First time post!

Tonight’s noodles, incidentally, where exceptionally good.

I don’t KNOW whether it was the MSG made them that way because I didn’t split it in half and only add the condiment to ONE half of the meal, but I’ll certainly be doing that tomorrow night because that, is the only way to be able to tell.

I CAN say, I’ve never made a plate of noodles that’s tasted better than tonights.

before you put the msg is a vape, you should put an amount in water, let it fully dissolve, then let it sit for a while.

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I got busy eating it with food and forgot to start dissolving some, but I’ve already got my solvent: I’ll just chuck some straight in a few mLs of PG.

I don’t have distilled water anyhow, though our tap water’s pretty clean, but PG should to the trick.

Citric Acid dissolves completely in 2 hours in it, so the MSG should too since they’re little crystals… like salt, but clear and longer.

I’ve also got the strong urge to google and read up about MSG just in how it works, more I’ve got two full bags of the shit :smirk:

At a 1/4 teaspoon per meal that’s a good number of enhanced dinners I have ahead of me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

yeah, “I” would dissolve some in water, a fair amount. ymmv

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Why water?

I am open to a change of trajectory of the logic is there :slight_smile:

to see if it produces an oil slick.

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Ahhh. Yeah sure I’ll test some in water first.

Because safety is my middle name :wink:

They look super clean and clear, but I wouldn’t have a clue how they’re manufactured … or what from…

Or what Umami translates to…

But I know that at $1 per 50g packet it’s like WOW I’m starting to truly appreciate the benefits of asians being so cheap :sunglasses:

This brings up another thought. MSG is added to enhance flavor, so flavor concentrates are used to do the very same? Or?

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Yes, yes I’m afraid you probably do! You lost me at the bags of MSG.

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I dunno, but it’s going to be inside my flavour concentrates pretty soon :sunglasses:

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Nope I don’t :slight_smile:


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Oh, before I go, it’s the end of a full day vaping DIY 33% citric acid salts.


  • No tightness in my lungs
  • No weird effects on my taste buds
  • No snotty acidic buildup on the back of my tongue or anywhere else
  • No dryness or throat discomfort
  • No coughing, at all, all day.

The salt mix tastes just like any commercial salt I’ve tried - base or juice - without any harshness or side effects at all.

I’ve vaped about, what 7mL of it dripping throughout the day and night and it carries the Pudding Base and AP just fine, which has been all that’s come through all day, and just as tastily as any other base.

I will be mixing-up more when this little bottle’s gone, since it only took that 3-4 day ‘steep’ for the CA to merge itself with the liquid thoroughly and lose that tiny background note of,… whatever it was.

Wasn’t acid so much and so minor it’s hard to even place but it was also only there when I vaped the converted freebase mix only 2-hours after dumping the CA crystals into the freebase, base - which wasn’t reaaally enough time for 400mg of citric crystals to reaaally soak into the base anyway.

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I could not hold out and tested my recipe this a.m. Utter rubbish! Barely any flavor. I did notice no nic peppery taste so I suppose that’s good. Moved down from 6mg to 5mg. Will test again after another five days. Disappointed to say the least.

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make another bottle, double the flavors, but not the nic. if this turns out ok, you know where to go. if the first bottle steeps out better/good, you can cut the double bottle in half and still use it.


Are you seriously talking about vaping MSG ??
If so, you shouldn’t post this on a public forum. We really don’t want to advocate vaping non-safe products.



People put saline, sucralose, citric acid (for flavour enhancement too, in tiny amounts for fruit liquids) and plenty other additives to their juices.

MSG is just another chemical: so little would be needed too it can’t be much worse than everything else in a bottle that’s already filled with chemicals.


Yeah, I’m not totally convinced of that. Any time you are in a public forum, you have to be careful what you recommend to others, as dangerous results can occur. I think vaping unproven additives, chemicals, enhancers, is risky, and best left in private.


Talking about about three grains per 10mL.

That’s looking pretty safe on paper to me :slight_smile:



@SessionDrummer there :smirk:

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I’ve a feeling it won’t give me the flavour enhancement I am expecting anyway: because the CA salts turned out flawlessly, this is bound to have less impressive results.

It’s how the universe just works.