First time post!

No, not fascinating, just better: it multiplies any flavour that’s already there - like fkn sorcery.

Toasted Almond. Its smells nice but haven’t tried it yet. Only had this maybe with Five Pawns, or Ripe Vapes. My experience with diy is nill.

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No no: you’ve just woken up - it’s 7am isn’t it?

6:18 AM…

Never mind, I misread it :smirk:

In a pinch, I will eat a 1/4 with cheese. Had one a few years back because no other food options. Really good, so bad for you. Naughty food.

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You’re going too fast for my tiny male brain Babe!! Geesh…

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Unsure but it was quite controversial many years back. I never truly thought to shop for it at the market. I will give it a look next time I’m at the Asian market.

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I ALWAYS feel physically I’ll and nauseous after eating McDonalds, … always.

But like the poisoned blackberries I eat anyway because the stomach cramps haven’t happened and they taste good :slight_smile:

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ha, as one of my best male friends in Oz says, “mere mortal males can’t multi task”

Or ordinary supermarkets.

But I know: I remember all the “MSG IS EVIL” media about it and, well actually it WAS a while ago now, but yes it was very well demonized.

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Was he using only his thumb on a touchscreen phone?

Lemme open my laptop and I’ll run rings around your reply-output :smiling_imp:

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Wait til I wick this annoying tank and have both hands free…

Truly doubtful…

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Oh we will seeee about that heeey! :flushed:

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Hey? I really don’t think so however, I am on two laptops right now.

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ALMOST used Woman! where the ‘heeey!’ is, then instantly calculated the shitfit I might get from, well everyone who’s too highly strung around here, and backed out :roll_eyes:

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Ooooh… wow let mr finish this tank…

YOU, will see :slightly_smiling_face:

wouldn’t have bothered me.

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I KNEW it wouldn’t bother you …

There’s literally no emoticon that expresses what I want to…

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I still haven’t discovered where they are located. But trust, I will!

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I don’t even have a words-per-minute, because I broke it.

THAT’S how fast I type.

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