usually end every trip with one day spent there hiking around. It is one of my favorite places to spend time. Renews the spirit, clears the head and helps me slow down and realize I am small in the grand scheme of it all and stop taking every damn thing so seriously.

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Most notably though, the very strength of the freebase I started with would’ve made my lungs die isntantly if it hadn’t turned salt, but with the CA dissolved, even that first fresh taste I could very easily inhale all 50mg/mL liquid with the same lung-feel of the commercial salts I’ve bought at the same mg.

I think …

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This is intriguing and influencing enough that I might give salts another chance.

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It’s a cute little town :slight_smile:
I lived in the Jamison Valley with the animals when I first arrived: Guido is a real Possum - the dominant male in a group of 6 or 7 (8 or nine after two of the females had joeys that I got to pat),

Guido, Bobbi, Daisy, Hotdog - I had names for each, because the’re territorial so I’d get the same possums every night for dinner :slight_smile:


Post a picture of them please!!!

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You know, the ONLY thing I can see that would be a reason nobody seems to have tried it, is similar to yeah: stuck, old person thinking that’s common online, even from non-old people.

Like the sheer amount of times I’ve read on reddit you should ONLY use “Bleached organic cotton” for wicking on a tank.

Again and again I’d see it, along with shit like “if it’s not organic it’s got bleach in it der!” and from people who have never even bothered to GOOGLE how cotton is made: if they did, they’d know the ‘bleach’ used is peroxide and it’s long since evaporated before that cotton EVER gets near the packaging it goes in, yet people still parrot what they’ve read without question.

Old-people thinking: that’s just how it’s always done, so that must be of course the only way to EVER do it.

Same with converting freebase > salts I think: plenty of people on reddit I’ve seen mention using Benzoic Acid to convert to salts, because that’s listed in the Juul patent as one of the acids they use in their disposables, but nobody seems to have even tried a different acid to Benzoic.

Well no, not nobody: one or two people mention it worked fine with CA and nobody else wanted to try.

Because that’s just not how it was done in one patent for one disposable!

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There’s thousands of photos, You!

This is by far amazing work. Are you happy with the end result?

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so now instead I have to pull up a google image of a random possum to get my kicks. Damn it!

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I was out there for 16 months and kept a complete daily photo diary of everything.

Since it’s you though, I will go through and pick out some of the better animal pics and give you your show & tell tomorrow :smirk:

It’s almost bed now :frowning:

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Sadly, until I’ve cherry-picked the juicier fruits, yes :slight_smile:

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I did post a few pics here a while ago now, but posts and threads get buried so fast I don’t even remember the thread they were in, and they were only a handful compared to what I have.

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Hmmm :thinking:

Alright it’s bedtime about, once I get ready and do it.

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Ah well maybe by the time you rise I will have concocted my first mix. Still deciding what to make and the bloody scale is still in transit.

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Amazing because I spotted the repetition of parroting without consideration or trying anything new by the vast majority of people you mean?

Actually trying it was simple, and easy :slight_smile:

And certainly, I’m happy with an end result that’s indistinguishable from commercial salt base.

I will limit myself to only vape the converted salt I made tomorrow, then at the end of the day report back on whether there’s anything different about it, though it doesn’t seem any different in the vaping I’ve done of it so far.

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Just remember: for a 6mg mix, with 100mg/mL base that’s 6% of the mix.

I actually want to graduate down in nic. Is it possible to move in increments of 6mg to 5mg or does that make the math impossible?

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