First time post!

alright, before I clean up this mess, anything I can make with yellow cake or yellow cupcake as a shake and vape?


Also, the mixture smelled ok but I see what you mean about steeping the custards. The mix is almost clear. Going to leave the top off for a few days and see what happens. Has a slight alcohol smell, but who’s complaining about that, not me! Love a good cocktail anytime of day!


Tasting vapable fresh?

And did your scales arrive or using syringes?


VARIOUS reasons?

You don’t have to create a new thread though: I’m content to be watching the post-count climb each day personally :smirk:

And I’m also happy to be parked in any thread where I can lunge off-topic and not be told to get back on it :sunglasses:

And good job!


No. Will need to steep. I imagine if I upped the vanilla custard maybe but in the cupboard it goes. Yep, tiny scale arrived. Didn’t realize how the values would change with such a little amount of push on the syringe or squeeze of the bottle.


I would try it as a single flavour: simply because I’ve heard it mentioned SO many times and would be curious how it tastes without anything else.


Yeah it’s like there’s a few milliseconds of lag/latency when the liquid splashes in the bottle as the scale registers it.

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All the creams and dairy I’ve mixed are the same as the custard: I could taste almost nothing - just a slight hint - when fresh.

2 days later they’re suddenly tastable.

5 days later they’re very tastable.


Perfectly described.


Is that around the wrong way? Would make it very thin as a liquid…

Overnight perhaps or just an hour or two, but the flavour tends to lessen too with the top off.

Would then require a longer steep :slight_smile:


No! No need to air out your mix. Open air you will loose flavor. The lite molecules in the flavors will want to escape. Leave the cap on and leave it alone till you decide to taste it.


Oh and we’re testing our 33.33mg/mL home-made nicotine salt on the usual…

Oops: and the usual tank…

Still fine, still tasting smooth with no off notes and no chunky gobs of snot forming at the back of my throat.

Still vapes like any commercial salt I’ve tried.

On the edge of getting the nic sickies though from several large hits in a row.


I assumed that was a typo :smirk:


wait what? It said in one of the grants recipes to leave the top off for a week, lol!


well backwards, so 75vg 25pg


-nod- :wink:

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Last two packets of pure MSG :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:



I just had another thought!!

MSG has long been considered within the culinary world an exceptionally effective flavour enhancer

Soluble, pure crystals of MSG that enhance flavour @Scotty!!!

Do I even need to continue explaining where I’m going with my thinking??


It’s a old wives tale. No need to leave any bottle open. You’re mix will actually loose flavor if you leave it open. Flavors are chemicals. They are a mix of molecules bouncing around. The lite flavors lemon and such bounce around faster than heavy flavors like heavy creams. They bounce right out of open bottle. One of the biggest reasons flavors fade. Even your individual flavor bottles should be caped right after use.
Back in the day many flavors were extracted with alcohol. Alcohol was/is harsh to vape. Now flavors are synthetic. A bottle was left open to vent off the alcohol for short periods. Hours not day. Today there is no need.
Some flavor house’s still extract with alcohol but that’s a lesson for another day.


Course I’ll be adding it to dinner tonight and, well every other night now I’ve got plenty of it, so I’ll get a chance to taste it in actual food a while, as I consider this additional idea.

We’ve all heard on the grapevine that MSG is best suited to savoury flavours, but not that it’s NOT too be used with sweet and imagine: a rich, creamy custard that - like Killer Custard - isn’t sweet like a dessert flavour but with the artificial sweetness left out and only the smallest amount of brown/raw sugar or similar added to keep that custard omit just a little sweeter than savoury.

It would mostly be rich, thick, buttery and vanilla tinted: surely MSG could benefit a mix like that…

Haven’t even finished with the DIY Freebase=>Salt Conversion experiment and I’ve got the MSG experiment queued to go…

Before I even commit to vaping MSG let alone actually add it to a mix, I will weigh a small amount of crystals and add them to a similarly small amount of PG to start dissolving.

And while I will google MSG usage to check how much I’ll be adding in dinners to maximize that magical flavour-enhancement, but without even looking I already know that obviously won’t apply to eliquid because eliquid isn’t a frypan full of noodles.

I’ll want to add as little MSG as possible to a juice mix which will be mm, how much… a drop per mix.

How much flavour-enhancement should be in one drop?

Don’t know, I’ve never owned pure MSG before, let alone use it.

Guess I’d want a few crystals in each drop - whatever that weighs-up as.


Yeah a whopping couple of molecules a day maybe.

Liquids can only dissipate in accordance with the amount of surface area exposed to the air they’re meant to ‘bounce right out’ into: she isn’t pouring her juice onto a dinner plate and leaving it on a window-sill, she’s keeping it in a bottle that’s already almost completely enclosed - even with the lid off - and with not even a square inch of exposed surface area the number of flavour molecules that do manage to crawl away from that tiny surface area are insignificant and you’re making out like all her flavour bottles will be bone-dry and completely empty if she leaves a cap off a few hours.

That is so condescending: as if telling her how to air alcohol out of a mix would be too much info for her ditzy little brain to hold onto and it’s hardly a ‘lesson’: one single line of text would’ve told her everything she needed to know to put her mind at ease and you give her trite adolescent “Hail me, The Gatekeeper of knowledge!” bullshit.

@Scotty: put 'em in a unicorn bottle with the nib on and squidge out the old air once or twice a day for however long you’re leaving them steeping opened and you can leave the lid off like the recipe says: that is fine.

There’s also no shortage of flavours that still contain alcohol, but more importantly: she already said she can smell the alcohol and wants to get rid of it: your answer is a whole post full of exaggerated hysteria about the HORRORS of some flavour molecules escaping.