First time post!

When you go to the recipe side. All of the recipes in the database will appear. At the top of the page will be a search bar. Type in Grants vanilla Custard. The recipe will show up. Click on it. Blue wrench icon will appear on the right. Click adapt recipe. Enter your nic level / size you are making. Save.

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I’m afraid I will be disappointed in the result. Plain and simple. In the meantime, I have to source more nic.

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you need to quote. highlight what you are replying to, then click quote

Failures are integral to becoming a good mixer. Embrace a failure, because you will learn more from that than a success. Success is enabled by failure.

Ask Henry Ford about his first two car companies. Ask Babe Ruth how many at bats it took him to hit 60 home runs in a season.


Appreciate the pro tip!! I obviously have never participated in online forum of any type in the past.

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well, the software for this forum is different than most others. most others have a simple quote button.

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Fully aware of this, however, sometimes it’s good to just embrace the moment, celebrate that moment, honor it. I will move when it feels right.

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when you get your scale ! lol

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I did just add flavors and did a quick search for recipes and zip came up. That seems odd.

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That happened to me too: Sherlock Holmes appeared to look, but spat out nada.

BUT, I’ve only really got one brand of flavourings: since most recipes use multiple brands I wasn’t too surprised it didn’t find anything.

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Okay so I’ve already determined to be the guinea-pig myself for using CA to convert freebase => salts, because everyone else is too chickenshit to even try it.

Today, I’ll use only the converted product I created myself a few days ago now: a full day should be a decent enough test-drive for how my tongue feels after a while, whether I get dizzy or fall over or start nose-bleeding all over myself.

Nothing like this has even seemed like happening and I don’t believe anything will, but someone’s gotta do it.

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The yellow colouring is the Pudding Base and Acetyl Pyrazine I’ve added to it and I’m not even sure how many mg/mL it is exactly, no wait I do.

  • Started with 5mL 100mg freebase.
  • Added 400mg of citric acid.
  • Cut it down by approximately half with VG to around 50mg/mL
  • Added flavourings and topped up with VG again.

So, 33.33mg/mL approximately.

Still smooth, five days after shaking-in the acid and leaving in the cupboard.

Feels a bit stronger too, but I’ve been vaping mixes with 6mg:18mg freebase:salts lately, so it is stronger.

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Makes me wonder if they couldn’t do this (yeah, WITH added cost), like FFL transfers. Buy whatever, wherever, have it shipped to local vape shop (if you have one), then THEY card you, tack on a few %, and you get your stuff.


look whaat i got today ! WOW ! this is thanx to our/my new friend Scotty.
Thank You soooooo much ! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:
above and beyond, i am at a loss for words :blush:

i am trying the one you said sucked, i am going to give it some time, but yeah, it sucks :rofl:

thats the rig i am using it in. GRUS & Elder Dragon


A cache of juice!

Score :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


That lemon pudding looking one … third from the right doesn’t look like it would suck,… just going by the packaging though which isn’t exactly a sound way of judging flavour :smirk:


What did I miss?

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and… drum roll, I just made this but upped the vg to 25 and pg 75
Grants Vanilla Custard my way :

3.00% French Vanilla (CAP)
3.00% New York Cheesecake (CAP)
4.00% Vanilla Custard (TPA)

Flavor total: 10%
Remember to rate it at:


Oh, SO much :slight_smile:

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It is, it’s more a lemon biscuit.